please answer a and b with steps shown and answer clearly stated.
Triatan Narvaja, S.A. (C). Triatan Narvaja, S., is the Uruguayan subsidiary of a U. S. manufacturing company. Its balance sheet for January 1 is shown in the popup window. The Jancary. 1 exchange rale botween the U.S. dollar and the peso Uruguayo (\$U) is 5 . 2.3/5. Determine Tristan Narvaja's centrbution to the transiation exposure of its parent on danuary 1 , using the current rate method a. Determine Tristan Narvala's contribution to the translation exposure of its parent on January 1 st, using the current rate method. b. Calculate Triatan Narvaja's contribution to is parent's iranslation gain or loss if the exchange rate on December 31 st is 5U t6/3. Assume all peso Uruguayo acoourts remain as they were at the begining of the year. a. Using the current rate method, what is Tistan Narvala's cortribution to the transiation esposure of its pacent on Jaruary Isi? 35. (Round to the nearest pese Uruguayo) (Click on the following icon D. in order to copy its contents into a spreadsheet.) Balance Sheet (thousands of pesos Uruquavo. SU) Tristan Narvaja, 5.A. (C). Tristan Narvaja. S.A. is the Uruguayan subsidiary of a U.S. manufacturing company. Its balance sheet for January 1 is shown in the popop window, Thetanuary 1 exchange rate between the U 5 . dolar and the peso Uruguayo (\$U) is su23/5. Determine Tristan Narvaja's. coniribution to the tranalation exposire of its parent on January 1, using the current rate method. a. Dotarmine Triatan Narvajo'e contribution to the translation exposure of lits parent on January 1st, using the current rate method. b. Cabcilate Thistan Narvaja's contributon to its parenth translation gain or lose if the exchange rale on December 31 st is \$Ui6/S. Aseume all peso Uiuguayo accounts femain as they were at the beginning of the year: a. Using the current rate method, what is Tratan Narvaja's contrbution to the iransiation exposure of its parent on January tat? St (Round to the neareat peso Uruguayo) Data table (Click on the following icon in order to copy its contents into a spreadsheet.) Balance Sheet (thousands of pesos Uruguayo, $U )