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Mini-Buliseye Discount (MBD) is a medium-Size national retaller with thousands of stores across the United States. MBD sells ail types of products, fanging from groceries to pet foods and automotive supplles Many of MBD's corporate employees are required as part of their jobs to travel, as well as purchase items on behalf of the company when they are out on jobs. To help with the processing of employee purchases, corporate-fevel employees are assigned a sequentiallynumbered purchasing card. Each purchasing card has both an authorized transaction limit. which is set based on the typical expenditures made by the employee, and single fransaction limit. Employees are told what their limits are and they know the cosmpany policies, but the issuing bank is uruble to limit individual transactions beyond a maximum balance placed on the card, which is set to the authotized total annual purchase limit for an employee. Management monitoss the use of the cards regulaily and folows up on any unusual expenses found. You have access to the following data MBD Pcord Dato The following is a data dictionacy for the Employee Expense Categories database The following is a data dictionaty for the Authorized Employee Cords dotabase: The following is a data dictionary for the Authorized Employee Cords database Questions: You have been assigned to audit the employee expense reimbursements for Mini Bullseye Discount (MBS) for the fiscal year ended 12/31/2020. You have been provided with the following information: - Information for use with Mini-Bullseye Discount document - Authorized Employee Cards database - Employee Expense Categories database - Employee Card Expenses 2020 database - The cllent Gl reports employee p-card expenses of $191,95810 This step requires you to complete some exceptions testing for the Employee p-card expenditures for the year ended 12/31/2020. Mini-Buliseye Discount (MBD) is a medium-Size national retaller with thousands of stores across the United States. MBD sells ail types of products, fanging from groceries to pet foods and automotive supplles Many of MBD's corporate employees are required as part of their jobs to travel, as well as purchase items on behalf of the company when they are out on jobs. To help with the processing of employee purchases, corporate-fevel employees are assigned a sequentiallynumbered purchasing card. Each purchasing card has both an authorized transaction limit. which is set based on the typical expenditures made by the employee, and single fransaction limit. Employees are told what their limits are and they know the cosmpany policies, but the issuing bank is uruble to limit individual transactions beyond a maximum balance placed on the card, which is set to the authotized total annual purchase limit for an employee. Management monitoss the use of the cards regulaily and folows up on any unusual expenses found. You have access to the following data MBD Pcord Dato The following is a data dictionacy for the Employee Expense Categories database The following is a data dictionaty for the Authorized Employee Cords dotabase: The following is a data dictionary for the Authorized Employee Cords database Questions: You have been assigned to audit the employee expense reimbursements for Mini Bullseye Discount (MBS) for the fiscal year ended 12/31/2020. You have been provided with the following information: - Information for use with Mini-Bullseye Discount document - Authorized Employee Cards database - Employee Expense Categories database - Employee Card Expenses 2020 database - The cllent Gl reports employee p-card expenses of $191,95810 This step requires you to complete some exceptions testing for the Employee p-card expenditures for the year ended 12/31/2020