Part 1 - Article Analysis- Read the article excerpt and answer the questions. "Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? YouTube star Andy George did, and he took it into his own hands to nd out. George's latest endeavor was to document the entire process of making a "simple" chicken sandwich from scratch. The entire ingredients list for the sandwich included lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, dill, peppers, garlic, sunowers, eggs, salt, honey, wheat, milk, and of course, one live chicken. George posted his entire sandwich-making process in a YouTube video... George produced all of the ingredients himself. This included planting seeds in a community garden to grow vegetables, extracting honey from a local bee farm, milking a cow to make butter and cheese, and processing wheat to create bread...[T]he hardest ingredient to retrieve for the sandwich was the salt. George had to travel from his hometown of Minneapolis to the Pacic Ocean to collect salt water, which he then processed into salt....The entire project took six months and cost $1,500.... [Source: www.abcnews.go.comi 1. Assume George's sandwich included the same ingredients as a sandwich that you can buy at your local deli. Explain why George's sandwich cost so much more. 2. The excerpt mentions that George travelled from Minneapolis to the Pacic Ocean to collect salt water. With this in mind, explain why it is unlikely that George truly produced everything he needed to make the sandwich himself. Give an example that supports your reasoning. Part 2 - Article Analysis- Read the excerpt about Panera Cares cafe and answer the questions. "Panera Cares operates on a paywhatyou-can model and depends on your donations and support to ensure our sustainability. Panera Cares provides suggested donation amounts for all menu items to help you understand the cost of "paying it fonivard" and assisting those who struggle with food insecurity. The suggested donation listed on the menu panel is the retail value of the meal. It reflects the amount we need to cover operating expenses while also covering the cost of the meals for those who come in to our cafes and are unable to contribute for their meal. We ask that those who are able contribute that amount do so." [Sourcez wwwganeracaresorgi 3. Assume that someone got a sandwich from Panera Cares cafe but did not donate. Explain why this is not an example of a "free lunch". 4. Explain why the pay-what-you-can model can be used by Panera Cares cafe, but likely not the other businesses along the supply chain (i.g. framers, ranchers, veterinarians, etc.)