On January 1, Wei Company begins the accounting period with a $32.000 iciedit bolance in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts a. On February 1, the company determined that $7,200 in customer accounts was uncollectible specilically $1,100 for Oakher Company and $6,100 for Brookes Company Piepare the journal entry to withe off those two sccounts b. On June 5, the company unexpectedly received a 51,500 payment on a customer account Oakdey Compory, that had previausly been written off in part a Prepare the entres to reinstate the nccount and recard the cosh recelved Journal entry worksheet On february 1, the company determined that $7,200 in customer accounts wis uncollectible; specilically, $1,100 for Oakley Compamy and $6,100 for Brookes company. Prepare the fournal entry to write off those two accounts. Mot e f iter debits betane creats. Oa Janusiy 1. Wei Company begins the accounting periad with a $32.000 cieda balance in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts a. On February 1, the company determined thet $7,200 in customer occounts was uncoliectible, specifically $1,100 for Oakiey Company and $6700 for Brookes Company Prepare the jouenal entry to write off those two occounts b. On June 5 , the company unwexpectedey recelvod a $1,500 payment on a customer account Oabley Company, that had previously been written oft in part a Prepore the entries to reinstate the account and tecond the cash recemed Journal entry worksheet Rocord the reinstatement of Oakley's accourt, if necessacy Hate freter delsti befere traiki. On January 1 Wer Company begins the accounting period with a $32000 credit balance in Alowance for Doublful Accounts a. On February t, the campany determined that $7,200 in cutomer occourts wos ancolloctible, spocificaly, $1,00 for Oobley Company and $6,100 for Brookns Company Prepare the Journal ectry to wr te off those two accounts b. On June 5, the company unexpectedly rocewed a \$1,100 payeneot on a customer occount, Oakloy Company, that had previourly been witten ot in pait a. Piepate the entnes to seinsate the acceunt and record the cashrecelved. Journal entry worksheet Nheord the receigt of the amount due from Oakley