PepsiCa. Inc., is regarded as the second larges food and beverage busines in the world, and a large part of its success cin be attributed to its leader. Indra Noovi, who served as the chairpersoe and CEO of PepoiCe, is an inspiring and visionary leader for many reasons. She mas not anly the first female CEO of PepsiCo but had also featured in Forbes' list of the 100 most influental women in the world for over a decade. In addition, she cacelod as a relationship-oriented loader, using innerative strategies to isspere and forge the way forward for women across the world. Attentive to the necds and preferences of customers. Nooyi constantly stgaged in understasdeng and responding to the rapidly changing trends in the industry. For example during a business trip to China, she speut 10 dwys touring different cities in the region, studying the strategic market for PeporiCo. In an intervicw with Bloomberg's David Rubenstein, her attention to customer preferences was evideat through her story about surveying ber friends' kitchens during parties to see what products they used every day (and hoping to find some PepsiCo items in the mix). Nooyi was also somcone who provided dirtction. In 2012. she decided to create a design team to refresh the brand image, relaink the Pepsi packaging, and redesign its vending maclines, Former bead of 3M, Mauro Forcini became PepsiCo's first Cladef Design OAticer oversecing desigs led innovation across all the company's byands. A pionering decision at the time, this is now a strategy that many companies cmploy. This decision was succesful and improved Pepecos top and bottem Fine. It also increased the company's customer appeal. For example, PepsiCos Design \& Innovation tean created a new fountain machinc, allowing custonsirs to select one flanor from more than 1,000 combinalions As a female exocutive whe had broken the hiphert glass celine in a thotul compony. Nowi is commited to promoting diversity and inclusien at all organizational levels. In 2010 , the company launched a survey, foctssing on fenale managen, to understand the reasons for the underrepresentation of women at executive levels. The findings showed that women lacked selfeconfidence and believed that men were more capable of networking and pushing forward. In response, PepsiCo lasenched a leadership development program for women called "Strasegies for Success" aimed to belp women boost their confidence and heip them eflectrely reach leadership foles in the organiaation. Within two years the female representation in senior positions in the operations team increased from 0 to 33 perent. Nooyi has stated that the secret to her success at PepsiCo is her family. She attributes most of her stremeths to the examples set by her purests. As an adolewent, she recalled the preoccupation of most parents was to marry off their daghters. Bet her parents were different, For instance, they supported Nooyi's decision to leave India to study in the US. They also sought to make her and ber sisaer more confident and aware of their talents. Over dinner. her mother used to preiced that they were each a lesader of an important ministry of Iodis and, every cwening. they would list the things that they would lave done in such roles. Even though this was just a gams, Nooy confeses that is helped her boost her self-confidener and inform ber leadership syle. and without such games she may aot have been capuble of becoming the leader sbe is today or garner the respect and admination of otherx. In August 2018, Nowyi stepped down as the CEO and now serves on the board of directors of a non-profit oreanization in Connecticut, US, to support economic development efforts of the state." DISCLSSION QUESTIONS: 17-11. What examples are provided in lhis case for the leaderahip style Indra. Nooyi exbibited? List and describe the leadership models, theoties, or concejss you sec in this case. Chapter 17 Being an Etfective Leader 17-12. Do you think Indra Nooyis docision to create a design unit at PepsiCo was effective in the food and beverage industry? Why? 17-13. What behaviors evhibited by Indra Nooyi indicate servant leadership? What 17-12. Do you think Indra Nooyi's decision to create a design unit at PepsiCo was effective in the food and beverage industry? Why? 17-13. What behaviors exhibited by Indra Nooyi indicate servant leadership? What had she done to promote a diverse and inclusive work environment? What other ways do you think could guide women's career paths in an organization? 17-14. What did the case teach you about leadership