Please help answer question number 2-41. What are the steps to making a balance score card
( loan volume) 35 ( 6 processes meeting quality certification standards) (4) People (meeting diversity goals in hiring). Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the "4P Scorecard." 2-38 Balanced Scorecards for nonprofit and governmental organizations Explain how a Balanced Scorecard for a nonprofit or governmental organization typically differs from for-profit Balanced Scorecards. 2-39 Performance measurement or management system Discuss whether the Balanced Scorecard strategy map approach is a performance measurement system, a management system, or both. 2-40 Designing a Balanced Scorecard, differentiation strategy Why did Pioneer Petroleum, a company following a differentiation strategy, have so many process objectives and measures relating to cost reduction and productivity? 2-41 Designing a Balanced Scorecard, new strategies, customer measures Refer to the In Practice description of Infosys on page 24. uld a company with Infosys's history find the Balanced Scorecard important for g its growth and monitoring its performance? tomer measures would you recommend that Infosys use in its Balanced Scorecard? ployee measures would you recommend that Infosys use in its Balanced 1? 2-42 Designing a Balanced Scorecard, new strategies, customer measures Refer to the In Practice description of Teach for America on pages 44-45. How can Teach for America use its strategy map and scorecard to advance its mission and strategy? 2-43 Designing a Balanced Scorecard Consider the manager of a store in a fast- food restaurant chain. Construct a Balanced Scorecard to evaluate that manager's performance. 2-44 Developing a Balanced Scorecard within a university Develop a Balanced Scorecard that the dean or director of your school could use to evaluate the school's operations. Be specific and indicate the purpose of each Balanced Scorecard measure. 2-45 Balanced Scorecard for governmental or nonprofit organization Organizations in the public and nonprofit sector, such as government agencies and charitable social service entities, have financial systems that budget expenses and monitor ending. Choose a government agency or nonprofit y or organizationIN PRACTICE nfosys Develops a Balanced Scorecard to Describe and Implement Its Strategy Infosys was founded in India in 1981 by seven engi- generating $50 million or more in revenue and sage neers as an IT "body shop"-a firm that deployed that were generating more than $100 milion To skilled IT labor to work, on a contract basis, for clients. deals usually involved multiple services putrad Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the programmer-for- over several years. hire business flourished along with the increased As part of the company's transformation fren global demand for IT systems and maintenance. IT body shop and outsourcer to a trusted trasstars Infosys soon developed the capabilities it needed to be- tional partner with large global corporations the come an outsourcer, executing IT projects for clients Infosys executive team developed a Balanced See from its facilities in India. Its success in executing such card to provide a comprehensive framework by whit complex projects led some clients to hire Infosys to it could formulate, communicate, and monitoring manage software projects end to end, from project ar- egy. Infosys's CEO explained the role that the IS chitecture to detailed programming. Within a decade, played in the company's recent growth: Infosys had shifted its operating model from supplying labor for one segment of a job to designing, managing. The BSC allows us to promote constant change and delivering complete software projects. through stretch goals. Since 2002, we have so In the early 2000s, Infosys expanded its portfolio of cessfully steered the transformation of our services beyond traditional IT outsourcing, to partner- company through various stages of its evolution ing with large global clients to transform their busi- using the Balanced Scorecard. We continor nesses through advanced IT products, services, and take on new strategic challenges that ney solutions. In 2005, the firm had only five contracts worth to manage change. These challenges require us to more than $50 million. By early 2008, it had 18 clients better execute our strategies comprehensively across the Balanced Scorecard perspectives Source. F. Asis-Martinez, R. S. Kaplan, and K. Miller, "Infosys' Relationship Scorecard Measuring Transformational Partnerships," HUS No. 1-108-006 (Boston Harvard Business School Publishing, 2006). Edward Jones' advantage is to become the preferred financial adviser to the or servative investor who is willing to follow the advice of a perse f a personal, professional ce selor. It does not want to be the brokerage firm for the day trader or the do-it-your online investor. Its scope is the range of locations, typically in a customer's hood, where it can supply an office with a single, self-supporting skilled financial viser who builds relationships with his or her clients. BALANCED SCORECARD OBJECTIVES. MEASURES, AND TARGETS A company should start its process of building a Balanced Scorecard by develop word statements of strategic objectives that describe what it is attempting to accio plish with its strategy. Once the company selects and defines its objective jectives for the fad BSC perspectives, it can select measures for each objective, The measures rep