please help! Colege Coastess is a San Diego-based merckandiser soeciafixing in lago-pdomed dirk coosters. The compeny reponted the fellowing bulances in its unadjsted tial balance at December 1 . tifeiget During Decembec, the compony entered inte the following transactions, Sorwe of these transacsons are euplaked in greater detiel below. a. Purchased 500 coashen on account trom the regutar suppler on 127 at a with cost of 50.42, with 121 ins of nve0. c Sold 2000 cosvers in acceurt on 12A at a unt price of \$100 d Collecsed 5940 trom ouefoment on accourt on 12/4 e. Paid the sucpler $1.330cmh on account on 12nt. Foll detination wen teies of Ne0. Oeder relewat intumation incluces the fofowng at 129t : recected. Generat Journal tab - Prepare the jarras entrits to record the transactions (a) thrsugh (a). Review the actountr ar thown in the General Lesger and Tiul Batance tabs. the urajjuated, acjusted, or post-dosing tiances in the Generai Ledper. College Coasters is a 5 an Diego-based merchandiser speciafiting in logo-adorned drink coasters. The company reported the ollowing baiances in its unadjusted trial balance at December 1. invertory on December t conshted ef 1000 cotstets, alt of which were purthated in a batch on Juy 10 at a wit cott of 5040 . Colitge Coanters reconds ts inventery using perpetual inventary accounts and the pero cost now methoe below During December, the company entered into the following transactions. Some of these transactions are explained in greater detal below a. Purchwsed 500 coasters on account from the regular suppler on 127 at a unit cost of 50.42, with terms of n 60 b. Purchased 1000 coasters on account from the regular suppliet on 12/2 at a unit cost of $0.45, with teiris of n60. c. Sold 2.000 cossters on account on 12/3 at a unt price of $1.00. d. Collected 5940 from customers on sccount on 12i/4 e. Pad the wipplier $1,330 cash on account on 1211 it t Paid employees $500 on 12/23, of which $260 reluted to work done in November and $240 was for wages up to December 22 . 9. Loaded 90 coasters on a cargo ship on 1231 to be detivered the following week to a custoner in Kons. Hawal The sale was made FOB destination with teres of n 60 . Other reitvant information incudes the following at 12/31 h. Colege Cossters has not yet recorded 3770 of office esbenses incurred in December on account. i. The company estimates that the equipment depreciates at a fate of 510 pec month. Ope month of deprecinsion nerds ta be recorded. Woges for the period tiom Decenber 23-31 we 400 and will be paid on Januey 15 ? 6. The 54Bo of Prepaid bect reiates to 4 siz month penod ending on May 3t of nen year. the ceenghry incured 3900 of income tax but her mabe no tax payments tha year. General Journal tab + Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions (a) through (n). Review the accounts as shown in the Genecal Ledger and Thisi Balance tabs. General Ledger tab - Each joumal entry ls pested automstically to the general ledger, the the srep-cown button to view the unsdjusted, adjusted, or post-dosing balances in the General Ledger. Trial Batance tab. You may view either the unadyusted, adjusted, of post olosing trial balance by choosicg from the drop: Gown. Income statement tab - Use the drep-dean to select the accounts property induded on the income statement. The unadyusted,sdyusted,orpostidesingbaianceswillaspearforeachaccountbasedonyourseit Balance sheet tab - Use the drop-down to select the accounts to groperty included on the balance theet. The unsdjusted. adjusted, or post-desing telances will appear for each eccourit, based en yeur selection