Please I need a help with solving these two nonlinear equations using MATLAB with two unknowns. here is my code for it: clc T =
Please I need a help with solving these two nonlinear equations using MATLAB with two unknowns. here is my code for it:
T = 1338.71; % Kelvin a = 631.28; b = 13834.31; c = 6917.15; d = 3458.58; a1 = -26830; b1 = 30.114;
f = @(x)[ (exp((a1/T)+b1)) - (a * ((x(1)-x(2))/(c-x(1))) * (((3*x(1)+x(2))/(b+2*x(1)))^3) * ((b+2*x(1))/(d-x(1)-x(2)))) ; (exp((4400/T)-4.036) - ((1729.29+x(2))/(x(1)-x(2))) * ((3*x(1)+x(2))/(3458.58-x(1)-x(2))))];
[x,favl] = fsolve( f, [4800 1700] ) %Initial guess
this returns only one solution and it looks not the right one for the physical situation I'm solving this for. Its for chemical engineering problem dealing with mass balance using the extent of reactions ( multi reactions problem) where x(1) = extent of rxn 1 & x(2) = extent of rxn 2. How to get all the values of these two variables that satisfy the equations?
I'm starting with an initial total number of moles of 13,834.31 moles/sec going into the reactor, if that helps!
Thank you,,,
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