of the analyzed ads. In order to reduce this problem, the authors who did the tabulation of data marked the situations for which there were some doubts about the classification, discussing them with the other author, until they reached a consensus on the best way to classify each one. Fortunately, there were very few cases where this was necessary. Another limitation is the use of vacancy offers in ads (current demand) as a proxy for the activities and knowledge valued by organizations. While this is certainly true for the short term, there is no guarantee that it will extend over time, especially if companies are experiencing some adjustment due to changes in the business or technological environment. In these situations, knowledge and skills associated with activities not affected by the adjustment, and which are already available in the organization, are momentarily demanded in different amounts than those which are not available, so that their valuation would not be captured by the methodology here employed. Although this may happen, it is understood that the knowledge and skills demanded in the job posting announcements reflect what companies need, otherwise they would not seek professionals that have them. As mentioned earlier, the use of a relatively large sample size allows an unbiased result to be obtained. Interviewing executives, recruiters, job seekers and newly employed professionals could represent a natural way to further the present research, contributing to deepening the discussion on the importance of the operations management themes to organizations in the field. The discussion about the importance assigned by manufacturing and service companies to the topics of operations management is crucial for not only the results obtained, but also to stimulate the debate on topics that comprise or should comprise the body of knowledge of operations management, and the way they are incorporated into business practice. This provides an additional opportunity to reflect on the potential of operations management in supporting business managers now and in the future