PLEASE help me to answer following questions.
3. (42 pts) The taste of cheese is related to the concentration of several chemicals in the final product. In a study of cheddar cheese, samples of cheese were analyzed for their chemical composition and were subjected to taste tests. The variables studied were as follows: Y: Taste test score (Taste) X1: Log-transformed concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) X2: Concentration of lactic acid (Lactic) X3: Log-transformed concentration of acetic acid (Acetic) Three models were fitted using SPSS. Model 1: Y = Bo + BIX, + 8 Model 2: Y = Bo + B, X, + B2X , + E Model 3: Y = Bo + B,X, + B,X 2 + B,X 3 + E ANOVAL Sum of Model Squares Mean Square F Sig Regression 4239.392 4239.392 35.018 000a Residual 3268.679 27 121.062 Total 7508.072 28 2 Regression 4968.381 2 2484.191 25.432 000b Residual 2539.690 26 97.680 Total 7508.072 28 3 Regression 4973.531 C (E Residual (A) 16.325 000C (D (F) Total (B 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), H2S b. Predictors: (Constant), H2S, LacticC. Predictors: (Constant), H2S, Lactic, Acetic d. Dependent Variable: Taste Coefficients a Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std . Error Beta Sig. 1 (Constant) -10.491 6.329 -1.658 109 H2S 5.870 992 751 5.918 000 2 (Constant) -31.888 9.678 -3.295 003 H2S 3.975 1.129 .509 3.520 002 Lactic 22.462 8.222 .395 2.732 011 3 (Constant) -35.954 20.559 -1.749 093 H2S 3.870 1.241 495 3.1 17 005 Lactic 21.864 8.786 .384 2.488 020 Acetic 1.008 4.472 .034 .225 824 a. Dependent Variable: Taste 6a. (12 pts) Complete the ANOVA table for model 3. A = B = C = D = E = F = b. (6 pts) Refer to Model 3. Compute the coefficient of determination from the ANOVA table. Interpret the coefficient in the context of the problem. Does the model provide an adequate fit according to this measure?c. (6 pts) Test if Model 3 is significant overall. Clearly state the null and alternative hypotheses in terms of the regression coefficients.f. (6 pts) Consider Model 2, use Bonferroni procedure to find the 90% family confidence interval of B, and B2