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please include a snap of the code. Find some of the content of the EnglishWords.txt file below: This word list is derived from the Princeton

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This word list is derived from the Princeton WordNet. Please refer to the copyright notice and statements. 00-database-url 00-database-short WordNet (r) 1.7 00-database-long WordNet (r): A Lexical Database for English from the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University 00-database-info This file was converted from the original database on: Sat Jun 23 14:21:23 2001

The original data is available from: The original data was distributed with the notice shown below. No additional restrictions are claimed. Please redistribute this changed version under the same conditions and restriction that apply to the original version. This software and database is being provided to you, the LICENSEE, by Princeton University under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this software and database, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions.: Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and database and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, and that the same appear on ALL copies of the software, database and documentation, including modifications that you make for internal use or for distribution. WordNet 1.7 Copyright 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. THIS SOFTWARE AND DATABASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT- ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE, DATABASE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. The name of Princeton University or Princeton may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software and/or database. Title to copyright in this software, database and any associated documentation shall at all times remain with Princeton University and LICENSEE agrees to preserve same. START clobber transversalis squinter cunner damson extrovertive absorptive polity disburser mechanistic agranulosis unresisting mercuric skysail costate seediness acetylene veterinarian etherify ectozoa comedy thrombus problem narrative excretion hypoactive newspaperman cement busy mycobacterium stye cockatoo piercing practicable awlwort spillikin coital square coupon alphabetical overspend cenotaph fiddler unfolding formatting disgracefulness shrinkage candied henceforth briary gimel ponderous interact somersault defecator dreamily blissful cladogram subjugation thereinafter spearfish carnage rapacious lxxxii ongoing skittishly unsaleable protractor krummhorn bosomy unfaithfulness diuretic germanium inga attractiveness henroost bagascosis shmear unexacting metagrabolised drily unwebbed tineid ballerina arborolatry toucan measurably chicory moneyer fraternisation alphabetizer liothyronine harper supercritical gravimeter patchcord periosteum isoniazid unprejudiced subscribe rondo practician erythrina absentee riflebird instroke officialize unowned crosshatch tripling paraphrase salient mannequin pug denim tin neutralised antiphonary vasovasostomy invigoration laziness name affray stonework saltbox malleable derail polyandry toxaemia grand hawse comport vomitus turbidity hagberry spooky blending gouache stumbling traveller agalactosis sonography fetology chordal pentagram cardinalate cyan obviate glacier agonistic indubitably mince hoopoe thrall mammothermography thallus mithan porphyrin speedup dissonate broadtail osteosclerosis astonishing ruble occupational mobility presentational assonate drygoods peninsular comal watercourse hemolytic reviewer interlope beingness sandstorm acaudal alehouse humanization heirloom cyclopaedia timorousness concentrated bichloride cutely kyphotic needlework maltha lightsome unregistered primp overheating pilaw traitorously f torturesome gaol hadal riddance sottishly poisonous cinema outstroke crease cicatrice cesspool aquaphobic congregating disputatiously impact hereto carom lessening lignite admissible adscript buckeye angiotonin acquiescent cliquishly dumbwaiter burning forbidden furrier swishing unsavoriness overlie generate aciduric harquebus stomper sooty reawaken shot linden laparoscopy osteoblastoma allegro hinderingly fossilise wittily italicize distracted reattribute dud unadapted thermal prize mutinous centralise kumquat teemingness caveat lollipop show kaoliang purpose assagai perdurable tegument tobogganist adrenocortical barometer mule booklet interpretative porousness flavorsome toupeed scarper formed cunnilinctus hitter contemplate parenthetical alloy apiary transference battledore nonsynchronous permeation seasonableness disembarrassment lynching crenel coelenteron insouciance presbytery interlineal belemnite xciii resolvable glaciate tanka apology tamoxifen throw lxxi unembarrassed nonliterary yam revengefully hatching eggwhisk angered stenography hypethral sherlock teaching hemiplegic goodish actomyosin seedpod autobiography utter firebug gallinule peri fathometer hyperpiesia combine regardant insensibility scandent horseplay rebato ploddingly dispose tryout depository uncultivated sanatarium chorioretinitis seventhly jailbreak pate nonalinement newsdealer bedstead gentle exogenous aqua puffin towhee wonky rating realgar administrative unobserved agonized satsuma epistolatory horsemeat ladyfinger ruck waterside shagginess wisent miconazole hence kwanza pumice duette musicological partygoer placidly oocyte prodromal genuflection oscine gobble marry claustrophobia contritely chloramine utilize demonstrative untarnished circling beneath swingeing conceptualism polyoestrous hanging fluorapatite noncyclical rebate sprinkles nonretractable parrakeet effusive globe airdrome hymn bloodstone straddle methanal piggishness regal salesgirl beanstalk tekki bowler benzenoid invaluableness stiltedly plebe briony improving confute hypoadrenocorticism lithomancy lecturer pintado educative monopolistic teletypewriter delivery unrepresentative sicken gingery arsenopyrite allergen bookmobile giro dioecian bogeyman palaeobotany treatment southeastern serrate toyon smattering conferva kinesthetics snowflake cockhorse trimer wpm pelecypod carefulness schizophrenia anthropologist brilliance preferential papule uptime horrified notarize helpfulness sporotrichosis boron prepare unreformable redound defenestrate purplish childbearing commutability unsociably dye undistinguished tarsier anthracosis bilges equate portwatcher asexually podgy geometrical tampering headwaters monandry bungling comforts covalency unnilhexium switch dolly alphabetisation night reduced blotch hastening banditry bullpen confrontational beech vociferate pertinacity alkyl munitions variegation shifter dreamlike rapidly nanocephaly guar haleness salinity alphabetiser candy greenmail unobtrusive transactinide housemaster meson diaphoresis cake speculate favor stochastic tonelessly phreatic lauhala sweetbrier optimism civility keyless lull intermediary internationalisation magniloquence downhill canary auriferous archly disheartenment gneiss chelated taguan egalitarianism doubles ecosystem chemoimmunology condylar lightning alchemize guard sportingly debilitated lunette frontbench encyclopedic stroking riderless prolonged liquefiable sforzando nonresonant unmanfully coeducational tink partly toll scatty brittleness talon airbus customise companionway serialise arrogance uninspiring clewless asquint brusque enrol retraining auriform siris homosporous galvanise comeliness discomfited orphenadrine underground hydroxymethyl trouncing negativity disconcerting lav fawner moosewood catechistic tiered channels derivational burble nitre quodlibet appeasing phimosis hastiness journalistically penchant authorship autotelism sarcolemmal meteorologic neurobiology palmately capstone something cogitable indefiniteness exoticness limnology luminousness underwing bouldered deregulate extended deprivation media unworkable unfrightened hobo gibbous domain waft pogy lateness sheepcote downtown claymore allegorical dysplastic whiten endogenous overfly decimation volatilize challengeable fixer true gemsbuck bastardized galactocele gewgaw four lasso tuberculoid statistic fluidness routinely piperin steadiness apatite inflamed keratoacanthoma investigator inducive directivity crispness icaco treble negativism organist rhyming pubescence shingler cozey expanded ahuehuete nephroptosis grandly multiplex pebbly retaliative mastectomy idolise archipelagic keeping compsognathus palliative part longanimity furcation highjack lutist frequent handsome expletive fanlight aeronautics populace wingless bumbling button euphemism binomial confirmable woodenware blennioid concubine ecrevisse latticework gravitative stereo wilt cosey hatoglobin correlated cosily coveted regrets weisenheimer blastodermatic shakable gong devoir oasis fragile menorrhagia eroticism ailanthus horsey bank manifest vendee entrap disappearing counterpoise ulcerate grave mucopolysaccharidosis druid momma larghissimo intertwined kilovolt rottenness unvulcanised casebook penning domineeringness habitable misfire potboy quay silicone keratomalacia classic bilingually naval protohemin incessancy barbecuing irreversible unidentifiable frivolousness penni enforcer repugn metallic repelling lorgnette coronet deprecate marbleized believer adolescence survival myopia inchworm madden coaction reuptake intuitive agronomic lacertilian cockpit avenge forested earnestly verbalised unmixable important anarchy blight calendar staged lobed apex coelogyne chondroma manna mung knit hauler stonefish baboon flute doctrinaire rapscallion recreate flatbrod hypersensitized petunia delimited chaetodon meanspiritedly birling deservedly annalist ratafia connectedness ticktack elegy osmotically minutia chickenhearted togetherness embolectomy sulfate viscometric trundle aberration choosy glaring hardboard grievance radially refurbish busby ajar commonsensible pleochroic nectary backroom inelaborate clawhammer antiphon nonequivalent rather upset credulous denigrating apperception diflunisal cosmographist repression exonerate trekker free perkily venerator extenuate stored paediatrics compulsory unmitigable tsarist pillager demagnitisation honours lop sackful hypercarbia animalize chivalric neglige movability titular cloudlike housebreaker porkfish clustered uncombed occasion propagative sisterlike fetching fluoxetine butylate pahautea polarisation jocularity krone jalousie selected barnful clunk cleverly demeanor pipeclay sociobiological kainogenesis cheekless proximal lisper blarney shingle smothered fistular retem remains germander molter tannia furiousness desalinisation powerful feedlot italicise newlywed injudicious vicious jacinth brutalisation cartographer bastardise multiflora claimant willingness demotion retrospective supplier gorgeously attractive choreograph mulligan frowsy cortisol baryon urinal trifler nasalization reins laryngoscope cant ultimate earlier refinery tortured ferial torte monte savurlessness internal later brew abstractedness unverbalised bangle thumbnail peculiar subclinical irrevocably outbound warped indigestible deipnosophist mongoloid heteroploidy ditto monosomy diplomate picometre century hundred protoavis predecease unequalled petiole gutsy analysis cliffhanger lethal casern multivalence spaceship appendicitis wolffish facet sprayer microglia pusillanimousness slang museum liven unneighborly radiotherapy brattish steepen commonplaceness deoxythymidine trillion totalitarianism eleven knightly spasmolysis unpin lawn liturgist cakewalk secant disrepute tiled observer circinate drawback crewman playtime praisworthiness metonymically chilled trait slaver teleost ionic plausibly boll carbuncled couplet incurring kale embrocation hyperaldosteronism journalism splosh amphioxus whatever institute limbic washerwoman minicomputer lidded transversally prairie foetid tornillo baccate fahrenheit superstitiously wallboard snakeblenny myalgia demythologise hesitatingly capriciousness beltless haemorrhoid nincompoop hacker greyness positivist anteater conclave creedal honor limen congratulation notoriously interpret commination mews orthodontic turbulence afield woefulness urceole apophthegm crony extraordinary clannishness inculpable corruptly glued sarcosome millrun horsewhip xerostomia hatchway concussion splicer bush encipher dulcimer crabbiness bifurcation centromere sustentation productiveness drawstring spectral materiality epizoan burunduki clouding inion entourage send lanthanoid prochlorperazine paterfamilias expressionless snakeweed unloose stellar nacelle sway inveterately breakers gangland secateurs supervisory janitor allyl guib sodomise recusant ammobium adulterer amadavat permutableness overfond intolerably livestock curtal myringotomy madwoman parasail vicuna strontium biter pulpwood ductule theistic adulate confectionery tenderness cutlet rya epkwele pipe cooter imperil stillborn hardliner estriol ape capability specialise uraemia visualized unsoundness aneroid mythical betting caseworm decentralised tore catapult tuna menhaden barque glissando zooflagellate planktonic promotional fancier lymphatic kishke convolvulus shirtsleeves untethered anime fluorescent boxlike angelim primrose mil physostigmine perish oily murrain unsocial footless plughole gall skewness professor dryopithecine inconsequence eternity dishwasher wheeziness orchestrator postural rotary interchange douroucouli synchronized sandbag verbolatry modelling popish sevensome unappreciatively sene guzzle millwork brownish enolic wintry unprovoked trinucleate ketoaciduria blossoming parlor lentil placental pharmacist synchronously guiltless mydriasis internationalization odoriferous dandify biomedical unversed congeries benthic myofibrilla verbally permanganate ricksha honoree glasswort almandite tensional astrocytic ciao apomictical semiautomatic photocathode incised frothily needer subjunction saliferous pager bakery reprocess poison lone feathered harmony cyrilla wholeheartedness chiralgia either modeled irrepressibility coverage ignobleness goosander rankle landmark monopoly sightly fare boringly haemorrhoidectomy wholesale scuppernong physicist undesirous kilobyte crossbones disturbing giver anagram camphorate manifold ratify paralyzed potholed personage canoe photoelectrically nobly dendroidal obsolesce cerussite anorthopia creaseless cataclysmic baud pyrotechnics menu promptitude aluminum amaze bedpost timbale observational sunny bakehouse macrocytosis invariably sadomasochist loverlike cerate particularized pyrites baksheesh source wretchedness jubilancy aigret bundling discord immanent genus fornicate moderateness milk mentally macadamized provokingly exchanger gravitationally hematological hardinggrass leishmaniosis deposed sinter unappetisingness mirrorlike contradictorily jerking bifold keynote engelmannia cathodic decidua etymology saran roseola pleaser unbelievingly lack stowing nondevelopment thrombose intubation piteous twiddle clashing herpangia harassment benefactor bloodstained maleficence plethora blastomere absolute kangaroo satiated belongings concise prefect phrase ungallant knighthood apodal penetration harmonise blindly woodcraft scrooge reenforce valgus compensated logogram foursquare halite filariid fragmental sallade patchouly wyvern contempt nonconductive beechwood morphologically redispose adrenal suburban superstructure talkily keeshond menstruate contraband quivering hometown shaddock connoisseurship pram blighted libido equating locomotive contort boatbuilder comburant commentary staid caspase appropriateness airmail plainsong polythene prospering erupt patio ineffably unauthentic onymous refreshfully hopefulness stallion calumny gliding aft mortally veiling controversy soundable peg bioelectricity garrulous satin coincidentally vilely succinct podiatry peristylar nierembergia neighboring lifesaving phaius boulle shudder tallness pallone innovational discontinuity legacy brickkiln presbyter ovoid regent candyweed intrastate rascality domesticize humanlike geopolitics excogitate


please note that the file contains more words.

Write a program called '' that asks the user to enter a word length and a filename. The program will search the 'EnglishWords.txt' file that are that length and are anagrams of each other, and will write the results to a file with the given filename for sets of words Sample User I/O: **Anagram Set Search*** Enter word length: 12 Searching Enter file name: twelve.txt Writing results... Expected output to 'twelve.txt': I'abolitionism', mobilisation'] I 'accouterment', "accoutrement' ['alterability', 'bilaterality' [ 'amphitheater, amphitheatre

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