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Please i need help to solve this paper. I up vote you always whenever i got a satisfied answer. please solve complete. Please refer to

Please i need help to solve this paper. I up vote you always whenever i got a satisfied answer. please solve complete.

Please refer to Al Fajar Al Alamia Company SAOG.... If you need any information about cash flows or balance sheet etc. please let me know. i have a 58 pages financial report file of this company.

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Refer to the attached financial statements then compute the following: 1. ROCE: 2. Current Ratio: 3. Quick Ratio (Acid Test Ratio): 4. Operating Cash Flow To Current Liabilities Ratio: 5. AR Tumover: 6. Inventory Tumover: 7. Accounts Payable Tumover: 8. Interest Coverage Ratio: 9. Long-Term Debt Ratio 10. Debt Equity Ratio: 11. Long-Term Debt to Assets Ratio: 12. Interest Coverage Ratio: 13. Operating Cash Flow to Total Liabilities ratio: 14. Eamings Per Share (EPS): 15. Altman's Z-Score: in the formula, set Market value Book value =1) Al Fajar Al Alamia Company SAOG and its subsidiaries Separate and consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2020 (Expressed in Omani Rials) Note Group Parent Company 30 June 30 June 2020 2020 Group 30 June 2019 Parent Company 30 June 2019 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 7 7,811,838 864,727 6,688,122 894,719 Right-of-use asset 9 202,271 104,804 Intangible assets 8 3,631,053 2,746 147,011 4,341 Investment in subsidiaries 10 37,038,488 32,955,563 Investment in an associate 12 870,139 870,139 867,604 867,604 Goodwill 11 22,228,249 579,717 22,228,249 579,717 Deferred tax asset 32 411,853 20,761 311,831 16,084 Total non-current assets 35,155,403 39,481,382 30,242,817 35,318,028 Current assets Inventories 13 2,276,961 1,353,025 1,796,727 1,297,385 Trade and other receivables 14 17,583,255 2,176,855 14,672,736 1,356,733 Debt instruments at amortised cost 15 948,897 610,434 Cash and bank balances 34 744,533 58,066 247,413 10,895 Total current assets 21,553,646 3,587,946 17,327,310 2,665,013 Total assets 56,709,049 43,069,328 47,570,127 37,983,041 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' capital and reserves Share capital 18 4,933,025 4,933,025 4,933,025 4,933,025 Share premium 18 13,550,576 13,550,576 13,550,576 13,550,576 Legal reserve 19 1,391,007 1,294,851 1,365,979 1,269,823 Special reserve 19 579,717 579,717 579,717 579,717 Retained earnings 5,750,040 5,419,413 5,880,664 5,440,816 Total shareholders' capital and reserves 26,204,365 25,777,582 26,309,961 25,773,957 Non-current liabilities Non-current portion of long-term loans 20 7,009,863 5,004,375 3,150,704 1,925,817 Non-current portion of finance leases 21 1,805,921 1,805,921 Non-current portion of lease liabilities 165,217 84,668 Employees' benefit liabilities 23 1,066,509 375,351 953,504 326,058 Total non-current liabilities 10,047,510 7,270,315 4,104,208 2,251,875 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 17 4,976,058 3,983,463 4,898,054 5,543,082 Bank borrowings 22 13,385,781 4,411,956 10,445,292 3,035,600 Current portion of long-term loans 20 1,506,143 1,067,312 1,541,438 1,244,438 Current portion of finance leases 21 494,487 494,487 50,830 Current portion of lease liabilities 43,127 23,680 Provision for taxation 32 51,578 40,533 220,344 134,089 Total current liabilities 20,457,174 10,021,431 17,155,958 9,957,209 Total liabilities 30,504,684 17,291,746 21,260,166 12,209,084 Total shareholders' capital and reserves and liabilities 56,709,049 43,069,328 47,570,127 37,983,041 Net asset per share 33 0.531 0.523 0.533 0.522 These separate and consolidated financial statements, set out on pages 7 to 65, were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 26 August 2020 and were signed on their behalf by: Al Fajar Al Alamia Company SAOG and its subsidiaries Separate and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2020 (Expressed in Omani Rials) Group 30 June 2020 Parent Company 30 June 2020 Group 30 June 2019 Parent Company 30 June 2019 Notes 162,579 294,026 2,019,060 481,371 7 1,055,850 38,181 125,757 1,595 944,870 16,174 164,313 1,308 8 27 (5,300) 23,131 40,056 9 19,163 12 6,099 6,099 14,396 14,396 Operating activities Net profit before tax for the year Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Amortisation of intangible assets Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment Write-off of property, plant and equipment Amortisation of right-of-use asset Share of loss from investment in an associate Provision for obsolete and slow- moving inventories Provision for expected credit losses on trade receivables Reversal of excess ECL provision on trade receivables (Note 14) Reversal of ECL provision on related party receivables Finance costs Provision for employees' benefit liabilities Operating profit before working capital changes 12,222 9,101 17,040 12,994 30 88,333 230,253 100,996 27 (496,005) (3,219) (104,168) 27 31 (21,146) 1,287,707 (21,146) 647,172 1,031,796 486,504 23 136,433 53,898 120,384 27,193 2,328,139 1,132,445 4,289,805 1,289,075 (492,456) (2,486,902) 78,004 (64,741) (795,757) (1,559,619) 95,459 (2,011,808) 1,667,869 (103,408) 201,996 2,159,220 Working capital changes Inventories Trade and other receivables Trade and other payables Cash generated from/(used in) operating activities Less: employees' benefit liabilities paid Less: income tax paid Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities (573,214) (23,428) (230,984) (1,287,672) (4,605) (141,981) 4,041,325 (67,255) (215,325) 3,546,883 (8,805) (122,833) 32 (827,626) (1,434,258) 3,758,745 3,415,245 Al Fajar Al Alamia Company SAOG and its subsidiaries Separate and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2020 (Expressed in Omani Rials) Group 30 June 2020 Parent Company 30 June 2020 Group 30 June 2019 Parent Company 30 June 2019 Notes 7 (2,202,697) (95,765) (2,079,693) (235,541) 7 10,500 (3,522,223) 8 (110,921) (1,378) 12 (750,000) Investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Cost of acquisition of intangible assets Cost of acquisition of investment in an associate Costs paid for operating rights for license Cost of acquisition of investment in a subsidiary Net movement in debt instruments at amortised cost Net cash used in investing activities (750,000) 12 (8,634) (8,634) (132,000) (132,000) 10 (4,082,925) 15 (338,463) (489,684) (6,061,517) (4,187,324) (3,562,298) (1,118,919) (1,470,060) (1,125,860) (195,624) 2,493,830 517,649 Financing activities Net movement in long-term loans Net movement in finance leases Net movement in bank borrowings Lease liabilities paid (principal) Dividends paid 24 Finance costs paid 31 Net cash from/(used in) financing activities 3,823,864 2,249,578 2,120,842 (33,983) (305,979) (1,287,707) 6,566,616 2,901,432 2,300,408 732,609 (15,620) (246,651) (647,172) 5,025,007 (607,687) (1,031,796) (467,137) (493,303) (486,504) (1,932,218) (322,527) (596,575) (270,690) 364,108 Net decrease/(increase) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents, end of the year (2,544,053) (1,205,854) (2,273,363) (1,569,962) 34 (2,866,580) (1,802,429) (2,544,053) (1,205,854) Disclosure as required by IAS 7 "Statement of Cash Flows" has been shown in Note 41 to the separate and consolidated financial statements. Al Fajar Al Alamia Company SAOG and its subsidiaries Separate and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2020 (Expressed in Omani Rials) Group 30 June 2020 Parent Company 30 June 2020 Group 30 June Parent Company 30 June 2019 Notes 2019 162,579 294,026 2,019,060 481,371 7 1,055,850 38,181 8 1,595 16,174 1,308 27 (5,300) 9 23,131 40,056 19,163 12 6,099 6,099 14,396 14,396 Operating activities Net profit before tax for the year Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Amortisation of intangible assets Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment Write-off of property, plant and equipment Amortisation of right-of-use asset Share of loss from investment in an associate Provision for obsolete and slow- moving inventories Provision for expected credit losses on trade receivables Reversal of excess ECL provision on trade receivables (Note 14) Reversal of ECL provision on related party receivables Finance costs Provision for employees' benefit liabilities Operating profit before working capital changes 13 12,222 9,101 17,040 12,994 30 88,333 230,253 100,996 27 (496,005) (3,219) (104,168) 27 31 (21,146) 1,287,707 (21,146) 647,172 1,031,796 486,504 23 136,433 53,898 120,384 27,193 2,328,139 1,132,445 4,289,805 1,289,075 (492,456) (2,486,902) 78,004 (64,741) (795,757) (1,559,619) 95,459 (2,011,808) 1,667,869 (103,408) 201,996 2,159,220 Working capital changes Inventories Trade and other receivables Trade and other payables Cash generated from/(used in) operating activities Less: employees' benefit liabilities paid Less: income tax paid Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities (573,214) (23,428) (230,984) (1,287,672) (4,605) (141,981) 4,041,325 (67,255) (215,325) 3,546,883 (8,805) (122,833) 32 (827,626) (1,434,258) 3,758,745 3,415,245 Al Fajar Al Alamia Company SAOG and its subsidiaries Separate and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2020 (Expressed in Omani Rials) Group 30 June 2020 Parent Company 30 June 2020 Group 30 June 2019 Parent Company 30 June 2019 Notes 7 (2,202,697) (95,765) (2,079,693) (235,541) 7 8 10,500 (3,522,223) (110,921) (1,378) 12 (750,000) (750,000) Investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Cost of acquisition of intangible assets Cost of acquisition of investment in an associate Costs paid for operating rights for license Cost of acquisition of investment in a subsidiary Net movement in debt instruments at amortised cost Net cash used in investing activities 12 (8,634) (8,634) (132,000) (132,000) 10 (4,082,925) 15 (338,463) (489,684) (6,061,517) (4,187,324) (3,562,298) (1,118,919) (1,470,060) (1,125,860) (195,624) 2,493,830 517,649 Financing activities Net movement in long-term loans Net movement in finance leases Net movement in bank borrowings Lease liabilities paid (principal) Dividends paid 24 Finance costs paid 31 Net cash from/(used in) financing activities 3,823,864 2,249,578 2,120,842 (33,983) (305,979) (1,287,707) 6,566,616 2,901,432 2,300,408 732,609 (15,620) (246,651) (647,172) 5,025,007 (607,687) (1,031,796) (467,137) (493,303) (486,504) (1,932,218) (322,527) (596,575) (270,690) 364,108 Net decrease/(increase) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents, end of the year (2,544,053) (1,205,854) (2,273,363) (1,569,962) 34 (2,866,580) (1,802,429) (2,544,053) (1,205,854) Disclosure as required by IAS 7 "Statement of Cash Flows" has been shown in Note 41 to the separate and consolidated financial statements

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