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Overview In this project, you will implement a simulation of the round-robin scheduling algorithm and then run it on a list of processes. The input

Overview In this project, you will implement a simulation of the round-robin scheduling algorithm and then run it on a list of processes. The input to the program will be the name of a file containing the list of processes to be scheduled, the length of time a process is unable to run when it blocks, and the quantum. The output will show the scheduling of the processes. This assignment is to be completed individually. Setup In CodeLite on your virtual machine: Create a new C++ project named Project2. Add two classes to the project, one named Process and one named RR_Scheduler. Submitting Your Assignment Compress (zip) the src folder of your CodeLite project. You will need to do this using your operating systems file manager because CodeLite does not provide a way to zip the source folder. (Its probably easier to do this on your host computer. This will work as long as your workspace is in the shared folder.) Name the zip file YourLastNameYourFirstNameProject2. Upload this zip file to Canvas before the due date. Remember that late assignments are not accepted in this course. See the syllabus for details. Command Line Your program should accept three arguments on the command line. 1. The input file name 2. block_duration: the decimal integer length that a process is unavailable to run after it blocks 3. quantum: the decimal integer length of the time slice for the round-robin scheduler An error message should be printed if the number of command line arguments is incorrect. Input Format The input file, specified as the first command line argument, contains the list of processes to schedule. All numeric values in the input file are decimal integers. The time unit doesnt matter; you can think of it as milliseconds. Each line in the input file represents one process. Lines are sorted in increasing order of arrival time. Each line contains the following data: process_name arrival_time total_time cpu_burst process_name is a sequence of non-whitespace characters representing the name of the process. arrival_time is the time at which the process arrives in the system. total_time is the total amount of CPU time which will be used by the process. 2 cpu_burst is amount of time the process will run before it blocks for I/O. When a process blocks, it is unavailable to run for the time specified by the command line argument block_duration. Assignment Your program should simulate the round-robin scheduling algorithm. You will need to maintain a simulation time in your program, starting at 0. You will determine the process to run according to the scheduling algorithm. You will need to determine when another process should be allowed to use the CPU. This could happen when the current process blocks, when its quantum has been used, or when the current process terminates. Processes that enter the system or are ready to run again after a clock interrupt or blocking should be added to the end of the ready list. Implementation notes Process class The Process class constructor should have four arguments: the name of the process, the processs arrival time, the processs total running time, and the cpu burst (amount of time before the process blocks). Remember that all member variables should be private. You may add additional member variables and member functions as needed. RR_Scheduler class The RR_Scheduler class constructor should have three arguments: the list of processes, the block_duration, and the quantum. The class should have one public member function named run. This function should have no parameters and should have a void return type. You should use private member functions to decompose your code into manageable pieces. It is your choice as to which data structures you use to implement the scheduler simulation. Your main method should: Check to see if the correct number of command line arguments is given. Read the input file and create a list of processes. Create an object of type RR_Scheduler. Call the RR_Schedulers run method to start the simulation. Output Format (See example below) All output should be written to standard output (the console window). You should first output one line containing the block_duration and the quantum as specified on the command line. These two values should be separated by a space. You should then output one line for each interval during which a process is running or the system is idle. The line should contain the current simulation time, the process name or [IDLE] if no process is running, the length of the interval, and a status code 3 indicating why the interval ended: B for blocked, Q for quantum ended, T if the process terminated, or I for an idle interval. o Each field on the line should be separated by a tab character (\t). After all processes have terminated, write the simulation time at which the last process terminated, a tab character, and the string [END] For each process you should then print the processs name, a tab character, and the processs turnaround time (one line for each process). Finally, you should then print the average turnaround time on a line by itself. The average should have two digits to the right of the decimal point. Sample input file P1 0 100 25 P2 100 150 30 P3 200 25 5 Sample output using block_duration of 20 and quantum of 20 30 20 0 P1 25 B 25 [IDLE] 30 I 55 P1 25 B 80 [IDLE] 20 I 100 P2 20 Q 120 P1 20 Q 140 P2 10 B 150 P1 5 B 155 [IDLE] 25 I 180 P2 20 Q 200 P1 20 Q 220 P3 5 B 225 P2 10 B 235 P1 5 T 240 [IDLE] 15 I 255 P3 5 B 260 [IDLE] 5 I 265 P2 30 B 295 P3 5 B 300 [IDLE] 25 I 325 P2 20 Q 345 P3 5 B 350 P2 10 B 360 [IDLE] 20 I 4 380 P3 5 T 385 [IDLE] 5 I 390 P2 30 T 420 [END] P1 240 P3 185 P2 320 248.333

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