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please really important needed Assignment Instructions Complete the following PART A, B and C activities and include the questions from each activity along with your

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Assignment Instructions Complete the following PART A, B and C activities and include the questions from each activity along with your answers in your submission. PART A- Textbook Activities (35 marks) 1) Case 4.2 on pages 8486 ( 3 questions) 2) Synthesize Your Leaming on pages 112113 (5 questions 3) Case 5.2 on pages 116117 ( 5 questions) PART B - Marketing Research Using YouTube (15 marks) 1) Case 4.2 on pages 8486 (3 questions) 10 marks 2) Synthesize Your Learning on pages 112-113 (5 questions) 10 3) Case 5.2 on pages 116-117 (5 questions) 15 marks b. What is the seritimeter of the comments relatet so. sodlowing- a. Bueinen pulicabous ie if. Jor Neme furk fines. Lislulemse? Compare the sentiment ratio of Lululenoe wo nos of its eurpetiton. What does that mean? 6. What other sourses of user-generated conicnt cas a wwadhlefichisenteven, w w a ecsararg fic.) you find on social media? Do contumer persepion: c. Aalemic pornath (wath buits your lbray's appear to be supportive of the sale of Lulultmos's duathese of trobses jermala) 5. Integrale your information from the preceding queitions to delernine whether or eot Lululemoe acchas Onie found is Tuble 5.1) akould iruat more heavily in its men's market. Hatisy your reiponie sing information from your seieth of shere. Justify yoer lecisiak. mecestary duta. 4. Aluat are lle thossione lipics of incial motia inventipale) Iahisman. We and the rise of "Atheivane." Fontes. Retriend frie Analyzing the Cotfee Category with PDS Syndicated Data 3. In Chapter 3 we discussed what the "problem" really is. What is Bobl preblem? 4. If gob luat wants to know how many firmt make engine blocks in the United States, what type of research design would best describe this activity? 5. What secondary tource of irformation would Bob wart to seek to achieve the goal stated in questien 4 ? Summary Biy data can be defined simply as large amounts of data may add helpful inkights shoeld primary data be aeeded. from multiple soarces. The term has been popalarired in and mometimes secondary data are all that is required to reent yean in response to the nuenerous types and huge acheve the research objective. Disadvaatages are that the aesounts of data to which companies now have access in data are often reported in incompatible reporting units, ral time. These data repeesent both opportunities and chal. measurement units do not match researchen'' needs, class ienges. Marketing analytics is the term often used to refer to definitlons are incompatible with the researcher' +needs, and the managemeat and analysis of data to improve marksting secondary data may be outdated. Evaluation of secondary decisioas. data is impertants researchers must akk sertaie questions to Data may be grouped into two categories: primury and enwure the intefrity of the information they use. secondary. Primary data are gathered specifically for the . Paskaged information is a type of secondary data in researeh project at hand. Secondary data have been previ. which the data collected and/or the process of collecting owily gathered for some other parpose. There are many ases. the dita is the same for all tisers. There are two clises of of Ateendafy data in marketing reicarch, and cometimes packaged informatice. Syndicated data are collected in a Mecostary data are all that is needed to achicve the research itandard format and made available to all subscribing users, objectives. Packaged iervices offer a standardized marketiag researeb Secondary data may be intemal, previously gathered process that is ased to generate inforatation for a particular within the firm for soane other parpose. Examples inclade aner. deta collected and stored from sales receipei, vech as types, Syndiedted tata have the advantages of ahared costs qaantities, and prices of goods or services purchaved; cus of obcaining the data among all those subscribing to the somer names; delivery addiesiess shipping dates; and sales. Aervice, high data quality, and the speed with which data people making the sales. Data stored in elestronie daabues are collected and distribated to subseribers. Disadrabtaxes may be used for database marketing. Companies uie infor- are that buyers cannot control what data are collected, niast mation recorded in interaal databases for farposes of direct commit to loog'term coatracts, and gaie no strategic infor. marketing and to strengthen relationskips with cuatomen. matice atlvantape in buying syndicated data becase the The later is 1 process known as custoaner nelationship man- information is available to all competitors. agement (CRM). Packaged services have the advantage of tie of the sap- Exiernal data are obtained from sources outside the plier fimis. expertise in the area, relueed cost, speed, and firm. These dasa sources may be clasificd as (1) publivhod beecherarks for comparisons, The disadvantages of pockMorces, (2) official statistics, and (3) data aggregatoes. aged servises are that the process may noe be eastly customThere are different types of poblisbed secoodsry data, such ired, and the supplier firm may not know the iftosyncrasies as trode asiociation fublications, periodicalk, acesemic of the indestry in which she elieat firm operates. journals, books, marketing research company poblications. Four major areas in which packsged information and more. Official statistics are informatioa collested by yources may be applied are' meaturing cobsumen' attitodes poremament orgatizations and interational organirations. and opinionh defining market segmesti, moaitontsg media The Ueited States makes all data collected by government asage and promotion effectiveness, and conductiag market"open by default," except for personal informution or data trackin b altafies. rkiated to nationnl security. Data aggregators are services or When poople coodoct activities online, thoy leave digivendors that organize and package information on focuied ul tracks, limas can use digital trackisg dats to optimine tcpics. websites and apps, improve the effectiveness of online Secondary dasa have the advantages of being quiekly attvertiving, and idertify trendi Some compurties not only catherod, feadily available, and relatively isexpentwe; they track user' activities on their owen websites and appe, bat ICONDARY DARA AND RACKAGTD IarOMMATION JOB SKILLS LEARNED IN CHAPTER 5 Ay leaming the matnal in Chapter 5, you have developed. Critical Thesing 9 aills - Know hen big dats is colected and integaned Knowedige Application - Krow when sa vee promay verna leconday dasa - Krow what types of seconder data arw bent to vie according to the madeeting deccivion Inlomatan Fedvology Application wad Compueng Shalls - Use the Ameicin Communily Sovry to inveitigate US. demographies - Une the Googlo Arayocs Deros 5 se so gain experience with Google Aruytica butnes Ethics and Social Renporsblity - Acknomedye the moonibily that come with colecting. managing, analyeing and com. muricating consumers' periocul data Synthesize Your Learning This ceecone wil requile you to take into contideration concopts and material from the following dhaptes: Chapter 1 inerdetion to Makeeing flesearch Chapter 2 The Matuting Plesearch induityy Chaptot 3 The Marketing Research Procens and DeEiring the Problem and Atweuch Objectives Chapewr Reseach Design Chapter 5 Socondery Dues and Packaged information Orin Bits, lne. Gob Douglas owss a machise thop Mont of his work is local business, as machine shop work is labor interwit and is it diteuly to cbesin lagge quantify onders. Bob is considering branch ng out. For many yeur he has obiared a couple of local manufactuens whose proceses requare then to nale highly precine drilt in metal. For eareple, the engine block cylinden they produce must be deveinely potose for the engines to nh at the required comprasion itavias 70 mile such a precise dell, the dill bits can be used only a few times before they boe thee original spotications. Then these oxpensive dnill bits must be thrown away. Boby eutomen have complaced about thit for year, and Beo has been working on a process io iefubah these trowawar bits bek sts their original apecicicont. Finaly. Boo hat perfected this procest. Hs iocal cuitomers on out the refurbished bet and are ecutisc w th the resith. Thry can now get double the life or even more out of a dil. bit Alob knows ha madine shop will soon be very bury tom two local customers. To eapard his business to accommodate a itgevolume of refurbishment business, he knows he will heve to ivest a legge wurn of money in erpanding the bulding and the machinery needed lar the procest. But he has no ides of the voume di buiness to expect. 1. Losking bad at Custer 1, how mold yeu deseribe the furpose of markating resnech in tarent od Bebly stuation? do thia uing irformusion from Chapter 2. GrapH A Wh of 5 Spent on Total Coffee by Females at McConnelis by Age GRAPH II * of S Spend on Organic Colfee by Females at MeConnews dy muge Endnotes Kirw Visi margereilan 34 C4APTER A * MIIAICH DTGlon gay for can TV market, and for each time perical aswock- aw arenesk, preference for, and intention to buy the brend abed wide edeh at campaigi. What reiearch desiys do you. What do you recomurnend for the upproperate research recoumens? Findly. Client Cis ia a very competitive cabegory with equal maket share of the top thre brands. This cbent is 1. Deseribe what research derign you woald recomnend. couvinced that it has cbanged every marketifu-mix varifor each olient. able prosible eicept fior package deaiga. Since the three 2. For cach researcb design you welected for the three competitive brandi are typically displayed side-by-side, chicnts, discuss why you believe your choice of design Cuient Cwantw us to determine what factors of packuge. the correct claice. CASE 4.2 Analysis of Coffee Segments with Nielson Panel Data Nune: The full data int fur ihis case is arailable shmowich your inutructar The data fir ther cair was porevifed by Nieber. The name of the sapermarkes, brands, and ofher desoils have bern divgulsed. Andrrua Drike is a teiearch analyst for McConoell's. Sopermarket, a large waper: market chuin located in the Southras of the USS. (ooce: the mupermarket's name and ocher draily have beee diyguised). Andresa has been asigned to eumine the calogory. of cotfee for MeConsell's aed determine what segments the supenmarket ahould by get for an upcoming marketieg campaiya. Specifically. Andresa is interested in who drisis the four major types of cotfee colfee pods, gourmet, ground, and organis. To help wib this decision. Asdresa has access What convuiner segmenter sbould be targeted for an epcomiag maketing to panel data from Nielsen, a larye marleting campeign fue coelee?? revearch company. Answer the followieg questions, wing the date from the tables and graphs provided by Nielsen that dirplay information about the purchase of coffice at McConaell's Sapermarket for the laut 12 asonehs. at McConnell's, and purchase colfee from Table A and Table B? Why are the columns "I of Rogulation in the Retail Area" and "ies of Bopulation that Shop at McConnell's" the same 1. Table A and Tible B hive infocmation about the in Table A and Table B ? occupation of consumen in the area that McConeeli's serves. Table A shows the iaformation for the whole. category of ceffee (bal cotfoo). Table B thows the information for the catrgory of exgueic coffec. la. What conclusions can you drane alout the Ih. What eonclusions can yoe draw aboet the occupation of the head of household for people that sbop for coffee (all coffee) verves organio cotfoe? people wbo live within the retailer area, shop lc. Based on eccupation, what consueser should McConnell's tanget to reposition the coffee category? As introduced in Case 4.2. Andresa Drake is a research analyst for McConnell's Supermarkets, a large supermarket 1. Table A shows the sales (in dollars) for McConnell's chain located in the Southeast of the US. Andresa is exam- Vernas all other retail outlets in the categories of Coffice ining Nielsen point of sales (POS) syndicated data for cot- Pods, Ground Coffee, and Gourmet Coffce. Calculate fee at McConnell's. She is interested in learning the makket the market share (\$ Share) for MeConnell's and all hhares of different categories of coffee, and determining to other retailers for Ciround Coffee, Gourmet Coffee, and what extent coffee sales are affected by promotions. the Grand Total. The market share for Coffee Pods has Answer the following questions, using the data from already been calculated for you. What is the overall the tables provided by. Nielsen that display information inarket share for MeConnell 's? What category of coffee about the purchase of coffce at McConnell's Supernarket for the last 12 months. TABLE A Market Share by Category-McConnell's versus All Other Retailers 114 CiAMte 5 + stCONQANY CATA ANO RACCAGED infogstatiON Key Terms Review Ouestions/Applications 5.4. Deinite three ises of nesedury dute. 5-13. Provide an euienple of cach of the following Buvincs. TABLE A Total Coffee Drinkers by Occupation REVIEW QUESTIONSAPPUICANOW5 65 TABuE a Organic Coffee Drinkers by Occupation TABLE C \% of Plain Rural tiving People That Purchase Coffee Types 2. Graph A and Giraph B have information about the age 52 weeks, and the retailer is considering changing of consumers in the area that McConell's senst. the coffee aide in their swores. Through ieconidary Craph A abeas the information for the whole category reicarch. Andresa keatas that the majorily of ahoppers of coflee (woeal cotfoe). Graph B shows the information fall inso the "Plain Rural living" lifentyle cutegory. for the category of organic cotfies. 2. If MaCoenell's were to build a marketing Knowing that ales are decliniag, what type of coffee campaiga based on all coffee drinkers, which is McConell's likely stucking tos mich of What 23. Would the anvwer change if McCoancil's vanted to target the arganie cotfee shopper? If so, ahy? 3. Table C has information aboet the types of colfee purchased by Thain Rural Living" people. McCoenell's at Mccconell's based oo the following information? coffee category sales have been deslining for the paat nielsen solutions. A complete consumer and market view is even more critical today witn changes in demand, and the growing importance of personalization. A mentor, coach, and sponsor to many young astociates, Alavi believes the key responsibility of great leaders is to engage, challenge, and nurture talent. Alavi holds a B.S. in Microbiology from the University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign. Source: 92018 , of The Nielsen Company, licenced for use herein. Courtesy of Raha AlawiNielsen Retail Services, The Nielson Compary major reason that marketing research bas never been a more exciting field is the new types of data that are now available for analysis. Grouped under the umbrella term big data, information is available from more sources than ever before-from govemment statistics to sensor data to tracking studies to social media data. You live in a world where secondary data are readily available and easily aceessed. This chapter explores how secondary data are used, how we classify different types of data, what advantages and disadvantages such infomation sources offer, and where marketing researches can find significant sources of secondary data. In addition, we introduce another type of information we call packaged information and examine its applications in marketing research. We end with a discussion of three powerful forms of digital data: digital tracking data, social media data, and the Internet of Things. The types of data and tools associated with managing: data are changing quickly, and the more you keep abreast of these changes, the better equipped you will be to succeed in any professional position. As this chapter saggests, researchers who can combine data management and analysis skills with marketing knowledge are in great demand. 5.1 Big Data data has been popularized in recent years in response to the numerous types and huge amounts amountr of data fro of data to which companies now have access in real time. The phrase is also often used to multiple sources: indicate alarm and apprehension about the enormous - and multiplying - amounts of data that are being created on an ongoing basis. 'The Wall Street Joumal estimates that in the 1950s, the insurance company John Hancock Mutual Life was one of the top storehouses of information. with a total of about 600 megabytes of data. 2 Today we generate an average of 2.5 quintillion byles of data daily. 3 The GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report (GRIT) survey found that managing big data is one of the biggest issues facing the marketing research industry. 4 Marketing analytics is the term often used to refer to the management and analysis of Marketing anulyti! data to improve marketing decisions. Sources of data can originate from many places, includ- managenent and a ing companies, sensors, retailers, trade organizations, governments, publishers, the Internet data to improve and social media. These data take many forms, both qualitative and quantitative, including decivions. text, photos, videos, business transactions, research data, and many other types of data. There is simply too much data available for any one company to exhaustively gather, store, analyze. and report. Decisions must be made about what data to collect and how to analyze the data Assignment Instructions Complete the following PART A, B and C activities and include the questions from each activity along with your answers in your submission. PART A- Textbook Activities (35 marks) 1) Case 4.2 on pages 8486 ( 3 questions) 2) Synthesize Your Leaming on pages 112113 (5 questions 3) Case 5.2 on pages 116117 ( 5 questions) PART B - Marketing Research Using YouTube (15 marks) 1) Case 4.2 on pages 8486 (3 questions) 10 marks 2) Synthesize Your Learning on pages 112-113 (5 questions) 10 3) Case 5.2 on pages 116-117 (5 questions) 15 marks b. What is the seritimeter of the comments relatet so. sodlowing- a. Bueinen pulicabous ie if. Jor Neme furk fines. Lislulemse? Compare the sentiment ratio of Lululenoe wo nos of its eurpetiton. What does that mean? 6. What other sourses of user-generated conicnt cas a wwadhlefichisenteven, w w a ecsararg fic.) you find on social media? Do contumer persepion: c. Aalemic pornath (wath buits your lbray's appear to be supportive of the sale of Lulultmos's duathese of trobses jermala) 5. Integrale your information from the preceding queitions to delernine whether or eot Lululemoe acchas Onie found is Tuble 5.1) akould iruat more heavily in its men's market. Hatisy your reiponie sing information from your seieth of shere. Justify yoer lecisiak. mecestary duta. 4. Aluat are lle thossione lipics of incial motia inventipale) Iahisman. We and the rise of "Atheivane." Fontes. Retriend frie Analyzing the Cotfee Category with PDS Syndicated Data 3. In Chapter 3 we discussed what the "problem" really is. What is Bobl preblem? 4. If gob luat wants to know how many firmt make engine blocks in the United States, what type of research design would best describe this activity? 5. What secondary tource of irformation would Bob wart to seek to achieve the goal stated in questien 4 ? Summary Biy data can be defined simply as large amounts of data may add helpful inkights shoeld primary data be aeeded. from multiple soarces. The term has been popalarired in and mometimes secondary data are all that is required to reent yean in response to the nuenerous types and huge acheve the research objective. Disadvaatages are that the aesounts of data to which companies now have access in data are often reported in incompatible reporting units, ral time. These data repeesent both opportunities and chal. measurement units do not match researchen'' needs, class ienges. Marketing analytics is the term often used to refer to definitlons are incompatible with the researcher' +needs, and the managemeat and analysis of data to improve marksting secondary data may be outdated. Evaluation of secondary decisioas. data is impertants researchers must akk sertaie questions to Data may be grouped into two categories: primury and enwure the intefrity of the information they use. secondary. Primary data are gathered specifically for the . Paskaged information is a type of secondary data in researeh project at hand. Secondary data have been previ. which the data collected and/or the process of collecting owily gathered for some other parpose. There are many ases. the dita is the same for all tisers. There are two clises of of Ateendafy data in marketing reicarch, and cometimes packaged informatice. Syndicated data are collected in a Mecostary data are all that is needed to achicve the research itandard format and made available to all subscribing users, objectives. Packaged iervices offer a standardized marketiag researeb Secondary data may be intemal, previously gathered process that is ased to generate inforatation for a particular within the firm for soane other parpose. Examples inclade aner. deta collected and stored from sales receipei, vech as types, Syndiedted tata have the advantages of ahared costs qaantities, and prices of goods or services purchaved; cus of obcaining the data among all those subscribing to the somer names; delivery addiesiess shipping dates; and sales. Aervice, high data quality, and the speed with which data people making the sales. Data stored in elestronie daabues are collected and distribated to subseribers. Disadrabtaxes may be used for database marketing. Companies uie infor- are that buyers cannot control what data are collected, niast mation recorded in interaal databases for farposes of direct commit to loog'term coatracts, and gaie no strategic infor. marketing and to strengthen relationskips with cuatomen. matice atlvantape in buying syndicated data becase the The later is 1 process known as custoaner nelationship man- information is available to all competitors. agement (CRM). Packaged services have the advantage of tie of the sap- Exiernal data are obtained from sources outside the plier fimis. expertise in the area, relueed cost, speed, and firm. These dasa sources may be clasificd as (1) publivhod beecherarks for comparisons, The disadvantages of pockMorces, (2) official statistics, and (3) data aggregatoes. aged servises are that the process may noe be eastly customThere are different types of poblisbed secoodsry data, such ired, and the supplier firm may not know the iftosyncrasies as trode asiociation fublications, periodicalk, acesemic of the indestry in which she elieat firm operates. journals, books, marketing research company poblications. Four major areas in which packsged information and more. Official statistics are informatioa collested by yources may be applied are' meaturing cobsumen' attitodes poremament orgatizations and interational organirations. and opinionh defining market segmesti, moaitontsg media The Ueited States makes all data collected by government asage and promotion effectiveness, and conductiag market"open by default," except for personal informution or data trackin b altafies. rkiated to nationnl security. Data aggregators are services or When poople coodoct activities online, thoy leave digivendors that organize and package information on focuied ul tracks, limas can use digital trackisg dats to optimine tcpics. websites and apps, improve the effectiveness of online Secondary dasa have the advantages of being quiekly attvertiving, and idertify trendi Some compurties not only catherod, feadily available, and relatively isexpentwe; they track user' activities on their owen websites and appe, bat ICONDARY DARA AND RACKAGTD IarOMMATION JOB SKILLS LEARNED IN CHAPTER 5 Ay leaming the matnal in Chapter 5, you have developed. Critical Thesing 9 aills - Know hen big dats is colected and integaned Knowedige Application - Krow when sa vee promay verna leconday dasa - Krow what types of seconder data arw bent to vie according to the madeeting deccivion Inlomatan Fedvology Application wad Compueng Shalls - Use the Ameicin Communily Sovry to inveitigate US. demographies - Une the Googlo Arayocs Deros 5 se so gain experience with Google Aruytica butnes Ethics and Social Renporsblity - Acknomedye the moonibily that come with colecting. managing, analyeing and com. muricating consumers' periocul data Synthesize Your Learning This ceecone wil requile you to take into contideration concopts and material from the following dhaptes: Chapter 1 inerdetion to Makeeing flesearch Chapter 2 The Matuting Plesearch induityy Chaptot 3 The Marketing Research Procens and DeEiring the Problem and Atweuch Objectives Chapewr Reseach Design Chapter 5 Socondery Dues and Packaged information Orin Bits, lne. Gob Douglas owss a machise thop Mont of his work is local business, as machine shop work is labor interwit and is it diteuly to cbesin lagge quantify onders. Bob is considering branch ng out. For many yeur he has obiared a couple of local manufactuens whose proceses requare then to nale highly precine drilt in metal. For eareple, the engine block cylinden they produce must be deveinely potose for the engines to nh at the required comprasion itavias 70 mile such a precise dell, the dill bits can be used only a few times before they boe thee original spotications. Then these oxpensive dnill bits must be thrown away. Boby eutomen have complaced about thit for year, and Beo has been working on a process io iefubah these trowawar bits bek sts their original apecicicont. Finaly. Boo hat perfected this procest. Hs iocal cuitomers on out the refurbished bet and are ecutisc w th the resith. Thry can now get double the life or even more out of a dil. bit Alob knows ha madine shop will soon be very bury tom two local customers. To eapard his business to accommodate a itgevolume of refurbishment business, he knows he will heve to ivest a legge wurn of money in erpanding the bulding and the machinery needed lar the procest. But he has no ides of the voume di buiness to expect. 1. Losking bad at Custer 1, how mold yeu deseribe the furpose of markating resnech in tarent od Bebly stuation? do thia uing irformusion from Chapter 2. GrapH A Wh of 5 Spent on Total Coffee by Females at McConnelis by Age GRAPH II * of S Spend on Organic Colfee by Females at MeConnews dy muge Endnotes Kirw Visi margereilan 34 C4APTER A * MIIAICH DTGlon gay for can TV market, and for each time perical aswock- aw arenesk, preference for, and intention to buy the brend abed wide edeh at campaigi. What reiearch desiys do you. What do you recomurnend for the upproperate research recoumens? Findly. Client Cis ia a very competitive cabegory with equal maket share of the top thre brands. This cbent is 1. Deseribe what research derign you woald recomnend. couvinced that it has cbanged every marketifu-mix varifor each olient. able prosible eicept fior package deaiga. Since the three 2. For cach researcb design you welected for the three competitive brandi are typically displayed side-by-side, chicnts, discuss why you believe your choice of design Cuient Cwantw us to determine what factors of packuge. the correct claice. CASE 4.2 Analysis of Coffee Segments with Nielson Panel Data Nune: The full data int fur ihis case is arailable shmowich your inutructar The data fir ther cair was porevifed by Nieber. The name of the sapermarkes, brands, and ofher desoils have bern divgulsed. Andrrua Drike is a teiearch analyst for McConoell's. Sopermarket, a large waper: market chuin located in the Southras of the USS. (ooce: the mupermarket's name and ocher draily have beee diyguised). Andresa has been asigned to eumine the calogory. of cotfee for MeConsell's aed determine what segments the supenmarket ahould by get for an upcoming marketieg campaiya. Specifically. Andresa is interested in who drisis the four major types of cotfee colfee pods, gourmet, ground, and organis. To help wib this decision. Asdresa has access What convuiner segmenter sbould be targeted for an epcomiag maketing to panel data from Nielsen, a larye marleting campeign fue coelee?? revearch company. Answer the followieg questions, wing the date from the tables and graphs provided by Nielsen that dirplay information about the purchase of coffice at McConaell's Sapermarket for the laut 12 asonehs. at McConnell's, and purchase colfee from Table A and Table B? Why are the columns "I of Rogulation in the Retail Area" and "ies of Bopulation that Shop at McConnell's" the same 1. Table A and Tible B hive infocmation about the in Table A and Table B ? occupation of consumen in the area that McConeeli's serves. Table A shows the iaformation for the whole. category of ceffee (bal cotfoo). Table B thows the information for the catrgory of exgueic coffec. la. What conclusions can you drane alout the Ih. What eonclusions can yoe draw aboet the occupation of the head of household for people that sbop for coffee (all coffee) verves organio cotfoe? people wbo live within the retailer area, shop lc. Based on eccupation, what consueser should McConnell's tanget to reposition the coffee category? As introduced in Case 4.2. Andresa Drake is a research analyst for McConnell's Supermarkets, a large supermarket 1. Table A shows the sales (in dollars) for McConnell's chain located in the Southeast of the US. Andresa is exam- Vernas all other retail outlets in the categories of Coffice ining Nielsen point of sales (POS) syndicated data for cot- Pods, Ground Coffee, and Gourmet Coffce. Calculate fee at McConnell's. She is interested in learning the makket the market share (\$ Share) for MeConnell's and all hhares of different categories of coffee, and determining to other retailers for Ciround Coffee, Gourmet Coffee, and what extent coffee sales are affected by promotions. the Grand Total. The market share for Coffee Pods has Answer the following questions, using the data from already been calculated for you. What is the overall the tables provided by. Nielsen that display information inarket share for MeConnell 's? What category of coffee about the purchase of coffce at McConnell's Supernarket for the last 12 months. TABLE A Market Share by Category-McConnell's versus All Other Retailers 114 CiAMte 5 + stCONQANY CATA ANO RACCAGED infogstatiON Key Terms Review Ouestions/Applications 5.4. Deinite three ises of nesedury dute. 5-13. Provide an euienple of cach of the following Buvincs. TABLE A Total Coffee Drinkers by Occupation REVIEW QUESTIONSAPPUICANOW5 65 TABuE a Organic Coffee Drinkers by Occupation TABLE C \% of Plain Rural tiving People That Purchase Coffee Types 2. Graph A and Giraph B have information about the age 52 weeks, and the retailer is considering changing of consumers in the area that McConell's senst. the coffee aide in their swores. Through ieconidary Craph A abeas the information for the whole category reicarch. Andresa keatas that the majorily of ahoppers of coflee (woeal cotfoe). Graph B shows the information fall inso the "Plain Rural living" lifentyle cutegory. for the category of organic cotfies. 2. If MaCoenell's were to build a marketing Knowing that ales are decliniag, what type of coffee campaiga based on all coffee drinkers, which is McConell's likely stucking tos mich of What 23. Would the anvwer change if McCoancil's vanted to target the arganie cotfee shopper? If so, ahy? 3. Table C has information aboet the types of colfee purchased by Thain Rural Living" people. McCoenell's at Mccconell's based oo the following information? coffee category sales have been deslining for the paat nielsen solutions. A complete consumer and market view is even more critical today witn changes in demand, and the growing importance of personalization. A mentor, coach, and sponsor to many young astociates, Alavi believes the key responsibility of great leaders is to engage, challenge, and nurture talent. Alavi holds a B.S. in Microbiology from the University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign. Source: 92018 , of The Nielsen Company, licenced for use herein. Courtesy of Raha AlawiNielsen Retail Services, The Nielson Compary major reason that marketing research bas never been a more exciting field is the new types of data that are now available for analysis. Grouped under the umbrella term big data, information is available from more sources than ever before-from govemment statistics to sensor data to tracking studies to social media data. You live in a world where secondary data are readily available and easily aceessed. This chapter explores how secondary data are used, how we classify different types of data, what advantages and disadvantages such infomation sources offer, and where marketing researches can find significant sources of secondary data. In addition, we introduce another type of information we call packaged information and examine its applications in marketing research. We end with a discussion of three powerful forms of digital data: digital tracking data, social media data, and the Internet of Things. The types of data and tools associated with managing: data are changing quickly, and the more you keep abreast of these changes, the better equipped you will be to succeed in any professional position. As this chapter saggests, researchers who can combine data management and analysis skills with marketing knowledge are in great demand. 5.1 Big Data data has been popularized in recent years in response to the numerous types and huge amounts amountr of data fro of data to which companies now have access in real time. The phrase is also often used to multiple sources: indicate alarm and apprehension about the enormous - and multiplying - amounts of data that are being created on an ongoing basis. 'The Wall Street Joumal estimates that in the 1950s, the insurance company John Hancock Mutual Life was one of the top storehouses of information. with a total of about 600 megabytes of data. 2 Today we generate an average of 2.5 quintillion byles of data daily. 3 The GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report (GRIT) survey found that managing big data is one of the biggest issues facing the marketing research industry. 4 Marketing analytics is the term often used to refer to the management and analysis of Marketing anulyti! data to improve marketing decisions. Sources of data can originate from many places, includ- managenent and a ing companies, sensors, retailers, trade organizations, governments, publishers, the Internet data to improve and social media. These data take many forms, both qualitative and quantitative, including decivions. text, photos, videos, business transactions, research data, and many other types of data. There is simply too much data available for any one company to exhaustively gather, store, analyze. and report. Decisions must be made about what data to collect and how to analyze the data

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