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The business environment is changing rapidly and managers are required to react quickly and be exible in responding to both internal and external forces. Today's business environment is generally very dynamic because technology, conSumer expectations, laws and regulations, the political landscape, and international conditions are all changing rapidly and dramatically. To complete this project, you are required to select an organisation that you are familiar with and the business environment in which It operates. Analyse the internal and external business environment and answer the following questions. Marks will be allocated for effective application of relevant theory and reference to the organisational dynamics. QUESTION 1 {40) Change management has become one of the most critical success factors for any organisation in the contemporary business environment. A successful change management process ensures that realistic, achievable and measurable changes are implemented smoothly by successfully engaging all the people involved in the change. in light of this statement, you are required to study the business environment of the selected organisation and develop a presentation document for its executives on the strategic management of change. The presentation document should provide clear reference to the organisational context and application of relevant theory. The following areas should be included in the presentation: Introduction and organisational background Forces of organisational change Priority change areas and relevant interventions for the organisation Managing change (Planned change and unplanned change} Resistance to Change Conclusion QUESTION 2 (an) Successful organisational change depends on leaders and managers guiding and supporting people going through the change within their span of inuence. Given the organisational dynamics of yoor selected organisation, critically examine the strategic role of transformational leaders in realising its change interventions. QUESTION 3 (an) Select any department in the organisation and discuss the main activities and processes followed by managers in performing the four critical management functions. Evaluate the effectiveness against theory and best practice, providing recommendations to ensure that an organisation achieves its goals. QUESTION 4 (an) Administrative management theories focus on increasing efciency and effectiveness and the majority of the management principles from Henri Fayol's 'Administrative Theory' still hold true today. Evaluate the application of the Administrative theory in the organisational context and suggest areas of improvement where necessary