please help me answer the following
P P P SO So P Do Do Do Do O Q 0 A B C D E P S1 P SO P P P So So Do Do Do Do 0 DI O F G H P Si Do KFor each of the following events described, use the demand and supply graphs provided below to match these events. Indicate what has happened to supply, what has happened to demand, what has happened to the equilibrium market price {EMF} and equilibrium market quantity {EMQJ and the market condition. Write the Capital Letter ofthe graph that matches each event. Example: What happens in the movie market ifroovies are a normal good and consumers receive more imome? 1. impact in the wooden yoyo market ifthe price of wood increases. 2. Impact in the market for gas-guzzling cars if the price of gasoline falls 3. Effect in the market for wood burning stoves if there is a decrease in the price of electricity and natural gas 4. Effect in the rice market if scientists discover a new, more productive rice variety. 5. Impact in the beef market if there is an increase in the price of chicken and an increase in the price of feed for cattle. 6. impact in the gold market if people expect a lower future price of gold 7". Effect in the potato market if potatoes are an inferior good and incomes rise _a_t_h_e_sar_r_le_tir_ne_tl_1_at low temperature kills some potato buds. 8. Before economic reforms were implemented in the countries of Eastern Europe, regulation held the price of bread substantially beiow equilibrium. When reforms were implemented, prices were deregulated and they rose dramaticaliy. As a resutt, the quantity of bread demanded dramatically fell and the quantity of bread supplied rose sharply. 9. As more and more people bought home computers during the 19905, the demand for access to the World Wide Web and the Internet increased sharply. At same time, new oompania like Earl's began to enter the internetaccess market competing with older, more established services such as American l[ZInIir'Ie. Despite a massive increase in demand, the price of access to the Web actually declined I 10. in 199? and 1998, the economy expanded, increasing the demand for labor and pushing up wages