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Please fix the following code and make sure that it compiles! (Make sure to have a copy constructor and a copy assignment declarations to the

Please fix the following code and make sure that it compiles!

(Make sure to have a copy constructor and a copy assignment declarations to the public area of your Time.h file. Implement the copy constructor and a copy assignment in your Time.cpp and add code to your main() to test your copy constructor and a copy assignment implementation.)

/** * Copy constructor */ Time(const Time & t); 
 /** * Copy assignment */ Time& operator =( const Time& rhs ); 


/* Main.cpp */



#include "Time.h"



using namespace std;

int main()


/* Default constructor test */

cout << "Object test: ";

Time test{};

if (test.is24Hour())

cout << "test is 24 hour formatted";


cout << "test is not 24 hour formatted";

cout << endl <

/* Overloaded test: asLong() test */

cout << "Object raw: ";

Time raw{14,02,50,600};


if (raw.is24Hour())

cout << "raw is 24 hour formatted ";


cout << "raw is not 24 hour formatted ";

cout << raw.toString() << " Time in ms: " << raw.asLong() << endl;

/* Overloaded test: 24 hour */

cout << "Object now: ";

Time now{13, 20, 04, 600};


if (now.is24Hour())

cout << "now is 24 hour formatted";


cout << "now is not 24 hour formatted";

cout << endl <

/* Overloaded test: 12 hour */

cout << "Object t_money: ";

Time t_money {15, 55, 43, 900};

if (t_money.is24Hour())

cout << "t_money is 24 hour formatted";


cout << "t_money is not 24 hour formatted";

cout << endl <

/* Overloaded test: max time, min time [ALL WORKING, MIDNIGHT CASE HANDLED]*/

cout << "Object min: ";

Time min {0,0,0,0};

cout << min.toString() << " ";


cout << min.toString() << " ";

cout << "Object max: ";

Time max {23, 59, 59, 999};

cout << max.toString() << " ";


cout << max.toString() << " ";

/* Overloaded test: bad input */

cout << "Object bad1: ";

Time bad1 {-30, 80, 109, 1010}; //Negative, out of bound values

cout << bad1.toString() << " ";

cout << "Object bad2: ";

Time bad2 {'T', 'a', 6, 509}; //non-integer values

cout << bad2.toString() << " ";

cout << "Object bad3: ";

Time bad3 {14, 43, 50, 1010}; //Out of bound only

cout << bad3.toString() << " ";

cout << "Object bad4: ";

Time bad4 {15, 45, 20, 50};

cout << bad4.toString() << " ";

/* Operator override test */

/* Output */

cout << "Override test: << ";

Time over1{15, 45, 39, 120};

cout << "toString() output: " << over1.toString() << " ";

cout << "Override output: " << over1 << " ";

/* Less than: Tested <, >, and == */

cout << "Override test: < ";

Time x{5, 45, 39, 120};

Time y{15, 45, 39, 120};

cout << "x == " << x.asLong() << ", y == "

<< y.asLong() << " ";

if (x < y)

cout << "x is < y ";


cout << "x is not < y ";

/* Greater than: Tested >, <, and == */

cout << "Override test: > ";

Time a{2,0,0,0};

Time b{3,0,0,0};

cout << "a == " << a.asLong() << ", b == "

<< b.asLong() << " ";

if (b > a)

cout << "b is > a ";


cout << "b is not > a ";

/* Equals: both equality and inequality work */

cout << "Equality test: == ";

Time c{2,30,30,50};

Time d{2,30,30,50};

Time e{5, 6, 7, 8};

Time f{10, 10, 10, 10};

cout << "c == " << c.asLong() << ", d == " << d.asLong()

<< ", e == " << e.asLong() << ", f == "

<< f.asLong() << " ";

if (c==d)

cout << "c==d ";


cout << "c!=d ";

if (e==f)

cout << "e==f ";


cout << "e!=f ";

/* Plus: */

cout << "Addition test: + ";

Time g{10,0,0,0};

Time h{15,45,30,0};

Time i{};

cout << "g == " << g << ", h == " << h << " ";

i = g + h;

cout << "g + h == " << i << " ";

g = {12,0,0,0};

h = {13,0,0,0};

cout << "g == " << g << ", h == " << h << " ";

i = g + h;

cout << "g + h == " << i << " ";

cout << "g == " << g << ", h == " << h << " ";

cout << "g + h == " << i << " ";

Time ms1 {21*60*60*1000};

Time ms2 {14*60*60*1000};

Time ms3{};

cout << "ms1 == " << ms1.asLong() << " or " << ms1 << ", ms2 == "

<< ms2.asLong() << " or " << ms2 << " ";

ms3 = ms1+ms2;

cout << "ms1 + ms2 == " << ms3.asLong() << " or " << ms3 << " ";

cout << endl;

/* Minus: */

cout << "Subtraction test: - ";

Time j {20,30,0,0}; /* 5:00:00 AM */

Time k {5,0,0,0}; /* 8:30:00 PM */

Time l{};

l = j-k;

cout << "j == " << j << ", k == " << k << endl;

cout << "j == " << j.asLong() << "ms, k == " << k.asLong() << "ms"

<< ", j - k == " << l.asLong() << "ms or " << l << " ";

cout << "Subtraction Test 2: millisecond ops ";

j = {140500};

k = {200690};

cout << "j == " << j.asLong() << " or " << j << ", k == " << k.asLong() << " or " << k << " ";

l = j-k;

cout << "j-k == " << l.asLong() << ", or " << l << " ";

cout << "Subtraction Test 3: Time code subtraction: ";

j = {5,10,0,0}; //5:10:00 AM

k = {20,20,0,0}; //8:20:00 PM

l = j - k;

/* Expected output 8:50:00 AM



cout << "j == " << j << ", k == " << k << endl;

cout << "j == " << j.asLong() << "ms, k == " << k.asLong() << "ms"

<< ", j - k == " << l.asLong() << "ms ";

cout << "j - k == " << l << " ";

/* Assignment Operator */

/* Test standard copy */

cout << "Assignment Test: ";

cout << "Copy Constructor Test: Time and_for_what(christmas_morning) ";

Time christmas_morning {6,0,0,0};

Time and_for_what(christmas_morning);

cout << "christmas_morning == " << christmas_morning << ", and_for_what == "

<< and_for_what << " ";


cout << christmas_morning << " on a Christmas morning, and for what?! ";

cout << "Standard Copy Test: noon = lunch ";

Time lunch {12,0,0,0};

Time noon = lunch;

cout << "lunch == " << lunch << ", noon == " << noon;

cout << " ";

/* Test 24-hour boolean copy*/

cout << "24 Hour State Copy Test: evening = dinner in 24hr time ";

Time dinner = {18,30,0,0}; //6:30 PM

dinner.set24Hour(true); //Dinner is now 18:30:0:0

Time evening = dinner;

cout << "dinner == " << dinner << ", evening == " << evening << " ";

/* Test Copy chaining */

cout << "Copy chaining test: all values should be the same as the farthest time on the right. ";

Time Another, Brick, In, The = {0};

Time Wall {13,44,25,650}; //Time is 1:44:25:650

cout << "Wall == " << Wall << " ";

cout << "Another = Brick = In = The = Wall ";

Another = Brick = In = The = Wall; // All Times should now be 1:44:25:650

cout << "Another == " << Another << ", Brick == " << Brick

<< ", In == " << In << ", The == " << The << ", Wall == " << Wall << " ";



/* Time.cpp */




#include "Time.h"



using namespace std;

//////////////////////Conversion methods///////////////////////////////////////

long hrs_to_ms(int i)


if (i < 0)

cerr << "Method hrs_to_ms: non-positive value given. ";

return i*60*60*1000; //hrs-->min-->sec-->ms


long min_to_ms(int i)


if (i < 0)

cerr << "Method min_to_ms: non-positive value given. ";

return i*60*1000; //min-->sec-->ms


long sec_to_ms(int i)


if (i < 0)

cerr << "Method sec_to_ms: non-positive value given. ";

return i*1000;


int time_in_ms(long t)


return t % 1000;


int time_in_sec(long t)


return (t/1000)%60;


int time_in_min(long t)


return (t/1000/60)%60;


int time_in_24hrs(long t)


return (t/1000/60/60)%24;


int time_in_12hrs(long t)


return (t/1000/60/60)%12;


////////////////////////End Conversion Methods//////////////

//Default Constructor: Time is at 0 ms, not 24 hr format


: t_ms{0}, is_24_hr{false}


//Overloaded Constructor: milliseconds only

Time::Time(long time)

: t_ms{time}, is_24_hr{false}


if (time < 0)

cerr << "Time Constructor: non-positive value given for time ";

/* Check for overflow values*/

if (time > numeric_limits::max())

cerr << "Time Constructor: time value overflow ";


//Overloaded Constructor: Hours, minutes, seconds, ms format

Time::Time(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milli )


/* Error checking: positive values */

if (hours < 0 || minutes < 0 || seconds < 0 || milli < 0)

cerr <<"Time Constructor: non-positive value given ";

if (hours > 23)

cerr << "Time Constructor: invalid hour value ";

if (minutes >= 60)

cerr << "Time Constructor: invalid minute value ";

if (seconds > 60)

cerr << "Time Constructor: invalid seconds value ";

if (milli > 999)

cerr << "Time Constructor: invalid milliseconds value ";

long h_conv = hrs_to_ms(hours);

long m_conv = min_to_ms(minutes);

long s_conv = sec_to_ms(seconds);

t_ms = h_conv + m_conv + s_conv + milli;

/* Check for overflow values */

if (t_ms > numeric_limits::max())

cerr << "Time Constructor: time value overflow ";

is_24_hr = false;


/* Copy Constructor: copy long time from Time argument and

* store in the new object's t_ms. Copy argument's 24 hr state

* and store it in the new object's 24 hr state. */

Time::Time (const Time& t)

: t_ms{t.t_ms}, is_24_hr{t.is_24_hr}






long Time::asLong() const


return t_ms;


string Time::toString() const


int hrs, min, sec, ms;

ostringstream s;

/*Hour assignment: check for 24 hour flag, adjust hour assignment an AM/PM output */

if (is_24_hr)


hrs = time_in_24hrs(t_ms);

min = time_in_min(t_ms);

sec = time_in_sec(t_ms);

ms = time_in_ms(t_ms);

//Pipe data into the stringstream

s << hrs << ":" << min << ":" << sec << ":" << ms;


/* Output as 12-hour time, add AM/PM to output string */



/* Check for midnight state */

if (time_in_12hrs(t_ms) == 0)

hrs = 12;


hrs = time_in_12hrs(t_ms);

min = time_in_min(t_ms);

sec = time_in_sec(t_ms);

ms = time_in_ms(t_ms);

/* AM/PM check */

/* Check the time using time_in_24hrs, not time_in_12hrs, which is always < 12 */

if (time_in_24hrs(t_ms) < 12)

s << hrs << ":" << min << ":" << sec << ":" << ms << " AM";


s << hrs << ":" << min << ":" << sec << ":" << ms << " PM";


return s.str();


void Time::set24Hour(bool value)


/* DEBUG */

//cout << "set24Hour: value is " << value;

is_24_hr = value;


bool Time::is24Hour() const


return is_24_hr;


//////////////////////////* Override Operators *//////////////////////////////////////////////

/* Output: << acts as a toString() call */

ostream& operator <<(ostream& s, const Time& t)


s << t.toString(); /*Assign the time output of the passed Time object

to the output stream*/

return s;


/* Less than: Compare lhs time to rhs time using asLong() method */

bool operator <(const Time& lhs, const Time& rhs)


bool result;

if (lhs.asLong() < rhs.asLong() )

result = true;


result = false;

return result;


/* Greater than: return !(a

bool operator >(const Time& lhs, const Time& rhs)


bool result;

if (lhs.asLong() == rhs.asLong())

result = false;


result = !(lhs < rhs);

return result;


/* Equal to: Compare lhs.asLong() to rhs.asLong() for equality */

bool operator ==(const Time& lhs, const Time& rhs)


return (lhs.asLong() == rhs.asLong());


/* Assignment Operator */

Time& Time::operator= (const Time &rhs)


t_ms = rhs.t_ms; //Assign right-hand time to new object's time

is_24_hr = rhs.is_24_hr; //Assign right-hand time's hour-state to new object

return *this; //return the newly created object


/* Plus operator: this + arg.asLong() */

Time Time::operator +(const Time& t) const


Time result {};

const long ms_in_day = 24*60*60*1000;

result = (this->asLong() + t.asLong()) % ms_in_day;

return result;


/* Minus Operator: this - arg.asLong() */

Time Time::operator -(const Time& t) const


Time result{};

const long ms_in_day = 24*60*60*1000;

/* If operation is negative, give a positive answer by adding the maximum day millisecond value.

* Otherwise, return the result as normal. */

if (this->asLong() - t.asLong() < 0 )

result = this->asLong() -t.asLong() + ms_in_day;


result = this->asLong() - t.asLong();

return result;



/* Time.h */

#ifndef TIME_H_

#define TIME_H_





using namespace std;


* Time class


* The Time class contains time as hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds (AM/PM).


class Time




* Constructor with zero values




* Constructors with arguments


Time(long time);

Time(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milli);


* Copy constructor


Time(const Time& t);


* Deconstructor


virtual ~Time();


* Return time as a long value representing time in millisecondsF


long asLong() const;


* Display as a string in the format hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.

* For example 1:45:30:56 PM


* The time is displayed as 24 hours if the 24 hour flag is set true.


string toString() const;


* Enable/disable 24 hour time display


void set24Hour(bool value);


* Return true if 24 hour time display is enabled


bool is24Hour() const;


* Output the time to an output stream


friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream&, const Time&); // Output a Time to an output stream


* Define ordering relationships


friend bool operator <(const Time& lhs, const Time& rhs);

friend bool operator >(const Time& lhs, const Time& rhs);

friend bool operator ==(const Time& lhs, const Time& rhs);


* Copy assignment


Time& operator =( const Time& rhs );


* Define addition and subtraction


Time operator +(const Time&) const;

Time operator -(const Time&) const;



* Private members go here


long t_ms; //Time variable, in milliseconds

bool is_24_hr; //24 hour flag

/* Define helper methods */

friend long hrs_to_ms(int i);

friend long min_to_ms(int i);

friend long sec_to_ms(int i);

friend int time_in_ms(long t);

friend int time_in_sec(long t);

friend int time_in_min(long t);

friend int time_in_24hrs(long t);

friend int time_in_12hrs(long t);


#endif /* TIME_H_ */

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