PHY-221: Physics 1 Lab GProjegtile Motion Overview Projectile motion is the motion of an object projected, thrown, shot, or launched at either a horizontal (zero) or general (non-zero) launch angle. Once in motion in the absence of air resistance, the object moves simultaneously yet independently in the horizontal and vertical directions subject only to the acceleration due to gravity. This lab will make use of the Characteristics of projectile motion and the kinematic equations for projectiles to tell us something about the motion of. . .jumping goats! Instructions 1. Watch these videos about projectile motion: a. Professor Dave Explains Projectile Motion: htt s: b. PROJECTILE MOTION l Physics Animation. htt . 2. Watch this short video of ourjumping goats: http5..". -"youtu be. oRC Rtuthl4 \\outu bit-"L1Y822 044WA Analysis Assume the following: o The goats must clear a 4-meter wide crevasse to land at the same height on the cliff on the opposite side. 0 The goats jump at an angle of 30 to the horizontal. - All goats have the same mass and height. That means that the quantities calculated are the same for all goats. Answer the following: 1. What minimum launch speed must the goats have to ensure a safe landing? HINT: The range equation may be helpful here. 2. What maximum height do the goats reach? 3. How long are the goats in the air? Submission This lab will be submitted as a narrated slide presentation. The nished product should be a recording in which you (in your own voice) walk me through your solution with the narration of no more than six slides in 4 minutes or less. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, and you can choose the one that works best for you: Narrated PowerPoint presentation (prefen'ed if you have access to PowerPoint). Narrated Google Slide presentation (requires uploaded audio le). Recorded Zoom presentation. Recorded Google Meet presentation. Recorded Screencast-O-Matic presentation (free download). Other ways? I am open to ideas. If you have a tip or suggestion, let me know! QMPP'NT' Your slide presentation will 1. Describe and dene the problem. a. What is known and what is required? What information were you given and what are you calculating or solving for? b. Outline the steps in your solution on your slides. i. Calculations (equations and numbers) should be included on the slides. (For example. if you state that you calculated a horizontal distance. show the equation (no numbers) on a slide; show the same equation with numbers on the same slide; show the result on the same slide. ii. There are three results that are required as listed under Analysis. Each of these should be addressed. The full presentation should be no more than six slides and no longer than 4 minutes. Keep things brief and to the point. Use any slide template or style of slideiyour choice. The rst slide should be a title slide that includes the lab number and name and your name. Don't forget to hit the record button before you start