PART 1 on the interpretetiiatie logie statement is contingent if its ruth value depends on the choice of the umivers Consider the following 41, Recall that a of the predicate symbol S and the constant symbol b involved. predicate logic statements in which b, x, and y are elements of the univense U. logic Which of the following best describes the predicate logic statements? Ssatement Statement Il (A) Always true (B) Always true (C) Always true (D) Contingent (E) Contingent Always false Contingent Contingent Always true Always true Always false Contingent Always false Always true 42. Which of the following comes closest to being a perfectly secure encryption scheme? (A) The Caesar Cipher, a substitution cipher (B) DES (Data Encryption Standard), a symmetric-key algorithm (C) Enigma, a transposition cipher (D) One-time pad (E) RSA, a public-key algorithm 43. IfDFA denotes "deterministic finite automata" and NFDA denotes "nondeterministic finite automata which of the following is FALSE? (A) For any language L, if L can be recognized by a DFA, then L can be recognized by a DEA. (B) For any language L, if L can be recognized by an NDFA, then L can be recognized by an NDFA (C) For any language L, if L is context-free, then L is context-free. (D) For any language L, if L can be recognized in polynomial time, then I can be recognized in polynomial time. (E) For any language L, if L is decidable, then L is decidable. Consider three processes PI, P2, and P3 with respective arrival times of 0 ms, 10 ms, and 20 ms and respective processing times of 30 ms, 15 ms, and 30 ms. The three processes are preemptively scheduled on a single-CPU system using the shortest-remaining-processing-time-first scheduling policy. Which of the following shows the order in which the processes complete, from first to last? 44. (A) PI P2 P3 (B) PI P3 P2 (C) P2 PI P3 (D) P2P3PI P2 (E) P3PI