of 170, n30, F00 shipping poirs, 00 al cunsomers who puchase this menchand an. However, no cash dacount is avalicile tive dave relate to wagen pereble shat wewe arereat in the pried rear. corgent ken, itreice doted Janeare 13 . dacoset, wat 1436 , Thted Hotch 95 . The folowing addiona focts are avalible for arepering od ustments on March 31 prior fo frianciet state-iont focepara A. The March 31 amount of computer suppies stil avalable soeais 52,025 . 4. Prepare an income statement (from the adjusted trial balance in part 3) for the three months ended March 31, 2022. (a) Use a single-step format. List all expenses without differentiating between selling expenses and general and administrative (b) Use a multiple-step format that begins with gross sales (service revenues plus gross product sales) and includes separate expenses. categories for net sales, cost of goods sold, selling expenses, and general and administrative expenses. Categorize the following accounts as selling expenses: Wages Expense, Mileage Expense, and Advertising Expense. Categorize the remaining expenses as general and administrative. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Income Statement For Three Months Ended March 31, 2022 BUSINESS,SOLUTIONS Income Statement For Three Months Ended March 31, 2022 of 170, n30, F00 shipping poirs, 00 al cunsomers who puchase this menchand an. However, no cash dacount is avalicile tive dave relate to wagen pereble shat wewe arereat in the pried rear. corgent ken, itreice doted Janeare 13 . dacoset, wat 1436 , Thted Hotch 95 . The folowing addiona focts are avalible for arepering od ustments on March 31 prior fo frianciet state-iont focepara A. The March 31 amount of computer suppies stil avalable soeais 52,025 . 4. Prepare an income statement (from the adjusted trial balance in part 3) for the three months ended March 31, 2022. (a) Use a single-step format. List all expenses without differentiating between selling expenses and general and administrative (b) Use a multiple-step format that begins with gross sales (service revenues plus gross product sales) and includes separate expenses. categories for net sales, cost of goods sold, selling expenses, and general and administrative expenses. Categorize the following accounts as selling expenses: Wages Expense, Mileage Expense, and Advertising Expense. Categorize the remaining expenses as general and administrative. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Income Statement For Three Months Ended March 31, 2022 BUSINESS,SOLUTIONS Income Statement For Three Months Ended March 31, 2022