Please help to answer question (h), (i), (j), (k). Thank you!
Question 3 MusicBrainz is an online database of information about recordings. The following is returned when I make a request for artist/0d79fe8e-ba27-4859-bb8c2f255f346853 with a special accept-type in the request header. eprefix rdf: . eprefix schema: . Shttp://musicbrainz. org/artist/0d79fe8e-ba27-4859-bbec-2t255f3.46853> schema:foundingDate "2013-06-13"AA^ schema: Date ; schema:member [ schema:member 387149d5932deb7542768cd3>; schema:startDate "2013-06-13"^^schema:Date ; rdf: type schema:OrganizationRole I schema:member 134cfca7722f5292e35bb5>; schema:startDate "2013-06-13"A^ schema:Date rdf:type schema: OrganizationRole 1, schema:name "BrS" ; schema: sameAs c>. Chttp://musicbrainz. org/artist/23c8056b-ee13-4ctc-a 772-2f5292e35bb5> rdf: type schema:MusicGroup, schena:Person. schema:name "Megan Thee Stallion" ; Idf:type schema:MusicGroup , schema:Person . , ; schematcreditedro "Brs feat. Megan Thee Stallion" ; schema:name "Butter" " raf:type schena:Musicarbun . (a) What (approximately) was the type that we put into the accept header? [1] (b) To indicate that someone is a member of a band in this model, the person is associated with a role using schema : member and then that role is associated with the group, also using schema:member. What is the full URL of the predicate schema :member? [1] (c) How many band members of BTS are listed in this snippet? [1] (d) Comment on the way the schena : member predicate is used in this context. [3] (e) What type(s) are associated with the entity with a schema : name of "JIN"? [1] (f) Consider the following SPARQL query SELECr ?a ?b WHERE mba:9fe8e-ba27-4859-bb3c-2f2551346853 schena:member ?c. ?c schema:startDate ?b; schema : member ?d. ?d schema:name ?a. What prefixes need to be defined for this to work (give the full declarations)? [1] (g) What would the query return? [2] (h) This data represents an export from a relational database. Construct an ER diagram providing a model that could accommodate the instance data above. [6] (i) Give the CREATE TABLE commands for two tables based on your ER model. [4] (j) Suggest a MySQL query to check whether any band member in the database is recorded as joining before the founding date of their band. [5] UL23/0217 Page 6 of 9 (k) MusicBrainz make their data available as both a downloadable database dump and as Linked Data of the sort quoted above. What are the benefits and disadvantages of each approach? [5]