plc progarm
2) Height Measurement - The Ultrasonic Sensor has been set up to measure a range of 0 to 40mm. It supplies a 010V signal to communicate this measurement to the PLC. The following formula can be used to convert the signal to mm once it's received in the PLC where VIN is the signal from the sensor, Vmax is the maximum voltage from the signal and HMAX is the maximum height detected (40mm). VIN/VMAXHMAX a) Locate the Ultrasonic sensor within your station. b) On the AB Inputs and Outputs Screen on the touch panel, monitor the signal from the sensor as you wave your hand underneath the sensor. c) Observe the value to find Vmax. It will either be 10.0V or 10000mV. d) Create a tag called mmHeight (alias: TP.PLC.REAL1) e) In the Height Measurement subroutine, add PLC logic to convert the value from Channel 0(CHO) to mm and transfer the value into mmH Hight. f) Place or stack parts under the Ultrasonic Sensor to test your logic and the calibration of the sensor. Note each part is 13mm high. 3) Height Testing - In the Height Measurement subroutine, write a program that will verify the height of the part against a targetrheight. a) Create the following tags selecting the datatype that best represents the name if no alias is specified: - HeightTarget (alias: TP.PLC.INT1) - HeightTolerance (alias: TP.PLC.INT2) - HeightUpperLimit - HeightLowerLimit - HeightWithinRangeLight (alias: TP.PLC.Green.LT) b) Manually set (ie. Not using PLC logic) the value of: - Height Target to 13mm - HeightTolerance to 3mm c) Add PLC logic to calculate the Heightupperlimit by adding the Height Tolerance to the HeightTarget. d) Add PLC logic to calculate the HeightLowerlimit by subtracting the Height Tolerance from the HeightTarget. e) Add PLC logic to turn on the HeightwithinRangeLight when the mmHeight detects a part within the HeightUpperLimit and HeightLowerlimit. 4) Height Statistics - In the Machine Statistics Subroutine, write logic to keep track of key statistics for the machine. a) Create the following tags with appropriate datatypes: - CurrPartHeight - PrevPartHeight (alias: TP.PLC.REAL2) - PartHeightAvg (alias: TP.PLC.REAL3) - LastShiftHeightAvg (alias: TP.PLC.REAL4) - Shifttotal (alias: TP.PLC.INT3) - ShiftPassTotal - ShiftFailTotal - LastShiftTotal (alias: TP.PLC.INT4) - ResetStats (alias: TP.PLC.GREEN.PB) *Add other tags as required b) Accurate Height Measurements - Determine the most accurate height measurement of the part by recording the tallest height value from the mmHeight by, i) Store the tallest height detected from mmHeight as the part goes by and store it in CurrPartHeight. ii) When the part is detected past the Ultrasonic Sensor, copy the value in CurrPartHeight to PrevPartHeight and reset CurrPartHeight to zero. c) Part Counts - Write PLC logic to keep track of how many parts are good or bad as well as the total number of parts. Store the values in ShiftTotal, ShiftPasstotal and ShiftFailTotal. d) Average Height Tracking - Write PLC logic to find the average height of all parts and store it in PartHeightAvg. Hint: try adding up the part heights as they are found and divide by the total number of parts. e) Reset Statistics - Write PLC logic to save the data from PartheightAvg and the ShiftTotal in LastShiftHeightAvg and LastShiftTotal and then reset all the statistics when the ResetStats PB is pressed. 5) Complete a) Add comments to each of the rung of logic that was added. b) Print only the following routines to a single PDF file named L4 Exercises Complete.pdf. Refer to Lab Tip \#9 for help with printing if needed. - Main Routine - Height Measurement - Machine Statistics c) Submit the PDF and PLC files to the eConestoga Lab \#4 submission folder