On April 1, Jiro Nozomi created a new travel agency, Adventure Travel. The following transactions occurred during the company's first month. Apri1 2 Nozomi Invested 545,099 cash and computer equipment worth 535,000 in the coapany in exchange: for Its cormon stock. April 3 The company rented furnished of cice space by paying $2,500 cash for the first month's (Aprili) rent. April 4 The company purchased $1,800 of offlee supplies for cash. Apri1 10 The company paid \$2,520 cash for a 12-month insurarice policy. Coverage beglns on Apri1 11. Apn 11 it The company paid $900 cash for two weeks' salaries earned by eeployees. April 24 the company collected $11, 000 cash for comeissions reverye. Apr11 28 the compony pold 5900 cash for two weeks' salarles earned by ceployees. April 29 The company poid $300 cash for winor repales to coeputer equilpeent. Apri1 30 The coopany paid $1,550 cash for this month's telephone bil1. Apedl 30 The company pald $1,560 casb in dividends. Wse the following infortnation to prepare adjusting entries: o. Prepaid insurance of $140 expired this month. b. At the end of the month, $700 of office supplies are still avaliable. c. This month's depreciation on computer equipment is $500 d. Empioyees eamed 5310 of unpaid and unrecorded salaries os of month-end e. The company earned $2,250 of commissions revenue that is not yet recorded at month end. Required: 1. \& 2. Prepare journal entries to record the transactions for Apen and post them to ledger accounts in Requirement 68 GL tab. The company records prepaid and unearned items in balance sheet accoonts 3. Using account balances from Requlrement 68GL tab prepare an unodjusted trial balance as of Apri 30 . 4. Journalize the achusting entries tor the month, and then post to the ledger on Requirenent 68GL tab. the date. 5o. Using adjusted account balances from Requirement 68GL tab, prepare an adjusted thio balnnce as of Apil 30 . 5b. Prepace the income statement for the month of Aprili30 5c. Prepare the statement of tetained eamings for the manth of Agil 30 Sd. Prapare the balance shee at April 30 6b. Pont the joumal entries to the ledipel 7. Pigpore a posteciosing trisf bolayce Using account balances from Requirement 68 , prepare an unadjusted trial balance as of April 30