please fill out nmr form (C7H7NO3)
Problem 1: From the following IR and NMR data, determine the structure of the following compound Identify important peaks in the IR and interpret the NMR spectram. Show any other reasoning for determining the structure Hlemental Analysis: C, 54.90; H, 4.61: N. 9.15: 0,31.34. Based on the Mass Spectrum, the average molecular weight is 153, making the analysis correspond to a molecular formula ofC.H.NO, 10 Exit 0 Chemical Shift (parts per million) 1992 by Paul F. Schati 100 901 80 min 70 60f Percent Transmittance 50+ 40- 30 20+ 10 0+ 4000 Exit 3500 3000 2500 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 Wavenumber (cm). 1992 by Paul F. Schata NMR Report Form Formula (include any SODAR " composition and MS calculations if required on separate sheer of paper or on hack) Structure (Label non-equivalent Idrogens a, he... IR peaks Wavelength (cm) Bond missing(?): NMR Proton Chemical shift Deshielded by Split by Problem 1: From the following IR and NMR data, determine the structure of the following compound Identify important peaks in the IR and interpret the NMR spectram. Show any other reasoning for determining the structure Hlemental Analysis: C, 54.90; H, 4.61: N. 9.15: 0,31.34. Based on the Mass Spectrum, the average molecular weight is 153, making the analysis correspond to a molecular formula ofC.H.NO, 10 Exit 0 Chemical Shift (parts per million) 1992 by Paul F. Schati 100 901 80 min 70 60f Percent Transmittance 50+ 40- 30 20+ 10 0+ 4000 Exit 3500 3000 2500 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 Wavenumber (cm). 1992 by Paul F. Schata NMR Report Form Formula (include any SODAR " composition and MS calculations if required on separate sheer of paper or on hack) Structure (Label non-equivalent Idrogens a, he... IR peaks Wavelength (cm) Bond missing(?): NMR Proton Chemical shift Deshielded by Split by