Please help me out this. How can I ?
How to do this single command in terminal. Please help me out. Please show your work
Part C: Unix basic commands on managing the files and directories (Advance) Open your terminal and connect to snowball server. Change your directory to your home directory (cd ~ ), and then create a new directory named as "Lab2_Part(" (mkdir Lab2_PartC). After that, go to directory Lab2 PartC (cd Lab2_PartC) and please download a test file by the following command (internet access required): cp /home/hle49/public/CompanyList . txt CompanyList . txt Be sure it succeeds using "Is" to see the file name "companyList. txt" listed. Then please write the commands you will issue to complete the following tasks step by step. (15 points) (If you can complete all tasks below with one single-line command each, you get 5 more bonus points) (1) You may be curious about what information is stored in this file. So please use cat to display the content in "companyList. txt" using a relative pathname (hint: ./ ) (1 point) (2) We know that cat is good for showing the content of a small file. But since the file contains many lines, maybe you still cannot find out what information this files stores after step (1). So please use head to list the first five lines in "CompanyList. txt". (1 point) (3) Use we to check the number of recorded in "CompanyList. txt". (Hint: each line in CompanyList. txt is one record) (1 point) (4) Finish the task in step (3) by using the cat command. (Hint: type "man cat" and check the options). (2 point) (5) Use mkdir to create a new directory "Data" under your own home directory using absolute pathname. (1 point) (6) Copy "CompanyList. txt" into your "Data" directory and name it as "myCompanyList. txt". (2 point)(7) Check the existence of "CompanyList. txt" using Is with a relative pathname. (1 point) (8) Go into your "Data" directory using relative pathname. (1 point) (9) Display the absolute pathname for current working directory. (1 point) (10) Use mkdir to create a file structure as below in your "Data" directory using relative pathnames. (3 point) Data CSV TXT Backup Backup (11) Remove the directory "TXT". (1 point)