Part B: Time is My Companion POUCE BOX Project Name: Lab5b Create Classes: Doctor, Companion, and Episode Doctor Who is a long-running BBC television show that is unique in that the main character of The Doctor is periodically replaced by a different actor. In the show's 50+ years of history, there have been thirteen actors who have played the title role. Over the years, The Doctor has taken on many companions who accompany him on his journeys through time and space. You will need to prepare for this part of the lab, by creating a Doctor Who Database using SQL Express (as per your COMP-CO859 - Database Theory course). Don't worry, you don't need to create the database from scratch. You must create it using this script (right-click and save). Just make sure that you have the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service running first. Then open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, drag the script file onto it, and click the Execute button. Take some time to examine the database schema. It is composed of three tables: A DOCTOR table that contains records about all of the Doctors (including a picture! A COMPANION table that refers to records about all of the Companions An EPISODE table that refers to records about all of the Episodes Write a Windows Form Ano L.NET Framework) that: (right-click and save) enn The ho Show all . . Write a Windows Form App (.NET Framework) that: Makes use of a GUI interface that has an Exit menu option Connects to the database using the standard connection string. Uses three generic List
collections to store each of the three record types, using the Doctor, Companion, or Episode classes The left GroupBox contains a ComboBox that is populated when the program loads The left GroupBox contains information pertaining to whichever Doctor has been selected in the ComboBox The right GroupBox contains a ListBox with each of the companions that has traveled with the selected Doctor The Doctor, Companion and Episode classes only need to have properties and a constructor, but you will need to analyze the database to determine which fields each of these classes requires Notice that the Doctor and Companion records only have a StoryID, so you will need to use the appropriate LINQ and SQL statements to be able to match up the appropriate story Title . You may NOT alter the provided script in any way You may download this sample program for a demonstration of program behaviour Hints: Part B: Time is My Companion POUCE BOX Project Name: Lab5b Create Classes: Doctor, Companion, and Episode Doctor Who is a long-running BBC television show that is unique in that the main character of The Doctor is periodically replaced by a different actor. In the show's 50+ years of history, there have been thirteen actors who have played the title role. Over the years, The Doctor has taken on many companions who accompany him on his journeys through time and space. You will need to prepare for this part of the lab, by creating a Doctor Who Database using SQL Express (as per your COMP-CO859 - Database Theory course). Don't worry, you don't need to create the database from scratch. You must create it using this script (right-click and save). Just make sure that you have the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service running first. Then open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, drag the script file onto it, and click the Execute button. Take some time to examine the database schema. It is composed of three tables: A DOCTOR table that contains records about all of the Doctors (including a picture! A COMPANION table that refers to records about all of the Companions An EPISODE table that refers to records about all of the Episodes Write a Windows Form Ano L.NET Framework) that: (right-click and save) enn The ho Show all . . Write a Windows Form App (.NET Framework) that: Makes use of a GUI interface that has an Exit menu option Connects to the database using the standard connection string. Uses three generic List collections to store each of the three record types, using the Doctor, Companion, or Episode classes The left GroupBox contains a ComboBox that is populated when the program loads The left GroupBox contains information pertaining to whichever Doctor has been selected in the ComboBox The right GroupBox contains a ListBox with each of the companions that has traveled with the selected Doctor The Doctor, Companion and Episode classes only need to have properties and a constructor, but you will need to analyze the database to determine which fields each of these classes requires Notice that the Doctor and Companion records only have a StoryID, so you will need to use the appropriate LINQ and SQL statements to be able to match up the appropriate story Title . You may NOT alter the provided script in any way You may download this sample program for a demonstration of program behaviour Hints