Please do this in Matlab. And please copy and paste data into notepad and make it into a .txt file called ChemConc.txt. Please take screenshots
Please do this in Matlab. And please copy and paste data into notepad and make it into a .txt file called ChemConc.txt. Please take screenshots of everything including .text file, script, and command window ( output). Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it.
Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 2.2014253e+00 1.6211191e+00 2.3592177e+00 1.8933344e+00 1.6655819e+00 1.7251329e+00 2.4799004e+00 1.5553601e+00 1.4590468e+00 2.1026952e+00 1.9772806e+00 1.6719741e+00 9.9346905e-01 1.8328324e+00 6.6696563e-01 2.0380582e+00 1.6628930e+00 2.3566261e+00 1.6601807e+00 5.3396588e-01 1.6045827e+00 1.7597668e+00 5.6398203e-01 1.7294268e+00 1.2248229e+00 7.9302982e-01 8.7814435e-01 5.8530482e-01 1.7703958e+00 1.0637337e+00 7.4786456e-01 1.4807146e+00 2.2059963e+00 2.2478548e+00 1.0405887e+00 2.3958662e+00 6.6414241e-01 7.1141885e-01 7.8408224e-01 8.3292088e-01 1.9756833e+00 6.2680900e-01 2.2208811e+00 2.3688102e+00 2.4687966e+00 7.6786250e-01 5.6177910e-01 2.3782834e+00 1.1026121e+00 1.0910677e+00 1.6180651e+00 2.2081999e+00 1.1957584e+00 1.3920533e+00 6.0847897e-01 2.4768359e+00 1.5799642e+00 1.9138348e+00 2.4989832e+00 1.0756987e+00 8.5623391e-01 1.2192698e+00 6.1340938e-01 1.5437713e+00 1.1716979e+00 2.3242649e+00 7.0802315e-01 1.9910921e+00 1.9725349e+00 1.6237229e+00 2.2898834e+00 6.4290563e-01 9.8497312e-01 6.0750878e-01 1.3834441e+00
Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 Day10
2.1307944e+00 2.2580278e+00 2.4778232e+00 5.0104475e-01 2.2308772e+00
9.5568587e-01 1.4961886e+00 2.3017050e+00 1.6493224e+00 2.1903564e+00
1.7519196e+00 1.8218891e+00 1.9595037e+00 2.2815042e+00 2.4646064e+00
7.4171914e-01 2.2254214e+00 1.4685930e+00 2.1897113e+00 9.1881017e-01
5.9906516e-01 1.4791400e+00 8.8502079e-01 7.4616750e-01 9.1098834e-01
1.5771934e+00 1.8903261e+00 1.4982320e+00 1.5716021e+00 1.3903663e+00
9.1692272e-01 1.6299591e+00 1.7806237e+00 1.3340579e+00 9.1195103e-01
1.7419173e+00 1.6474195e+00 6.0415578e-01 2.3624028e+00 1.9573234e+00
2.2178776e+00 2.0711180e+00 1.5267548e+00 8.5520492e-01 1.2971790e+00
1.1658726e+00 1.4341364e+00 1.7963968e+00 5.5045636e-01 2.1844132e+00
8.5421507e-01 1.8256161e+00 1.1616580e+00 2.2969723e+00 7.3631040e-01
1.3290451e+00 1.4296799e+00 2.0279142e+00 2.1364081e+00 7.0044308e-01
8.5133806e-01 9.1789335e-01 2.3103071e+00 1.8507824e+00 1.4369364e+00
8.6838820e-01 1.6944227e+00 1.0998740e+00 7.6824587e-01 9.2520307e-01
5.2656640e-01 2.2943827e+00 8.9331638e-01 6.8674103e-01 1.1147338e+00
I really hope this works. I was getting mad and I had to do in two seperate parts. 6-10 don't seem to be lined up.
Question 21) A certain factory along Cancer Alley releases an amount, A, of a pollutant into the Mississippi River. The max concentration, C(M), of the pollutant at distance X is: 2 C= X The EPA is pushing to keep the concentration of the chemical below a safe limit of 1.2 mm. Nanofiber filters must be used to filter the discharge if the concentration exceeds this threshold. Therefore, the amount, A (mg/m3), of the chemical is measured over 15 hours of daily operation of the plant at a distance of 1000 m from the plant over a 10-day period. The resulting data is provided below and is stored in a ChemConc.txt file. The first row in the file contains the days (string type) and each of the rows 2 through 16 contain 15 data points (double type) that represent measured concentrations each day. a) Read this data provided into your script using the textscan function. Make sure the file opens and closes successfully and display relevant messages on the screen. b) Now, working with the cell array containing the data, calculate the concentration of the pollutant at X for every measured value of A. c) Find the maximum concentration of each day. d) Plot the maximum concentrations with blue open circles and label the graph. In addition, using programming, create a red dashed line at 1.2 mM in the graph to help visually detect whether maximum concentration on any day has exceeded the threshold value. Dayi Day2 2.2014253e-ee 1.6713191e+ 1.7251329e-ee 2.4799224e20 1.9772806e-ee 1.6719741600 2.03805820-00 1.662595ee- 1.6845827e-ee 1.7597668e-ee 7.9302982e-e1 B.7814435e-21 7.4706456e-01 1.450714E+09 2.3958662etee 6.6414241e-01 197568300 6.2689gede-01 7.6766250e-01 5.6177912e-01 1.6180651e-00 2.2881999.00 2.4768359-60 1.57996428+80 6 5629391e-01 1.2192698e+Be 2.3242649e+ 7.e3e23156-1 2.2696634e-ee 6,4290563e-01 Day3 2.3592177e-8a 1.5553601e-ee 9.93469ese-01 2.3565261eee 5.6998203e-01 5.5538482e-01 2.2859963eree 7.1141885e-3 2.2206811e-ee 2.3782834e-60 1.1957584e+ 1.9138348eoe 6.1340938e-e: 9.8497312-01 Day 4 1.8933344-28 1.4598456e-20 1.8328324e-te 1.6601687e-80 1.72942689-e 1.7723958e-ee 2.2476545e-20 7.8428224e-21 2.3686102e-20 1.1026121e-ee 1.3920533e+ae 2.4989832e-20 1.5437713120 1.9725349e-ee 6.0758878-21 Day5 Days Day? Days 1.6655813-00 2.130794e-20 2.2588278e+22 2.4778232e-8 2.1026952e-00 9.5568587e-01 1.4951886-02 2.321758e-ee 6.6696563e-01 1.7519196:00 1.8213891e+ 1.9595037-00 5.3396588-01 7.41719146-01 2.2254214.00 1.4655930900 1.22482296-00 5.9906516e-01 1 47914e8e- 8.8502879-81 1.8637337e- 1.5771934eea 1.8923261e+ea 1.4982320e+ve 1.2405887e-08 9.1692272e-01 1.6299591+00 1.7806237-00 3.3292088e-01 1.7419173e+03 1.6474195e+6.415578e-01 2.4687956e-ee 2.2178776etee 2.0711188eee 1.5267548+00 1.89186776.00 1.1658726e100 1.4341364e-00 1.796396e:20 6.2847897-81 8.3421587e-01 1.82551610-02 1.1616580+08 1.2756987+00 1.3293451e+03 1.4296799e+ 2.0279142e-00 1.1716979-00 8.5133886e-01 9.17893354-21 2.3183a71e+00 1.6237229-00 3.683382-01 1.6944227e-00 1.0998748e-00 1.38344416-00 5.2656642e-01 2.2943827e-ee 8.9331638e-1 Day9 5. 0104475-02 1.6493224e-20 2.28156424+00 2.18971132-30 7.46167524-01 1.5716821e-ee 1.33405790+00 2.3624028e-ee 8.5520492e-01 5.5045635-01 2.2969723+28 2.1354081.00 1.8507824e-20 7.6824587-01 6.86741030-01 Dayle 2.2303772- 2. 19935544+00 2.4546054e-00 9.1581017-01 9.1098834-01 1.3923653e-ae 9.1195103e-e1 1.9573234-00 1.297179ee-ee 2.1844132e-00 7.35310-10-01 7.68443050-01 1.4369354-00 9.2520307-01 1.1147335e-00 Close-up (Days 1-5) Day1 Day 2 Day3 Day4 Days 2.2014253e+00 1.6211191e+ 2.3592177e+00 1.8933344e+00 1.66558194400 1.7251329e+00 2.4799004e+00 1.5553601e+00 1.4599468e+00 2.1026952e+00 1.9772806e+00 1.67197412+00 9.9346905e-01 1.8328324e+00 6.6696563e-01 2.0388582e+00 1.6628930e+be 2.3566261e+00 1.6601807e+00 5.3396588e-01 1.6845827e+00 1.7597668e+00 5.6398203e-01 1.7294268e+00 1.2248229e+00 7.9302982e-01 8.7814435e-01 5.8530482e-01 1.7703958e+00 1.0637337e+20 7.4786456e-01 1.4807146e+00 2.2059963e+00 2.2478548e+00 1.8405887e+00 2.3958662e+02 6.6414241e-01 7.1141885e-01 7.8408224e-01 8.3292088e-01 1.9756833e+00 6.26809001-01 2.2208811e+00 2.3688102e+00 2.4687966e+00 7.678625@e-01 5.6177910-01 2.3782834e+00 1.1026121e+00 1.0910677e+eo 1.6180651e+00 2.2081999e+00 1.1957584e+00 1.3920533e+00 6.6847897e-01 2.4768359e+00 1.5799642e+00 1.9138348e+00 2.4989832e+00 1.0756987e+00 8.5623391e-01 1.2192698e+00 6.1340938e-01 1.5437713e+00 1.1716979e+00 2.3242649e+00 7.0802315e-01 1.9910921e+00 1.9725349e+00 1.6237229e+00 2.2898834e+00 6.4290563e-01 9.8497312e-01 6.0750878e-01 1.3834441e+00 Close-up(6-10) Day6 Day 7 Day8 Day9 Dayle 2.1307944e+00 2.2580278e+00 2.4778232e+00 5.0104475e-01 2.2308772e+00 9.5568587e-01 1.4961886e+00 2.3017052e+00 1.6493224e+00 2.1903564e+00 1.7519196e+00 1.8218891e+00 1.9595037e+00 2.2815042e+00 2.4646064e+00 7.4171914e-01 2.2254214e+00 1.4685930e+00 2.1897113e+00 9.1881017-01 5.9906516e-01 1.47914602+00 8.8502079e-01 7.4616750e-01 9.1098834e-01 1.5771934e+00 1.8993261e+00 1.4982320e+00 1.5716021e+00 1.3903663e+00 9.1692272e-01 1.6299591e+00 1.7806237e+00 1.3340579e+00 9.1195103e-01 1.7419173e+00 1.6474195e+00 6.0415578e-01 2.3624028e+00 1.9573234e+00 2.2178776e+00 2.0711180e+eo 1.5267548e+00 8.5520492e-01 1.2971790e+00 1.1658726e+00 1.4341364e+00 1.7963968e+00 5.5045636e-01 2.1844132e+00 8.5421507e-01 1.8256161e+00 1.1616580e+00 2.2969723e+00 7.3631040e-01 1.3290451e+00 1.4296799e+00 2.0279142e+00 2.1364081e+00 7.0044308e-01 8.5133806e-01 9.1789335e-01 2.3103071e+00 1.8507824e+00 1.4369364e+00 8.68388202-01 1.6944227e+00 1.0998740e+00 7.6824587e-01 9.2520307e-01 5.26566402-01 2.2943827e+00 8.9331638e-01 6.8674103e-01 1.1147338e+00 Question 21) A certain factory along Cancer Alley releases an amount, A, of a pollutant into the Mississippi River. The max concentration, C(M), of the pollutant at distance X is: 2 C= X The EPA is pushing to keep the concentration of the chemical below a safe limit of 1.2 mm. Nanofiber filters must be used to filter the discharge if the concentration exceeds this threshold. Therefore, the amount, A (mg/m3), of the chemical is measured over 15 hours of daily operation of the plant at a distance of 1000 m from the plant over a 10-day period. The resulting data is provided below and is stored in a ChemConc.txt file. The first row in the file contains the days (string type) and each of the rows 2 through 16 contain 15 data points (double type) that represent measured concentrations each day. a) Read this data provided into your script using the textscan function. Make sure the file opens and closes successfully and display relevant messages on the screen. b) Now, working with the cell array containing the data, calculate the concentration of the pollutant at X for every measured value of A. c) Find the maximum concentration of each day. d) Plot the maximum concentrations with blue open circles and label the graph. In addition, using programming, create a red dashed line at 1.2 mM in the graph to help visually detect whether maximum concentration on any day has exceeded the threshold value. Dayi Day2 2.2014253e-ee 1.6713191e+ 1.7251329e-ee 2.4799224e20 1.9772806e-ee 1.6719741600 2.03805820-00 1.662595ee- 1.6845827e-ee 1.7597668e-ee 7.9302982e-e1 B.7814435e-21 7.4706456e-01 1.450714E+09 2.3958662etee 6.6414241e-01 197568300 6.2689gede-01 7.6766250e-01 5.6177912e-01 1.6180651e-00 2.2881999.00 2.4768359-60 1.57996428+80 6 5629391e-01 1.2192698e+Be 2.3242649e+ 7.e3e23156-1 2.2696634e-ee 6,4290563e-01 Day3 2.3592177e-8a 1.5553601e-ee 9.93469ese-01 2.3565261eee 5.6998203e-01 5.5538482e-01 2.2859963eree 7.1141885e-3 2.2206811e-ee 2.3782834e-60 1.1957584e+ 1.9138348eoe 6.1340938e-e: 9.8497312-01 Day 4 1.8933344-28 1.4598456e-20 1.8328324e-te 1.6601687e-80 1.72942689-e 1.7723958e-ee 2.2476545e-20 7.8428224e-21 2.3686102e-20 1.1026121e-ee 1.3920533e+ae 2.4989832e-20 1.5437713120 1.9725349e-ee 6.0758878-21 Day5 Days Day? Days 1.6655813-00 2.130794e-20 2.2588278e+22 2.4778232e-8 2.1026952e-00 9.5568587e-01 1.4951886-02 2.321758e-ee 6.6696563e-01 1.7519196:00 1.8213891e+ 1.9595037-00 5.3396588-01 7.41719146-01 2.2254214.00 1.4655930900 1.22482296-00 5.9906516e-01 1 47914e8e- 8.8502879-81 1.8637337e- 1.5771934eea 1.8923261e+ea 1.4982320e+ve 1.2405887e-08 9.1692272e-01 1.6299591+00 1.7806237-00 3.3292088e-01 1.7419173e+03 1.6474195e+6.415578e-01 2.4687956e-ee 2.2178776etee 2.0711188eee 1.5267548+00 1.89186776.00 1.1658726e100 1.4341364e-00 1.796396e:20 6.2847897-81 8.3421587e-01 1.82551610-02 1.1616580+08 1.2756987+00 1.3293451e+03 1.4296799e+ 2.0279142e-00 1.1716979-00 8.5133886e-01 9.17893354-21 2.3183a71e+00 1.6237229-00 3.683382-01 1.6944227e-00 1.0998748e-00 1.38344416-00 5.2656642e-01 2.2943827e-ee 8.9331638e-1 Day9 5. 0104475-02 1.6493224e-20 2.28156424+00 2.18971132-30 7.46167524-01 1.5716821e-ee 1.33405790+00 2.3624028e-ee 8.5520492e-01 5.5045635-01 2.2969723+28 2.1354081.00 1.8507824e-20 7.6824587-01 6.86741030-01 Dayle 2.2303772- 2. 19935544+00 2.4546054e-00 9.1581017-01 9.1098834-01 1.3923653e-ae 9.1195103e-e1 1.9573234-00 1.297179ee-ee 2.1844132e-00 7.35310-10-01 7.68443050-01 1.4369354-00 9.2520307-01 1.1147335e-00 Close-up (Days 1-5) Day1 Day 2 Day3 Day4 Days 2.2014253e+00 1.6211191e+ 2.3592177e+00 1.8933344e+00 1.66558194400 1.7251329e+00 2.4799004e+00 1.5553601e+00 1.4599468e+00 2.1026952e+00 1.9772806e+00 1.67197412+00 9.9346905e-01 1.8328324e+00 6.6696563e-01 2.0388582e+00 1.6628930e+be 2.3566261e+00 1.6601807e+00 5.3396588e-01 1.6845827e+00 1.7597668e+00 5.6398203e-01 1.7294268e+00 1.2248229e+00 7.9302982e-01 8.7814435e-01 5.8530482e-01 1.7703958e+00 1.0637337e+20 7.4786456e-01 1.4807146e+00 2.2059963e+00 2.2478548e+00 1.8405887e+00 2.3958662e+02 6.6414241e-01 7.1141885e-01 7.8408224e-01 8.3292088e-01 1.9756833e+00 6.26809001-01 2.2208811e+00 2.3688102e+00 2.4687966e+00 7.678625@e-01 5.6177910-01 2.3782834e+00 1.1026121e+00 1.0910677e+eo 1.6180651e+00 2.2081999e+00 1.1957584e+00 1.3920533e+00 6.6847897e-01 2.4768359e+00 1.5799642e+00 1.9138348e+00 2.4989832e+00 1.0756987e+00 8.5623391e-01 1.2192698e+00 6.1340938e-01 1.5437713e+00 1.1716979e+00 2.3242649e+00 7.0802315e-01 1.9910921e+00 1.9725349e+00 1.6237229e+00 2.2898834e+00 6.4290563e-01 9.8497312e-01 6.0750878e-01 1.3834441e+00 Close-up(6-10) Day6 Day 7 Day8 Day9 Dayle 2.1307944e+00 2.2580278e+00 2.4778232e+00 5.0104475e-01 2.2308772e+00 9.5568587e-01 1.4961886e+00 2.3017052e+00 1.6493224e+00 2.1903564e+00 1.7519196e+00 1.8218891e+00 1.9595037e+00 2.2815042e+00 2.4646064e+00 7.4171914e-01 2.2254214e+00 1.4685930e+00 2.1897113e+00 9.1881017-01 5.9906516e-01 1.47914602+00 8.8502079e-01 7.4616750e-01 9.1098834e-01 1.5771934e+00 1.8993261e+00 1.4982320e+00 1.5716021e+00 1.3903663e+00 9.1692272e-01 1.6299591e+00 1.7806237e+00 1.3340579e+00 9.1195103e-01 1.7419173e+00 1.6474195e+00 6.0415578e-01 2.3624028e+00 1.9573234e+00 2.2178776e+00 2.0711180e+eo 1.5267548e+00 8.5520492e-01 1.2971790e+00 1.1658726e+00 1.4341364e+00 1.7963968e+00 5.5045636e-01 2.1844132e+00 8.5421507e-01 1.8256161e+00 1.1616580e+00 2.2969723e+00 7.3631040e-01 1.3290451e+00 1.4296799e+00 2.0279142e+00 2.1364081e+00 7.0044308e-01 8.5133806e-01 9.1789335e-01 2.3103071e+00 1.8507824e+00 1.4369364e+00 8.68388202-01 1.6944227e+00 1.0998740e+00 7.6824587e-01 9.2520307e-01 5.26566402-01 2.2943827e+00 8.9331638e-01 6.8674103e-01 1.1147338e+00Step by Step Solution
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