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Following are the comparative financials of Attock Petroleum. All figures are in millions PKR and the tax rate is 30%. First As of 20-June 2014 2015 2016 2017 Cash 7.650 4.662,162 10,933 Trade Debt 14.2489.675 6,047 10,800 Inventory 6,788 5.573 4,837 2,234 Other current assets 25636,010 5.956 3.552 Total Current Assets 31.349 26,124 26,00292.500 Net Fixed Assets 2.837 3.75 4.523 5,867 Total Assets 34,086 29.912 30,525 38,367 Trade and Other payables 19.704 15.747 15.5 21.339 Total Current Liabilities 19.784 15.747 15.562 21,339 IT Deposits 575 605 626 627 Deferred Tax Liability o 100 Total Liabilities 20.28616,352 16,208 22.072 Paid-Up 529 829 829 829 Reserves 931 215 Un appropriated Profit 12.874 12.728 13.361 15.251 Total Equity 13.00 13.560 14,317 16.295 Year ending 30-June Net Sales EBITDA Depe & Amort FRIT Finance Charges Other Income charter Pre-tax Profit Taxa Net Profil 2015 2016 2017 171,730 109,234138.661 4,177 5,30 6,715 -348 3,886 4,95 6.167 -2000 784 846 1.650 4.5385,6347,699 -1.25 -1,NOS -2,400 3.26 2.25 5.299 a. The operating cash flow (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: (Other current assets and deferred liabilities are operational) 28,028 1.8,082 8,346 48,400 b. The capital expenditure (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: 2318 735 1,053 4 1.344 c. The FCFF (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: 27.347 57,407 7,487 47.805 d. The FCFE (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: 7,308 a. The operating cash flow (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: (Other current assets and deferred liabilities are operational) a 8,028 b. 8,082 c.8,346 d. 8,400 b. The capital expenditure (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: a. 318 b. 735 c. 1,053 d. 1,344 c. The FCFF (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: a. 7,347 b. 7,407 c. 7,487 4. 7,805 d. The FCFE (in PKR mn) for the year 2016 is: a. 7,308 b. 7,326 c. 7,368 d. 7,508 e. The cash dividends (in PKR mn) paid to common equity holders during the year 2016 are: 2.0 b. 1,794 c.3,072 d. 3,196