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In c++,
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rou are required to write two functions called ArrPrint and ArrMax according to the following specifications: - Function ArrPrint: takes as input a twodimentional array of type string (i.e. phrases), an integer variable (i.e. Rowsize), and two boolean variables (i.e. dir and oppo). This function is responsible for printing the array row-by-row (when dir =0 ) or column-by-column (when dir = 1) such that each row/column is printed in normal order (when oppo =0 ) or in reverse order (when oppo =1 ). Notice that the function should print a single-space after each element. - Function ArrMax: takes as input a twodimentional array of type string (i.e. phrases) and three integer variables (i.e. RowSize, rowNum, and colNum). This function is responsible for returning the largest string in the row specified by rowNum (when colNum = -1), the largest string in the column specified by colNum (when rowNum =1 ), or the largest string in the entire array phrases (when rowNum =1 and colNum =1 ). Do not write and submit the main subroutine, or any include statments, these are already written and nidden from you. However, if you want to test your solution in any IDE (e.g., CodeBlocks, CLion,, then you will need to write your own main there for testing purposes. IMPORTANT NOTES 8:36 row specified by rowNum (when colNum = -1), the largest string in the column specified by colNum (when rowNum =1 ), or the largest string in the entire array phrases (when rowNum =1 and colNum =1 ). Do not write and submit the main subroutine, or any include statments, these are already written and hidden from you. However, if you want to test your solution in any IDE (e.g., CodeBlocks, CLion,, then you will need to write your own main there for testing purposes. IMPORTANT NOTES - Do not change the given functions headers. - Do not add any cout statements inside the function ArrMax. - Assume a global constant variable called Columnsize is defined to determine the number of columns in the two-dimentional array. - The parameter RowSize in both functions represents the number of filled rows in the two-dimentional array. - Your code should work correctly regardless the values of ColumnSize and RowSize. Sample Testcase 0 (not graded, for student use only)