Paragraph Styles Kim's Flowers Expenditure Cycle Requirements: The second stage of the project requires students to perform step 8 in the event-oriented modeling (as described in chapters 8 and 9). 1. Examine the standard partial solution for Kim Flowers you will find in the Course Documents section of the Blackboard site. Use the provided partial solution as a 2. In step 8 you need to convert your EER diagram into tables. Make sure that you 3. Implement the rules in chapter 9 for determining whether a table conforms to the starting point for this stage follow the procedure described in chapter9 first, second, or third nommal form. 4. Normalize tables that are not in the 3nd normal form. S. Make sure thatall your tables are normalized (each table shouldbe in the 3d normal form). You should submit a list of all your tables, the attributes in each table and primary and foreign keys for each table. Yonmnet chow.all the stene in the nomaization 6. 7 TOSHIBA F12 INS DEL F5 BACK SPACE Paragraph Styles Kim's Flowers Expenditure Cycle Requirements: The second stage of the project requires students to perform step 8 in the event-oriented modeling (as described in chapters 8 and 9). 1. Examine the standard partial solution for Kim Flowers you will find in the Course Documents section of the Blackboard site. Use the provided partial solution as a 2. In step 8 you need to convert your EER diagram into tables. Make sure that you 3. Implement the rules in chapter 9 for determining whether a table conforms to the starting point for this stage follow the procedure described in chapter9 first, second, or third nommal form. 4. Normalize tables that are not in the 3nd normal form. S. Make sure thatall your tables are normalized (each table shouldbe in the 3d normal form). You should submit a list of all your tables, the attributes in each table and primary and foreign keys for each table. Yonmnet chow.all the stene in the nomaization 6. 7 TOSHIBA F12 INS DEL F5 BACK SPACE