please i want the code to be written using C++
7/Lab 4 tasks Homeworks cout Task4.1: swapFirstLast()"; cout Task4.2: countEvenOddNodes()"; } DER SER Welcome to GOB Online. GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, ************ // LL2.cpp: This file contains the main function. Program execution begins and ends there. Finclude
data-data: next NULL) > //Getters int getData() return data) > Node. get.Next() return next 3 //Setters void setDatatint data) this->data-data: > void setentNode. next Mode) this next next Mode > CLARA Links elass Linkedtist { private Node. head; publier // Constructor Linkedlist) head - NULL: > 1. Below are MANY nethods that are used on Linked Lists../ ----- istnpty method ----- bool istmpty) return head = NULL; --- search method ----/ bool search int data) Node helpPtr - head; while (helpper - NULL) { 1 helper->getData() * data) return true > helppur - helpper->get.Next();// Step one node over > return false; 7 findiNode method / Node. findNodeint data) Node. helpptr - head; while cheippte - NULL) { 11 (helptr->getData) - data) return helppers > belpur - helpper->get.Next();// Step one node over return NULL) printAll Nodes method / void printAll Modes Nodehelpptr - head; while (helpPLE I NULL) cout getData() get.Next(); cout getData() > data) { DeNode->set.Next(head) head - newlode return head; // ELSE, we have a list. Insert the new node at the correct location // We need to traverse to the correct insertion we need a help ptr Node helpPtr - head; while helpptc->getNext()!= NULL 46 helpPtr->getNext)->getData() get.Next() // Now make the new node. Set its next to point to the successor node. 11 And then make the predecessor node point to the new node newlode->set.Next(helpper->get.Next()); helpper-Set Next(nevilode): return heads 1/add all the taske methods here 1/Task 3.1 int findtargento Node helpper - head: Ant largest - head->getData(); while (helpptr - NULL) if (helper->getData) > largest largest - helpptr->getData(); > helppte helper->get.Next(); // Step one node over return largest 1/Task 3.2 int data2ndNode return head->get.Next()->getData(); > // Task 3.3 int data2ndLastNode() Node helppur head; while (helper->get.Next()->getNext() - NULL) helppte helpPtr->get.Next(); return helpper->getData(); > //Task 3.4 void delete astNode) Ifhead WULL) cout The list is empty": elset Node helptr - head, Node. Node - new Node() while helpper->get.Next()->get.Next() != NULL) helpptr - helpper-get.Next(); dNode - helpPtr->getNext(): helper.Next(NULL) fredede > 1/Task 3.5 void oddavenodd Mode helpper - head) while (helppur - NULL) 17(helper->getData(120) int nun - helper->getData()-1) helper->Dasanum) > elsel int num-helper->getData(); helpt Datanun) helpt - helpper->get.Next(); } > >://end Linkedlist class int main // Make a new Linked List called wyList LinkedList* myList - new LinkedList(); int value int nanode-01 cout How many values do you want to insert: cin >> nunode: //inset nodes for (int i -01 value > value; if (myList->search value)) cout * * The list is empty": > else coute" mylint->printAll Model cout Tank). 11 findtargete):>findtargest 18 (myList->search value)) 1 couto ocvaluece already exists in the list. Duplicates are not allowed." i- > else 1 myList-insert Node(value) cout * cout Printing All Nodes: if (myList->isEmpty) cout The list is empty": cout ayList->print All.Nodes(); cout cout findLargest(); cout data2ndNodes cout Task). 31 datandlastNode) "data2ndLastNode) cout Task3.4: deleteLastNode) mylist-deleteLastNode(); myList->printAll Node () cout Task3.51 oddEven2odd(): ELt-Poid2Eva20dd : myliat->printAll Nodest); 7/Lab 4 tasks Homeworks cout Task4.1: swappiratLast" cout Taskt.2t count EvenoddNodes)" > 1. Create a new project called Lab4_ Link List Project2. 2. Create a Node class & a LinkedList class, and program the tasks in the main method. 3. Taskl: Write and test a method named swapFirstLast() which swaps the data of first and last nodes in the linked list. Note: If list is empty or contains only one node, your code should display error message accordingly. Hint: Use following method header: void swapFirstLast() { } 4. Task2: Write and test a method named countEvenOddNodes() which counts and displays number of even nodes as well as number of an odd nodes present in the linked list. Note: If list is empty, your code should display error message accordingly. Hint: Use following method header: void count EvenoddNodes () { int evenNodes = 0; int oddNodes = 0; cout Task4: deleteNodeAfter () "; //you will complete code here 8. When you run this program, it will display the following screen: Sample run 1: If the list is empty. How many values do you want to insert: 0 Printing A11 Nodes: The list is empty countNodes() Error: cannot count nodes (the list is empty) printEvenkodes) Error: cannot print even nodes (the list is empty) Taski: swapFirstLaat() Error: cannot swap the list has less than two nodes) VVVV Task2: countEvenOddNodes() The list is empty Number of Even nodes in the list is o Number of Odd nodes in the 11st 13 0 AA Taxk3: addNodeAfter () Error: cannot add node after the list is empty) AA Task4: deleteNodeAfter() Error: cannot delete node after the list is empty) Samples run 2: * If the list has one element. 1) Printing all Nodes: 12, countNodes) Number of nodes in the linked list is 1 VY printEvenNodes) Printing Even Nodes. 12, V V Taski: swapFirstLast Error: cannot swap(the list has less than two nodes) AAA Task2: countEvenOddNodest) Number of Even nodes in the list is 1 Number of Odd nodes in the list is 0 VVV Task3: addNodeAftert) Please Enter the node data After which you want to add a new node: 30 Error: There is no node in the List with 30 AAA Task4: deleteNodeafter) Please Enter the node data After which you want to delete a node:30 Error: There is no node in the List with 30 How many values do you want to insert: 1 value 1: 12 12 was successfully inserted into the list. Printing all Nodes: 12, AA countNodes () Number of nodes in the linked list is 1 printEvenNodes) Printing Even Nodes. 12, Taski: swapFirstLast Error: Cannot swap(the list has less than two nodes) VVV Task2: countEvenoddNodest) Number of Even nodes in the list is 1 Number of Odd nodes in the list is o > Tasks: addNodeAfter) Please Enter the node data after which you want to add a new node: 12 New node have been added successfully! 12, 24, AAAA Task4: deleteNodeAfter() Please Enter the node data after which you want to delete a node: 12 Node have been deleted successfully! 12. How many values do you want to insert: 1 value 1: 12 12 was successfully inserted into the list. Printing All Nodes: 12. countNodest) Number of nodes in the linked list is 1 printEvenNodes) Printing Even Nodes. 12, Taski: swapFirstLast() Error: cannot swap(the list has less than two nodes) Tank2: countEvenOddNodes) Number of Even nodes in the list is 1 Number of Odd nodes in the list is o VVVV Task3: addNodeAfter() Please enter the node data after which you want to add a new node: 30 Error: There is no node in the List with 30 12, Task 4: deleteNodeAfter) Please Enter the node data after which you want to delete a node: 12 No node can be deleted after this node as it is the last node in the list! 12, How many values do you want to insert: 2 value 1: 10 10 was successfully inserted into the list. value 2: 7 7 was successfully inserted into the list. Printing A11 Nodes: 7, 10, countNodes) Number of nodes in the linked list is 2 printEvenNodes) Printing Even Nodes. 10. Taski: wapFirst Last First and last element had been swaped successfully! 10, 7, VY Task2: countEvenOddNodes () Number of Even nodes in the list is 1 Numbez of Odd nodes in the list is 1 VVVV Task3: adidNodeAfter) Please enter the node data after which you want to add a new node:7 New node have been added successfully! 10. 7. 14, AAAA Tasku: deleteNodeAtter) Please Enter the node data after which you want to delete a node:10 Node have been deleted successfully! 10, 14, How many values do you want to insert: E value 1: 12 12 was successfully inserted into the value 2: 17 17 was successfully inserted into the 113. value 3: 10 10 was ruccessfully inserted into the list. value 4: 50 50 was successfully inserted into the list. value 5: 10 10 already exists in the liss. Duplicates are not allowed. value 5: 20 20 was successfully inserted into the list. value 6: 30 30 was successfully inserted into the list. Printing All Nodes: 10, 12, 17, 20, 30, 50, countNodes) Number of nodes in the linked list 1:6 printEvenNodes) Printing Even Nodes. 10, 12, 20, 30, 50, Taski: swapFirstlast) First and last element had been waped successfully! 50, 12, 17, 20, 30, 10, Tank2: countEvenOddNoden) Number of Even nodes in the list is S Number of Odd nodes in the list is 1 Tasks: addNodeAfter (3) Please enter the node date after which you want to add new node:20 New node have been added successfully! So, 12, 17, 20, 40, 30, 10, Taak: deleteNodeAfter Please enter the node data after which you want to delete a node: 12 Bode have been deleted successfully! 50, 12, 20, 40, 30, 10