Part 1 You will explain the nature of intangibles, investments and equity and the cash flow statements at your chosen company. Continue to communicate as if you are addressing one of the following two audiences. a) You participate in an investment club. You are summarizing, interpreting, and analyzing the revenue and tax situation at a public company for your fellow club investors. b) You are the CFO and you are briefing a new accounting employee on the revenue and tax situation at the company. Steps 1) Use ONLY the most recent 10K for your company as your resource. For your source, reference to a link to the 10K. 2) Read the financial statements and the notes pertaining to intangibles, investments and the statements of equity and cash flow. Pay attention to notes on accounting policies, as well. 3) Calculate ratios - see following table and perform additional ratio analysis as you deem necessary. 4) Put your ratios into a chart 5) Address the two questions following the table. Write approximately 3/4 to 1.5 single spaced pages, normal font. 6) Do NOT copy and paste from the 10K. Papers will address two questions of these questions, at a minimum. D) What are the main ways in which cash from operations was used oe pronaded for investng and Einancing activities? 2) What did you find interesting in the notes on intangibles, investments, OR sharcholders" equity? 3) How did the notes on intangghles, investments and stockholders" cquity change your opinion of the company's strength of weakness in the tarker? Tell your audience about the sizcle. What is most interesting? What is meaningful to get the big picture for this company when it comes to understanding its intangibles, investments, stockholders' cquity and cash dow situations? Keep in maind that you likely can write many pages about your company. Your job is to distill the information for your readers