(Payback and discounted payback period calculations The Bar None Manufacturing Co manufacture once panelowed the cattle feed lots toughout the Midwest Bar None's management is considering the investment projects for next year but don't want to make any investment that requires more than three years to recover's initio Investment. The cash flows for the three projects A Projects and Project C) are as follows a Bar Nonethree yew payback period which of the project will quality for accepta . Rank the tree projects using the pack period which projects the best in this reron! Do you with ranking? Why why not? c. Wow Non se dhe rate of 100 percent to pro What is the discounted payback period och of the maintains its three-year paytac policy for the discounted payback which project should them undertak hen the cash flow motion in the the payback period of years and students of the formes a year at before an investment can be led teh Podcast paytached the main playbacked on the drop-down mans) The payback period of Project Dean Round to ma decimal places) of the form requires a year to be an investment can be accepted the firm should Project because it back period is the maximum acceptatie pytac pred select from the drop-down menus) The payback period of Projedva (Round to be decimal places) If the firmares 3.var avtack before an intent can be ached the should Pric Cavbadero tema accettavback period Select to the (Paytrack and discounted payback period calculations) The None Manufacturing Co manufactures fonce panelsned in cattle feed lots throughout the Midwest Bar Mone's management is considering the level ojos for next you want to make any witment that requires more than twee years to recover the final Investment. The cash fows for the tree and Project Care as follows ..Given BaNontheytar payback period which of the projects will quality for acceptance? b. Rank the three projects using payback period which project looks the best using this con? Do you agree with this ranking? Why or why not? c#Bones discount rate of 10 percent to analyze projet is the discounted pata period for each of the projects the maintains the peace policy for the discounted payback which projects should the undertake? We a you paybed before an investment can be accepted the fem should Project because its palack periods the maximum acceptable pyhuck period (ed from the disp-down menu Rank the three prouching their payback period The projdith the shortest payback periodis The project with the second shortest back periodis The project with the longest payback period is Therefore the project which looks best using the payback eurionis Select from the drop-down menus) Do you agree with ranking? Why Select the best choice below) OA No there is no ar-cut way to define the cutitofthe payback period that is tied to the value creation poll of the On Notre back codigorescashow that by the project beyond the end of the bad peod Project A became as discounted pwyback period is the maximum acceptable payback period (Selec tha femroquinea 3 year payback before an investment can be accepted the fold From the drop-down menus) The discounted pwyback period of Project year (Roind tu bwo decimal place) the fiem tegoles a year payback before an investment can be accepted the firm should from the drop-down menu The discounted payback period of Project Coyoan (Round to two decimal places) If the firm regresa 3year payback before an investment can be accepted the firm should from the drop-down menus Project because he discounted payback period the acceptable payback period (Selec Project becauses discounted payback periodis the maximum acceptable payback period (Selec et B, and Project C) are as follows: cts will qualify for acceptance? ect looks the best using this criterion? Do you agree with this ranking? Why or why not? ects, what is the discounted payback period for each of the three projects? If the firm still maintains Data Table O th co Year al Project A $(1,000) 600 300 200 100 500 1 2 3 4 5 Project B $(10,000) 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Project C $(5,000) 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 ca al ca Print Done