On the tab labeled SOLUTION 1, use all available data (Assumptions Row 4-Row 52, Balance Sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to Create a SALES BUDGET for the year ended December 31, 2017 Create a SCHEDULE OF EXPECTED CASH COLLECTIONS for the year ended December 31, 2017 A B On the tab labeled soLUTION 2, use all available data (Assumptions Row 4-Row S2, Balance Sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to: Create a PRODUCTION DUDGET for the year ended December 31, 2017 C On the tab labeled SOLUTION 3, use all available data (Assumptions Row 4 Row 52, Balance Sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to: D Create a DIRECT MATERIALS BUDGET for the year ended December 31, 2017 E Create a SCHEDULE OF EXPECTED CASH DISBURSEMENTS FOR PURCHASES OF MATERIALS for the year ended December 31, 2017 On the tab labeled SOLUTION 4, use all available data (Assumptions Row 4-Row 52, Balance Sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to: Create a DIRECT LABOR BUDGET for the year ended December 31, 2017 On the tab labeled SOLUTION S,use all available data (Assumptions Row 4-Row 52, Balance Sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to: G Create a MUFACTURING OVERHEAD BUDGET for the year ended December 31, a017 On the tab labeled SOLUTION 6, use all available data (Assumptions Row 4 Row 52, Balance sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to: createENDING 'IN, SHED GOODS 1NVENTORY BUDGET (absorpton costing bosss) 'or the year ended December 31, 2017 On the tab labeled SOLUTION 7,use all available data (Assumptions Row 4-Row $2, Balance sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to: createSELLING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE BUDGET for th" ye-r ended December 31, 2017 On the tab labeled SOLUTION B, use all available data (Assumptions Row 4 Row s2, Balance sheet for 2016, results from other soLUTION tabs) to: Create a CASH BUDGET for the year ended December 31, 2017 On the tab labeled sOLUTION 9,use all available data (Assumptions Row 4 Row s2, Balance Sheet for 2016, results from other SOLUTION tabs) to: On the tab labeled sOLUTION 10, use all available data(Assumptions Row 4 Row 52, Balance Sheet for 2016, results from other soLUTION tabs) to K Create BuDGETED INCOME STATEMENT (absorption costing basis) for the year ended December 31, 2017 t Create a BuDGETED BALANCE SHEET s of December 31, 2017