Please I need help with this project.
Define the Circle class that contains : . Two double data fields named x and y that specify the center of the circle with get methods. . A data field radius with a get method. . A no-arg constructor that creates a default circle with (0, 0) for (x , y) and 1 for radius. A constructor that creates a circle with the specified x, y, and radius. A method getArea that returns the area of the circle. . A method getPerimeter that returns the perimeter of the circle. A method contains (double x, double y) that returns true if the specified point (x, y) is inside this circle. See Figure 10.14(a). . A method contains (Circle circle) that returns true if the specified circle is inside this circle. See Figure 10.14(b). A method overlaps (Circle circle) that returns true if the specified circle overlaps with this circle. See the figure below. ( 10 ) (a) A point is inside the circle. (b) A circle is inside another circle. (c) A circle overlaps another circle. Draw the UML diagram for the class. Implement the class. Write a test program that creates a Circle object c1 (new Circle (2, 5.5) ), displays its area and perimeter, and displays the result of c1 . contains (3, 3) , cl. contains (new Circle (4, 5, 10.5) ) , and cl . overlaps (new Circle (3, 5, 2.3) ). Hint: 1. Distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2): Distance = / ( x, - >) + (y, - y, ) 2. A point is contained in a circle if its distance from the center is less than the radius 3. One circle - with center at (x,y) - is contained in another if these four points on the inner circle are contained in the outer circle: (x+radius, y), (x-radius, y), (x, y+radius), (x, y- radius) 4. Two circles overlap if the distance between the two centers is less than or equal to 'radiusi + radius2' Analysis: (Describe the problem including input and output in your own words.) Design: (Draw an UML class diagram) Testing: (Describe how you test this program)