Please answer 1-2-3-4 and show work please
I uuun'i auu um. uuuucuuuus: vvrrea rar space The Statistics in Action case study presented at the beginning of this chapter introduced the concept of viewing a market share as a probability. For example, if the cable industry has a 50% market share of the con- sumers of high-speed Internet access, then the following probability can be used to exPress this: P{Select cable modem for Internet connection I a consumer decides to have high speed Internet access) = .50 50 market share can be thought of as a conditional prob- ability. Suppose that the market share for cable, DSL, and other (satellite and wireless) are as follows. Since advertisers are highly interested in the pr0portion of individuals that purchase online, probabilities of making an online purchase are given. The preportion of individ- uals that purchase online are presented conditioned on the type of high-speed Internet connection they have. ---.____________________ Using cable for Internet connection Using DSL for Internet connection Using other (satellite 81 wireless) for Internet connection Make a purchase online once a month given that user has a cable connection Make a purchase online once a month given that user has a DSL connection Proportion of HighSpeed lnternet Users 50% 49% 10% 20% 40% Make a purchase online once a month given that user has a satellite or wireless connecon 25% 1.. Should the proportions of the market share for high-speed Internet consumers using cable. DSL, or other sum to one? Should the preportions of those concur . I - make a monthly purchase online given their type of high-speed connection also sum to one? Why? 2. What is the probability that a high-speed Internet consumer has a cable connection and also makes a monthly purchase online? What is the probability that the consumer has a DSL connection and makes a monthly purchase online? What is the probability that the consumer has a satellite or wireless connection and makes a monthly purchase online? 3. What is the probability that a high-speed Internet consumer will make a monthly pur chase online