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Please calculate the RNOA, operating profit margin, and net operating asset turnover for 2013. Please also explain how you got these answers? I would like

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Please calculate the RNOA, operating profit margin, and net operating asset turnover for 2013. Please also explain how you got these answers? I would like some guidance so I can solve for 2012 on my own.

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1. Examine Molson Coors income statements for 2013 and 2012 and the relevant notes to the financial statements. a. Identify items that you consider "nonoperating." Explain each item briefly. b. Calculate the total after-tax amount of the nonoperating items you identified. To simply this calculation, assume that the company's three-year marginal tax rate (federal, state and foreign) of 12% applies to nonoperating items in both years. Note: some nonoperating items are reported net of tax on the income statement. Use the marginal tax only for the items that are reported "before tax" on the income statement. c. Calculate net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) for 2013 and 2012 . Hint: net operating profit after tax is calculated as net income before the effect of the after-tax amount of nonoperating items. 2. Examine Molson Coors balance sheets 2013 and 2012. Footnotes to the financial statements (not included with the case) reveal that the notes receivable (and the current portion thereof) relate to loans made to customers. a. Identify assets and liabilities that you consider "nonoperating." Explain each item briefly. b. Calculate net operating assets (NOA) for 2013 and 2012. 3. Calculate Molson Coors' return on net operating assets (RNOA) for 2013 and 2012. Compare the two returns. Note: to simplify the analysis, use year-end values for net operating assets rather than averages. 4. Compute the net operating profit margin (NOPM) and net operating asset turnover (NOAT) components of Molson Coors' RNOA for 2013 and 2012 . Use the components to explain the change in RNOA from 2013 to 2012. Note: 1) to simplify the analysis, use year-end values for net operating assets rather than averages; 2) use "Net sales" not "Sales" to compute ratios. MOLSON COORS BREWING COMPANY AND SUBSIDEARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENFS OF OPERATIONS (EN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA) MOLSON COORS BREWING COMPANY AND SUBSUXARTES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSTVE INCOME (IN MOLLIONS) MOLSON COORS BREWING COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARTES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (IN MILLINS) MOLSON COORS BREWING COMPANY AND SUBSIDTARTES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Continued) (IN MITEIONS, EXCEPT PAR VALCEE) Carrent liabilities: See notes to consolidated financial statements. 1. Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Revenue Recognition Onr net sales represent the sale of beer and other malt beverages (including adjacencies, such as cider) net of excise taxes, the vast majority of which are brands that we own and brew ourselves. We import or brew and sell certain non-owned partner brands under licensing and related axxangernents. In addition, we contract manufacture for other brewers in some of our markets. Revenue is recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership, including the risk of loss, are transferred to the customer or distributor depending upon the method of distribution and shipping terms. The cost of various programs, such as price promotions, rebates and coupon programs are treated as a reduction of sales. In certain of our markets, slotting or listing fees are paid to customers and are also treated as a rechuction of sales, Sales of products are for cash or otherwise agreed upon credit terms. Sales are stated not of incentives, discounts and returns. We do not have standard terms that permit retam of product; however, in certain matkets where returns ocour we estimate the amount of retarns based on historical retarn experience and adjust our revenue accordingly. Products that do not meet our high quality standards are retumed by the customer or recalled and destroyed and are recorded as a reduction of revenue. The reversal of revenue is recorded upon determination that the product will be recalled and destroyed. We estimate the costs required to facilitate product returns and record them in cost of goods sold as required. In addition to supplying our own brands, the U.K. basiness (within our Europe segment) sells other beverage companies' products to on-premise customers to provide them with a full range of products for their retail outlets. We refer to this as the "factored brand business." Sales from this business are included in our net sales and cost of goods sold when ultimately sold, but the related vohume is not included in our reported sales volumes. In the factored brand business, we normally purchase inventory, which includes excise taxes charged by the vendor, take orders from customers for such brands, and invoice customers for the product and related costs of delivery. In accordance with guidance pertaining to reporting revenue gross as a principal versus net as an agent, sales under the factored brands are reported on a gross income basis. Payments made to customers are conditional on the achievement of volume targets, marketing commitments, or both. If paid in advance, we record such payments as prepayments and amortize them in the consolidated statements of operations over the relevant period to which the customer commitment is made (up to five years). Where there is no sufficiently separate identifiable benefit, and the payment is linked to volumes, or fair value cannot be established, the amortization of the prepayment or the cost as incurred is included in sales discounts as a reduction to sales and where there are specific marketing activities/commitments the cost is included as marketing, general and administrative expenses. The amounts capitahized are reassessed regularly for recoverability over the contract period and are impaired where there is objective evidence that the benefits will not be realized or the asset is otherwise not recoverable. In the U.K., loans are extended to a portion of the retail outlets that sell our brands. We reclassify a portion of beer revenue to interest income to reflect a market rate of interest on these loans. In fiscal years 2013, 2012 and 2011, these amounts were $4.9 million, $5.7 million, and $6.3 million, respectively, included in the Europe segment. Excise Taxes Excise taxes collected from customers and remitted to tax authorities are government-imposed excise taxes on beer shipments. Excise taxes on beer shipments are shown in a separate line item in the consolidated statements of operations as a reduction of sales. Sales taxes collected from sustomers are recognized as a Fiability, with the liability subsequently reduced when the taxes are remitted to the tax authority. Cost of Goods Sold Our cost of goods sold includes costs we incur to make and ship beer. These costs include brewing materials, such as barley, hops and various grains. Packaging materials, including glass bottles, aluminum and steel cans, cardboard and paperboard are also included in our cost of goods sold. Additionally, our cost of goods sold include both direct and indirect labor, shipping and handling including freight costs, ntilities, maintenance costs, depreciation, promotional packaging, other manufecturing overheads and costs to purchase factored brands from suppliers, as well as the estimated cost to facilitate product returns. Marketing, General and Administrative Expenses Our marketing, general and administrative expenses include media advertising (television, radio, print), tactical advertising (signs, banners, point-ofsale materials) and promotion costs on both local and national levels within our operating segments. The oreative portion of our advertising activities is expensed as incurred. Production costs of advertising and promotional materials are expensed when the advertising is first run. Advertising cxpense was $458.5 million, $423.5 million 77 and $398.8 million for fiscal years 2013,2012 and 2011 , respectively. Prepaid advertising costs of $13.8 million and $23.9 million, were included in other current assets in the consolidated balance sheets at December 31,2013 , and December 29,2012 , respectively. This classification includes general and administrative costs for functions such as finance, legal, human resources and information technology, which consist primarily of labor and outside services, as well as bad debt expense related to our allowance for doubtfal accounts. Unless capitalization is allowed or required by U.S. GAAP, legal costs are expensed when incurred. These costs also include our marketing and sales organizations, including labor and other overheads. This line item additionally inciudes amortization costs associated with intangible assets, as well as certain depreciation costs relsted to nonproduction equipment and share-based compensation. Share-based compensation is recognized using a straight-line method over the vesting period of the awards. Certain share-based compensation plans contain provisions that accelerate vesting of awards upon change in control, retirement, disability or death of eligible employees and directors. Our share-based awards are considered vested when the employee's retention of the award is no longer contingent on providing service, which for certain awatds can result in immediate recognition for awards granted to retirement-eligible individuals or accelerated recognition for awards granted to individuals that will become retirement eligible within the stated vesting period. Also, if less than the stated vesting period, we recoguize these costs over the period from the grant date to the date retirement eligibility is achieved. We report the benefits of tax deductions in excess of recoguized cornpensation cost as a financing cash flow, thereby reducing net operating cash flows and increasing net financing casin flows. Special Items Our special items represent charges incurred or benefits realized that we do not believe to be indicative of our core operations; specifically, such items are considered to be one of the following: - infrequent or unusual items, - impairment or asset abandomment-related losses, - restructuring charges and other atypical employee-related costs, or - fees on termination of significant operating agreements and gains (losses) on disposal of investments. Although we believe these items are not indicative of our core operations, the items classified as special items are not necessarily non-recurring. Equity Income in MillerCoors Our equity income in MillerCoors represents our proportionate share for the period of the net income of our investment in MillerCoors accounted for under the equity method. Such amount typically reflects adjustments to eliminate intercompany gains and losses, and to amortize, if appropriate, any difference between cost and underlying equity in net assets upon the formation of MillerCoors. Interest Expense, net Our interest costs are associated with borrowings to finance our operations. In addition to interest earncd on our cash and cash equival cats across our business, interest income in the Europe segment is associated with trade loans receivable from customers, primarily in the U.K. As noted above, this includes a portion of beer revenue which is reclassified to interest income to reflect a market rate of interest on these loans. We capitalize interest cost as a part of the original cost of acquiring certain fixed assets if the cost of the capital expenditure and the expected time to complete the project are considered significant. Other Income (Expense) Our other income (expense) classification primarily includes gains and losses associated with activities not directly related to brewing and selling beer. For instance, certain gains or losses on foreign exchange and on sales of non-operating assets are classified in this line item. Income Taxes Deferred income taxes are provided for the temporary differences between the financial reporting basis and the tax basis of our assets, liabilities, and certain umrecognized gains and losses recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). We provide for taxes that may be payable if undistributed earnings of overseas subsidiaries were to be remitted to the U.S., except for those earnings that we consider to be permanently reinvested. Interest, penalties and offsetting positions related to unrecognized tax benefits are recognizad as a component of income tax expense. Oux deferred tax valuation allowances are primarily the result of uncertainties regarding the future realization of recorded tax benefits on tax loss carryforwards from our consolidated balance sheet inchudes our investment in Tradeteam of $17.7 million. During the fiscal years ended 2013,2012 and 2011 , we recognized equity earnings from our Tradeteam investanent of $4.6 million, $6.0 million and $6.4 million, respectively, which are recorded within cost of goods sold Since its inception, the performance of the MC Si'hai joint venture did not meet our expectations due to delays in executing its business plans as well as significant difficulties in working with our business partner. Tlurough the on-going arbitration process, which began in 2012 as discussed below, we began discussions with the joint venture partner and concluded upon a price that we would accept to exit the relationship through the sale of our interest in the joint venture. As a result, in December 2013, we sold our interest in the joint venture and, upon finalizing the sale, we recognized a gain of $6.0 million, recorded as a special item. The gain consists of the non-cash release of the $5.4 mitlion liability remaining upon deconsolidation in 2012 , as further discussed below, as well as $0.6 million of proceeds received upon closing of the sale. We also recognized legal and retated fees in relation to the sale of $1.2 million during 2013 . In 2012, we recorded impairment charges related to the goodwill and definite-lived intangible assets in the joint venture, as well as concluded that we had lost our ability to exercise control of the joint venture which led to the deconsolidation of the joint venture. Specifically, due to the ongoing operational challenges of the joint venture, coupled with the impact of increased competitive pressures in China, we evaluated and subsequently impaired the full amount of the goodwill and definite-lived brand and distribution rights intangible assets recorded in relation to the joint venture, As a result, we recognized charges recorded as special items of $9.5 million and $0.9 million related to the goodwill and intamgible asset impairments, respectively. Further, following the impairment, a number of events occurred that caused us to re-assess the consolidation of the joint venture. Specifically, due to the actions of our joint venture partner, we entered into arbitration for the termination and proposed liquidation of the joint venture. This resulted in a loss of cur ability to exercise legal or operational control over the joint venture in accordance with the terms of the joint venture agreement. As a result, we deconsolidated the joint venture during the third quarter of 2012. Upon deconsolidation, the fair value of the remaining investment was a liability of $5.4 million representing our share of the joint venture's liabilities at termination of the joint venture, resulting in an impairment loss of $27.6 million recorded as a special item in the third quatter of 2012. 6. Other Income and Expense The table below summarizes other income and expense: (1) In 1991, we became a limited partner in the Colorado Rockies Baseball Club, Ltd. ("the Partnership"), treated as a cost method investment, Bffective November 8,2013 , we sold our 14.6% interest in the Partnership and recognized a gain of $22.3 million. We did not make any cash contributions in 2013, 2012 or 2011, and cash distributions, recognized within other income, from the Partnership were immaterial in 2013 , 2012 and 2011. Additionally, during the first quarter of 2013 , we realized a $1.2 million gain for proceeds received related to a non-income-related tax settlement resulting from historical activity within our former investment in the Montreal Canadiens. Included in this amount is a $5.2 million gain related to the sale of water rights in 2012 . This also inclades a related party gain of $1.0 million in 2011 related to salos of non-core real estate in Golden, Colorado to MillerCoors for $1.0 million. The selling price was based on a matket appraisal by an independent third party. (2) We incurred costs in connection with the issuance and subsequent termination of the bridge loan agreement entered into concurrent with the announcement of the Acquisition during the second quarter of 2012. See Note 13, "Debt" for further discussion. (3) In connection with the Acquisition, we used the proceeds from our issuance of the $1.9 billion senior notes to purchase Euros in the second quarter of 2012. As a result of a negative foreign exchange movement between the Euro and USD prior to using these proceeds to fund the Acquisition, we realized a foreign exchange loss on our Euro cash holdings. (4) During 2010, we settled the majority of our Foster's Group Limiteds ("Foster's") (ASX:FGL) total return swaps, which we used to gain an economic interest exposure to Foster's stock, and related option contracts, which we used to limit our exposure to future changes in Foster's stock price. The remaining fotal return swaps and related options matured in January of 2011. (5) Inciuded in this amount are losses of $2.4 million and $23.8 million for 2013 and 2012 , respectively, related to foreign currency movements on foreign-denominated financing instruments entered into in conjunction with the financing and the closing of the Acquisition. Additionally, we recorded a ret loss of $4.9 million during 2013 , related to foreign cash positions and foreign exchange contracts entered into to hedge our risk associated with the payment of this foreign-denominated debt, See Note 13, "Debt" and Note 17, "Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" for further discussion of financing and hedging activities related to the Acquisition. Additionally, we recorded losses of $0.5million,$1.4million and $6.9 million related to other foreign exchange and derivative activity during 2013,2012 and 2011 , respectively. (6) See Note 17, "Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" under "Cross Currency Swaps" sub-heading for further discussion. 7. Income Tax Our income (loss) from continuing operations before income faxes on which the provision for income taxes was computed is as follows: Income tax expense (benefit) includes the following current and deferred provisions: The decrease in income tax expense in 2013 was primarily driven by the net foreign deferred tax benefits. These foreign deferred tax benefits largely resulted from the release of valuation allowences in Canada, as further discussed below, as well as decreases in deferred tax liabilities rolated to certain intangible assets that were impaired in 2013. Our inoome tax expense varies from the amount expected by applying the statutory federal corporate tax rate to income as follows: Our fiscal year effective tax rate was approximately 13% in 2013, 26\% in 2012 and 13\% in 2011 . Our effective tax rates were significantly lower than the federal statutory rate of 35% primarily due to the impact of lower effective income tax rates applicable to our foreign businesses and tax planming. In addition, as part of the Acquisition, the statutory tax rates in the countries of Central Europe, ranging from 9% to 20%, in which we began doing business drove the 2013 and 2012 change in the effect of foreign tax rates versus 2011 . The 2012 foreign tax law and rate change impact, primarily relates to the increased statutory corporate income tax rate in Serbia from 10% to 15%, effective January 1, 2013 (enacted in 2012). As a result of the impact of the rate change on differences between the book basis and tax basis of intangible and other assets purchased in the Acquisitiom, we increased our deferred tax liability by $38.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2012. We recorded additional tax expense in 2012 due to increases in our valuation atlowance related to capital loss carryforwards and operating losses in several of our jurisdictions. Seo further discussion below. The table below summarizes our deferred tax assets and liabilities: (6) In December of 2013, we sold our interest is the MC Sihai joint venture in China and recognized a gain of $6.0 million. The gain consists of the non-cash release of the $5.4 million liability representing the fair value of our remaining investment upon deconsolidation of the joint venture in 2012 , as well as $0.6 million of proceeds received for our interest in the joint venture. We also recognized legal and related fees in relation to the sale of $1.2 million during 2013. In the second quarter of 2012 , we recognized impairment charges of $10.4 million related to goodwill and definite-lived intangible assets in our MC Si'hai joint venture in China, and in the third quarter of 2012 , we deconsolidated the joint venture and recognized an impairment loss of $27.6 million upon deconsolidation. See Note 5 , "Investments" for further discussion of the deconsolidation and subsequent sale of the joint venture. (7) During 2012, we received insurance proceeds in excess of expenses incurred related to flood damages at our Toronto offices. During 2011 , we incurred expenses in excess of insurance proceeds related to these damages. (8) During the second quarter of 2011 , we recognized a $2.0 million gain resulting from a reduction of our guarantee of BRI debt obligations. (9) During the second quarter of 2011, we recognized a $7.6 million loss related to the correction of an immaterial error in prior periods in the Canada segment, resulting from the performance of fixed asset count that reduced properties by $13.9 million in 2011 . The adjustment also resulted in an increase to goodwill of $6,3 million for the assets identified as not present as of the Merger date. The impact of the error and the related correction in 2011 was not material to any prior annual or interim financial statements atd was not material to the fiscal year results for 2011. (10) During 2009, we established a non-income-related tax reserve of $10.4 million that was recorded as a special item. Our estimates incicated a range of possible loss relative to this reserve of zero to $22.3 million, inclusive of potential penalties and interest. The amounts recorded in 2013,2012 and 2011 represent the release of this reserve as a result of a change in estimate. As a result, the remaining amount of this non-income-related tax reserve was fully released in 2013. (11) During 2013, we recorded losses and related net costs of $5.4 million in cur Europe business related to significant flooding in Czech Republic in the second quarter of 2013. These losses were offset by $7.4 million insurance proceeds received in 2013. (12) Upon termination of our Tradeteam distribation agreements and sabsequent termination of the joint venture and sale of our 49.9% interest in Tradeteam to DHL, we recognized a Ioss of \$13.2 million in December 2013. See Note 5, "Investments" for further discussion. In addition to the previously mentioned termination-related items recorded in special items, in the fourth quarter of 2013 we received termination notifications from Modelo and Heineken related to our MMI joint venture agreement and contract-brewing agreement, respectively. Upon termination of the MMI joint venture, which is expected to occur at the end of the day on February 28, 2014, we expect to recognize termination fee income of CAD 70.0 million, net of the remaining carrying value of the definite-lived intangible asset, within special items. See Note 5 , "Investments" for further discussion. Additionally, we have a contract brewing and kegging agreement with Heineken whereby we produce and package the Foster's and Kronienbourg brands in the U.K. In December 2013, we entered into an agreement with Heineken to early terminate this arrangement. As a result of the termination, Heineken has agreed to pay us an aggregate early termination payment of GBP 13.0 million during and through the end of the transition period, concluding on April 30,2015 , which will be recognized within special items. Restructuring Activities In 2012, we introduced several initiatives focused on increasing our efficioncies and reducing costs across all functions of the business in order to develop a more competitive supply chain and global cost structure. Included in these inifiatives is a long-term focus on reducing labor and general overhead casts through restructuring activities. We view these restructuring activities as actions to allow us to meet our long-term growth targets by generating future cost savings within cost of goods sold and general and administrative expenses and include organizational changes that strengthen our business and accelerate efficiencies within our operational structure. As a result of these restructuring activities, we have reduced headcount by approximately 910 employees, of which 310 and 600 relate to 2013 and 2012 activities, respectively. Consequently, we recognized severance and other employee related charges during 2013 and 2012, which we have recorded as special items within our consolidated statements of operations. As we continually evaluate our cost structure and seek opportunities for further efficiencies and cost savings, we may incur additional restructuring related charges in the future, however, are unable to estimate the atnount of charges at this time. We have incured charges or recognized gains that we do not believe to be indicative of our core operations. As such, we have separately classified these charges (benefits) as special items. The table below summarizes special items recorded by segment: Wee farther discussion of restructuring activities below. (2) During 2013, 2012 and 2011 , we recognized charges for pension curtailment and special termination benefits related to certain defined benefit pension plans in Canada. See Note 16, "Employee Retirement Plans and Postretirement Benefits" for impact to our defined bentefit pension plans. (3) During the fourth quarter of 2013, we recognized an impairment charge related to our definite-lived intangible asset associated with our licensing agreement with Miller in Canada. See Note 19, "Commitments and Contingencies" for further discussion. (4) During the second quarter of 2012, we recognized an asset abandonment charge related to the discontimuation of primary packaging in the U.K. We determined that our Home Draft package was not meeting expectations driven by a lack of demand in the U.K. market and as a result, we recognized a loss related to the write-off of the Home Draft packaging line, tooling equipment and packaging materials inventory. (5) During the third quarter of 2013 , we recognized impairment charges related to indefinite-lived intangible assets in Europe. See Note 12 ,"Goodwill and Intangible Assets" for further discussion

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