please answer all 5 question. PLEASE !
A home building company is bidding on new projects in the New River Valley subdivision, Since Covidi 19, all the plumbers, except for Mike's Plumbing have gone out of business. Has the bargaining, power of suppliers increased or decreased? increased Decreased 5 tayed the same Al of the ateve None of the abore If an industry has just a few, large suppliers, what is the best reason why a new company might not want to enter the industry? Large suppliers will give cheaper prices It is difficult to work with large suppliers The bigger a supplier is, the less leverage it has The size of the supplier does not matter for new companies Poworful supplers can easily raiso prices of materials Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why executives may need to understand the environment surrounding an organization? The environment provides resources that an organization needs to create services and goods. The emvironment is independent of an individual company's decisions The erritonment has epportunities and threats lor an organization. The environment can shape the strategic decisions that exicutives make as they try and lead the company to prosperity The envionment can be shifled by virtually any economic trend and create opportunities for some companies and threats for other companies The purpose of Porter's Five Forces analysis is to Evaluate the structure of an international competitor Identify how much profit potential exists in an industry Evaluate the general environment of a firm Evaluate the economy of a country None of the above You have been hired by Pepsi to evaluate the external environment of the alcohol industry. Pepsi is considering entering the alcohol production and distribution industry but are unsure if external factors are favorable for them to be profitable. Thiey are solely focused on the existing rivalry among competitors. Eased on Porter's Five Forces analysis, what: is the most likely outcome of Pepsi focusing solely on the existing rivalry between competitors in the industry? Pepse will realize a strategic adyantage in the industry dio to completely understanding the industry compettors: Popsi wil tai to realue the thit scope of profit potontial in the indistiy sue to producing an interior product compared to competions Pegni wil fail to realize the full scope of peost potential in the industry due to a narow focis on external industry factors Popsi will realize the fuil scope of profit polential in the indixtry due to fily understanding the external industry factors Pepsi will reake the full scope of profit potemial in the industry due to complote understanding of buyer and supplicr power in the indistry