Please see the date in the attachment and teach me how to calculate this question, thanks. A productivity index of 110% means that a company?s labor costs would have been 10% higher if it had not made production improvements. Assume that Baldwin had a productivity index of 112% and that Chester had a productivity index of 103%. Now refer to the Income Statements in the Annual Report for Baldwin and Chester. Using the labor costs shown in the Income Statements, how much more did Baldwin save in direct labor costs compared to Chester by having a higher productivity index? |
Select: 1 |
| $2,866 | | $3,184 | | $3,503 | | $3,344 |
2016/4/20 Page 1 Front Page Page 2 Stocks & Bonds Page 3 Financial Summary Page 4 Production Analysis Annual Report Andrews COMP-XM INQUIRER Page 5 Thrift Segment Analysis Page 6 Core Segment Analysis Page 7 Nano Segment Analysis Page 8 Elite Segment Analysis Annual Report Baldwin Annual Report Chester Page 9 Market Share Page 10 Perceptual Map Page 11 HR/TQM Report Annual Report Digby PRINT Top|AnnReport# 1/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top " Round: 0 Dec. 31, 2015 Andrews Song Wang Digby Song Wang Baldwin Student: Song Wang Chester Selected Financial Statistics ROS Asset Turnover ROA Leverage (Assets/Equity) ROE Emergency Loan Sales EBIT Profits Cumulative Profit SG&A / Sales Contrib. Margin % Andrews 12.3% 1.32 16.3% 1.7 28.3% $0 $163,405,682 $36,465,763 $20,139,267 $0 7.9% 34.1% Baldwin 5.7% 0.91 5.2% 2.7 13.7% $0 $131,627,447 $21,737,197 $7,499,948 $0 9.7% 33.8% Chester 8.6% 0.94 8.1% 2.4 19.2% $0 $118,809,302 $23,745,048 $10,189,632 $0 11.2% 38.8% COMPXM INQUIRER Top|AnnReport# Digby 9.2% 1.27 11.8% 1.9 22.4% $0 $119,585,004 $21,603,263 $11,056,951 $0 10.3% 33.3% Page 1 2/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Stocks & Bonds Round: 0 December 31 , 2015 Song Wang Stock Market Summary Company Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Close $95.50 $44.61 $53.12 $55.60 Company Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Change $15.09 $0.90 $10.94 $7.00 Shares 2,051,207 2,566,559 2,173,578 1,909,872 Series# 13.5S2017 11.2S2022 11.9S2023 13.5S2017 11.3S2022 12.5S2023 12.5S2024 12.5S2025 13.5S2017 11.2S2022 12.4S2023 11.9S2025 13.5S2017 11.1S2024 11.2S2025 MarketCap ($M) $196 $114 $115 $106 Book Value $34.70 $21.30 $24.47 $25.90 Bond Market Summary Face Yield $11,300,000 12.9% $8,837,000 11.0% $7,072,000 11.3% $11,300,000 13.4% $10,417,600 12.2% $14,665,611 12.7% $7,981,720 12.8% $9,473,587 12.8% $11,300,000 13.3% $8,639,846 11.9% $5,828,840 12.5% $15,600,742 12.3% $11,300,000 13.1% $2,504,080 11.3% $5,675,277 11.4% Next Year's Prime Rate 8.00% EPS $9.82 $2.92 $4.69 $5.79 Dividend $6.50 $4.95 $2.88 $2.34 Close$ 104.46 101.42 105.17 101.00 92.90 98.07 97.94 97.82 101.68 94.16 99.51 96.68 103.40 97.83 98.27 Yield 6.8% 11.1% 5.4% 4.2% P/E 9.7 15.3 11.3 9.6 S&P BB BB BB C C C C C CC CC CC CC B B B COMPXM INQUIRER Top|AnnReport# Page 2 3/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Financial Summary Cash Flow Statement Survey Cash flows from operating activities Net Income (Loss) Adjustment for noncash items: Depreciation Extraordinary gains/losses/writeoffs Changes in current assets and liabilities: Accounts payable Inventory Accounts receivable Net cash from operations Song Wang Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Andrews $20,139 $6,455 $0 $735 ($11,277) $20 $16,072 ($3,520) ($13,333) $0 ($1,935) $0 $0 ($5,725) $8,184 $0 Baldwin $7,500 $9,527 $0 $1,457 ($2,686) ($1,038) $14,760 ($15,800) ($12,694) $0 $0 $9,474 $0 ($22,170) $21,706 $0 Chester $10,190 $8,293 $0 $608 $1,429 ($954) $19,565 ($26,642) ($6,250) $0 $0 $15,601 $0 ($15,864) $19,606 $0 ($6,500) ($4,465) $0 ($1,829) $5,675 $0 ($10,483) $12,101 $0 Net cash from financing activities Net change in cash position Balance Sheet Survey Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Total Current Assets Plant and equipment Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets Total Assets ($12,809) ($257) Andrews $31,800 $13,431 $25,972 $71,203 $96,824 ($44,409) $52,415 $123,617 ($3,685) ($4,725) Baldwin $32,141 $10,819 $10,445 $53,405 $142,900 ($51,265) $91,635 $145,040 $13,093 $6,016 Chester $32,523 $9,765 $6,447 $48,736 $124,400 ($47,289) $77,111 $125,847 $1,000 $10,721 Digby $19,743 $9,829 $14,832 $44,404 $84,380 ($35,023) $49,357 $93,761 Accounts Payable Current Debt Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Common Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity $9,516 $15,717 $27,209 $52,443 $12,080 $59,094 $71,175 $123,617 $7,283 $29,239 $53,839 $90,361 $24,684 $29,995 $54,680 $145,040 $5,796 $25,489 $41,369 $72,655 $14,389 $38,803 $53,192 $125,847 $6,382 $18,432 $19,479 $44,293 $9,102 $40,367 $49,468 $93,761 Income Statement Survey Sales Variable Costs (Labor, Material, Carry) Depreciation SGA (R&D, Promo, Sales, Admin) Other (Fees, Writeoffs, TQM, Bonuses) EBIT Interest (Short term, Long term) Taxes Profit Sharing Net Profit COMPXM INQUIRER Andrews $163,406 $107,622 $6,455 $12,834 $29 $36,466 $4,850 $11,066 $411 $20,139 Baldwin $131,627 $87,179 $9,527 $12,711 $474 $21,737 $9,963 $4,121 $153 $7,500 Chester $118,809 $72,725 $8,293 $13,265 $780 $23,745 $7,749 $5,599 $208 $10,190 Digby $119,585 $79,744 $5,625 $12,301 $311 $21,603 $4,245 $6,075 $226 $11,057 Page 3 Cash flows from investing activities Plant improvements (net) Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid Sales of common stock Purchase of common stock Cash from long term debt issued Early retirement of long term debt Retirement of current debt Cash from current debt borrowing Cash from emergency loan Top|AnnReport# Digby $11,057 $5,625 $0 $997 $318 ($1,776) $16,221 4/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Production Analysis Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Song Wang Production Information Unit Primary Units Inven Name Segment Sold tory 2nd Shift Auto & mation Capacity Revision Age Pfmn Size Material Labor Contr. Over Next Next Plant Date Dec.31 MTBF Coord Coord Price Cost Cost Marg. time Round Round Utiliz. Apple Elite 772 217 11/14/2015 Ate Thrift 1,369 759 4/13/2013 Attic Core 1,829 51 12/10/2014 Alan Nano 921 265 11/9/2015 Beetle Thrift 1,339 238 12/11/2015 Bill Thrift 1,672 287 12/19/2015 Bold Core 1,288 150 12/3/2015 Best Core 1,415 85 11/19/2015 Cent Thrift 1,728 22 6/27/2016 Clack Core 1,883 14 11/30/2015 Cone Nano 699 163 12/22/2015 Creak Elite 604 135 11/5/2015 Deft Nano 1,127 89 11/12/2015 Dim Elite 435 147 12/13/2015 Don Nano 960 214 12/22/2015 Drum Elite 864 192 12/5/2015 COMPXM INQUIRER 1.1 26000 5.1 20000 2.2 22000 1.1 24000 2.8 17000 2.6 17000 1.2 18000 1.2 20000 3.5 14000 1.2 16000 1.1 18000 1.1 20000 2.2 23000 1.9 25000 1.0 23000 1.0 25000 13.5 8.7 $42.00 $16.81 $9.80 6.0 14.0 $26.00 $8.13 $7.90 8.7 11.3 $32.00 $11.60 $8.96 11.4 6.7 $40.00 $16.13 $10.29 7.1 12.9 $19.00 $8.40 $4.03 7.3 12.7 $19.00 $8.61 $4.22 9.7 9.9 $27.00 $11.68 $7.38 10.4 10.4 $28.00 $12.39 $7.38 6.3 13.7 $20.00 $6.65 $2.82 8.9 11.1 $22.00 $10.01 $5.64 10.8 7.4 $31.00 $13.64 $6.24 12.8 9.2 $35.00 $14.36 $7.09 9.7 8.5 $30.00 $13.98 $9.50 12.9 9.3 $38.00 $15.87 $7.73 11.3 6.7 $37.00 $15.79 $8.50 13.3 8.7 $39.00 $16.39 $7.95 36% 33% 35% 33% 41% 37% 30% 30% 22% 90% 50% 42% 33% 57% 93% 93% 51% 100% 31% 100% 36% 25% 38% 8% 25% 93% 41% 0% 34% 27% 37% 6% 4.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Top|AnnReport# 714 121% 1,130 188% 1,200 149% 728 141% 1,050 132% 1,250 155% 900 191% 950 191% 1,000 198% 1,150 198% 750 124% 800 107% 570 191% 700 64% 850 125% 950 105% Page 4 5/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Thrift Market Segment Analysis Song Wang Thrift Statistics Total Industry Unit Demand Actual Industry Unit Sales Segment % of Total Industry 5,102 5,102 27.0% Next Year's Segment Growth Rate 11.0% 1. 2. 3. 4. Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Thrift Customer Buying Criteria Expectations Importance Price $14.00 26.00 55% Reliability MTBF 1400020000 20% Ideal Position Pfmn 6.8 Size 13.2 15% Age Ideal Age = 3.0 10% Perceptual Map for Thrift Segment Top Products in Thrift Segment Units Market Sold to Revision Stock Pfmn Size Name Share Seg Date Out Coord Coord Bill 27% 1,402 12/19/2015 7.3 12.7 Beetle 23% 1,185 12/11/2015 7.1 12.9 Cent 20% 1,039 6/27/2016 6.3 13.7 Ate 16% 840 4/13/2013 6.0 14.0 Clack 10% 516 11/30/2015 8.9 11.1 Bold 1% 72 12/3/2015 9.7 9.9 Best 1% 48 11/19/2015 10.4 10.4 COMPXM INQUIRER List Price $19.00 $19.00 $20.00 $26.00 $22.00 $27.00 $28.00 Age MTBF Dec.31 17000 2.56 17000 2.76 14000 3.46 20000 5.11 16000 1.17 18000 1.21 20000 1.25 Cust. Promo Aware Budget ness $1,050 63% $1,050 63% $950 52% $1,200 79% $950 52% $1,050 62% $1,050 63% Cust. Dec. Sales Access Cust. Budget ibility Survey $800 62% 30 $1,000 62% 31 $1,000 63% 18 $2,000 74% 13 $1,000 63% 6 $600 62% 0 $600 62% 0 Page 5 Top|AnnReport# 6/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Core Market Segment Analysis Song Wang Core Statistics Total Industry Unit Demand Actual Industry Unit Sales Segment % of Total Industry 6,679 6,679 35.3% Next Year's Segment Growth Rate 10.0% 1. 2. 3. 4. Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Core Customer Buying Criteria Expectations Importance Price $20.00 32.00 46% Age Ideal Age = 2.0 20% Reliability MTBF 1600022000 18% Ideal Position Pfmn 8.9 Size 11.1 16% Perceptual Map for Core Segment Top Products in Core Segment Units Market Sold to Revision Stock Pfmn Size Name Share Seg Date Out Coord Coord Clack 20% 1,368 11/30/2015 8.9 11.1 Attic 18% 1,227 12/10/2014 8.7 11.3 Best 15% 987 11/19/2015 10.4 10.4 Bold 15% 979 12/3/2015 9.7 9.9 Cent 10% 689 6/27/2016 6.3 13.7 Ate 8% 530 4/13/2013 6.0 14.0 Deft 6% 414 11/12/2015 9.7 8.5 Bill 4% 270 12/19/2015 7.3 12.7 Beetle 2% 154 12/11/2015 7.1 12.9 Cone 1% 54 12/22/2015 10.8 7.4 Creak 0% 8 11/5/2015 12.8 9.2 COMPXM INQUIRER List Price $22.00 $32.00 $28.00 $27.00 $20.00 $26.00 $30.00 $19.00 $19.00 $31.00 $35.00 Age MTBF Dec.31 16000 1.17 22000 2.24 20000 1.25 18000 1.21 14000 3.46 20000 5.11 23000 2.19 17000 2.56 17000 2.76 18000 1.08 20000 1.12 Cust. Promo Aware Budget ness $950 52% $1,200 80% $1,050 63% $1,050 62% $950 52% $1,200 79% $1,100 71% $1,050 63% $1,050 63% $950 53% $950 52% Cust. Dec. Sales Access Cust. Budget ibility Survey $1,000 62% 33 $1,000 85% 27 $600 58% 18 $600 58% 18 $1,000 62% 9 $2,000 85% 5 $400 22% 7 $800 58% 27 $1,000 58% 26 $600 62% 0 $1,300 62% 0 Page 6 Top|AnnReport# 7/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Nano Market Segment Analysis Song Wang Nano Statistics Total Industry Unit Demand Actual Industry Unit Sales Segment % of Total Industry 3,649 3,649 19.3% Next Year's Segment Growth Rate 14.0% 1. 2. 3. 4. Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Nano Customer Buying Criteria Expectations Importance Ideal Position Pfmn 10.8 Size 7.2 35% Price $28.00 40.00 27% Age Ideal Age = 1.0 20% Reliability MTBF 1800024000 18% Perceptual Map for Nano Segment Top Products in Nano Segment Units Market Sold to Revision Stock Pfmn Size Name Share Seg Date Out Coord Coord Don 18% 660 12/22/2015 11.3 6.7 Alan 17% 630 11/9/2015 11.4 6.7 Cone 13% 464 12/22/2015 10.8 7.4 Deft 12% 431 11/12/2015 9.7 8.5 Attic 8% 296 12/10/2014 8.7 11.3 Drum 7% 260 12/5/2015 13.3 8.7 Best 7% 240 11/19/2015 10.4 10.4 Creak 6% 236 11/5/2015 12.8 9.2 Bold 5% 183 12/3/2015 9.7 9.9 Apple 4% 161 11/14/2015 13.5 8.7 Dim 2% 90 12/13/2015 12.9 9.3 COMPXM INQUIRER List Price $37.00 $40.00 $31.00 $30.00 $32.00 $39.00 $28.00 $35.00 $27.00 $42.00 $38.00 Age MTBF Dec.31 23000 1.04 24000 1.12 18000 1.08 23000 2.19 22000 2.24 25000 1.05 20000 1.25 20000 1.12 18000 1.21 26000 1.09 25000 1.91 Cust. Promo Aware Budget ness $1,100 70% $1,200 78% $950 53% $1,100 71% $1,200 80% $1,100 69% $1,050 63% $950 52% $1,050 62% $1,200 77% $1,100 72% Cust. Dec. Sales Access Cust. Budget ibility Survey $1,200 81% 44 $1,000 82% 42 $600 66% 37 $400 81% 43 $1,000 82% 10 $1,200 81% 10 $600 28% 20 $1,300 66% 12 $600 28% 15 $1,000 82% 4 $400 81% 13 Page 7 Top|AnnReport# 8/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Elite Market Segment Analysis Song Wang Elite Statistics Total Industry Unit Demand Actual Industry Unit Sales Segment % of Total Industry 3,478 3,478 18.4% Next Year's Segment Growth Rate 16.0% 1. 2. 3. 4. Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Elite Customer Buying Criteria Expectations Importance Age Ideal Age = 0.0 34% Price $30.00 42.00 24% Ideal Position Pfmn 12.8 Size 9.2 22% Reliability MTBF 2000026000 20% Perceptual Map for Elite Segment Top Products in Elite Segment Units Market Sold to Revision Stock Pfmn Size Name Share Seg Date Out Coord Coord Apple 18% 611 11/14/2015 13.5 8.7 Drum 17% 604 12/5/2015 13.3 8.7 Creak 10% 361 11/5/2015 12.8 9.2 Dim 10% 346 12/13/2015 12.9 9.3 Attic 9% 306 12/10/2014 8.7 11.3 Don 9% 300 12/22/2015 11.3 6.7 Alan 8% 291 11/9/2015 11.4 6.7 Deft 8% 282 11/12/2015 9.7 8.5 Cone 5% 182 12/22/2015 10.8 7.4 Best 4% 141 11/19/2015 10.4 10.4 Bold 2% 54 12/3/2015 9.7 9.9 COMPXM INQUIRER List Price $42.00 $39.00 $35.00 $38.00 $32.00 $37.00 $40.00 $30.00 $31.00 $28.00 $27.00 Age MTBF Dec.31 26000 1.09 25000 1.05 20000 1.12 25000 1.91 22000 2.24 23000 1.04 24000 1.12 23000 2.19 18000 1.08 20000 1.25 18000 1.21 Cust. Promo Aware Budget ness $1,200 77% $1,100 69% $950 52% $1,100 72% $1,200 80% $1,100 70% $1,200 78% $1,100 71% $950 53% $1,050 63% $1,050 62% Cust. Dec. Sales Access Cust. Budget ibility Survey $1,000 87% 39 $1,200 81% 40 $1,300 55% 25 $400 81% 32 $1,000 87% 8 $1,200 81% 11 $1,000 87% 11 $400 81% 22 $600 55% 11 $600 19% 11 $600 19% 5 Page 8 Top|AnnReport# 9/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Market Share Report Industry Unit Sales % of Market Apple Ate Attic Alan Total Beetle Bill Bold Best Total Cent Clack Cone Creak Total Deft Dim Don Drum Total Actual Market Share in Units Thrift Core Nano Elite 5,102 6,679 3,649 3,478 27.0% 35.3% 19.3% 18.4% 4.4% 17.6% 16.5% 7.9% 18.4% 8.1% 8.8% 17.3% 8.4% 16.5% 26.3% 29.8% 34.8% 23.2% 2.3% 27.5% 4.0% 1.4% 14.7% 5.0% 1.6% 0.9% 14.8% 6.6% 4.0% 53.1% 35.8% 11.6% 5.6% 20.4% 10.3% 10.1% 20.5% 0.8% 12.7% 5.2% 0.1% 6.5% 10.4% 30.5% 31.7% 19.2% 15.6% 6.2% 11.8% 8.1% 2.5% 9.9% 18.1% 8.6% 7.1% 17.4% 6.2% 39.5% 44.1% COMPXM INQUIRER Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Song Wang Total 18,908 100.0% 4.1% 7.2% 9.7% 4.9% 25.9% 7.1% 8.8% 6.8% 7.5% 30.2% 9.1% 10.0% 3.7% 3.2% 26.0% 6.0% 2.3% 5.1% 4.6% 17.9% Units Demanded % of Market Apple Ate Attic Alan Total Beetle Bill Bold Best Total Cent Clack Cone Creak Total Deft Dim Don Drum Total Potential Market Share in Units Thrift Core Nano Elite 5,102 6,679 3,649 3,478 27.0% 35.3% 19.3% 18.4% 16.3% 16.3% 23.0% 27.2% 1.4% 0.9% 52.4% 20.3% 11.0% 31.3% 7.8% 17.9% 25.7% 2.3% 4.0% 14.3% 14.4% 35.0% 10.2% 22.2% 0.8% 0.1% 33.2% 6.1% 4.4% 17.6% 8.1% 8.8% 17.3% 8.4% 29.8% 34.8% 5.0% 6.6% 11.6% 1.6% 4.0% 5.6% 12.7% 6.5% 19.2% 11.8% 2.5% 18.1% 7.1% 6.0% 39.5% 5.2% 10.4% 15.6% 8.1% 9.9% 8.6% 17.4% 44.1% Top|AnnReport# Total 18,908 100.0% 4.1% 7.1% 9.5% 4.9% 25.6% 7.0% 8.7% 6.7% 7.4% 29.8% 9.1% 10.8% 3.7% 3.2% 26.8% 5.9% 2.3% 5.1% 4.6% 17.9% Page 9 10/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Perceptual Map Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Song Wang Perceptual Map for All Segments Name Apple Ate Attic Alan Name Deft Dim Don Drum Andrews Pfmn Size 13.5 8.7 6.0 14.0 8.7 11.3 11.4 6.7 Digby Pfmn Size 9.7 8.5 12.9 9.3 11.3 6.7 13.3 8.7 Revised 11/14/2015 4/13/2013 12/10/2014 11/9/2015 Name Beetle Bill Bold Best Revised 11/12/2015 12/13/2015 12/22/2015 12/5/2015 Baldwin Pfmn Size 7.1 12.9 7.3 12.7 9.7 9.9 10.4 10.4 Revised 12/11/2015 12/19/2015 12/3/2015 11/19/2015 Name Cent Clack Cone Creak Pfmn 6.3 8.9 10.8 12.8 Chester Size 13.7 11.1 7.4 9.2 Revised 6/27/2016 11/30/2015 12/22/2015 11/5/2015 COMPXM INQUIRER Top|AnnReport# Page 10 11/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top HR/TQM Report Round: 0 December 31, 2015 Song Wang HUMAN RESOURCES SUMMARY Needed Complement Complement 1st Shift Complement 2nd Shift Complement Overtime% Turnover Rate New Employees Separated Employees Recruiting Spend Training Hours Productivity Index Recruiting Cost Separation Cost Training Cost Total HR Admin Cost Labor Contract Next Year Wages Benefits Profit Sharing Annual Raise Starting Negotiation Position Wages Benefits Profit Sharing Annual Raise Ceiling Negotiation Position Wages Benefits Profit Sharing Annual Raise Adjusted Labor Demands Wages Benefits Profit Sharing Annual Raise Strike Days Andrews 804 804 525 279 Baldwin 539 539 316 223 Chester 398 398 260 138 Digby 483 483 371 112 0.0% 10.0% 140 0 $0 0 100.0% 0.0% 8.2% 112 0 $2,500 40 109.4% 0.0% 6.6% 54 0 $5,000 80 117.6% 0.0% 10.0% 99 0 $0 0 100.0% $140 $0 $0 $140 $390 $0 $431 $821 $324 $0 $637 $962 $99 $0 $0 $99 $25.53 2,500 2.0% 5.0% $25.53 2,500 2.0% 5.0% $25.53 2,500 2.0% 5.0% $25.53 2,500 2.0% 5.0% Process Mgt Budgets Last Year CPI Systems Vendor/JIT Quality Initiative Training Channel Support Systems Concurrent Engineering UNEP Green Programs TQM Budgets Last Year Benchmarking Quality Function Deployment Effort CCE/6 Sigma Training GEMI TQEM Sustainability Initiatives Total Expenditures Cumulative Impacts Material Cost Reduction Labor Cost Reduction Reduction R&D Cycle Time Reduction Admin Costs Demand Increase COMPXM INQUIRER Andrews $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TQM SUMMARY Baldwin Chester $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Digby $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%|AnnReport# Page 11 12/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER PRINT Annual Report Top|AnnReport# 13/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Annual Report Andrews Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 Balance Sheet DEFINITIONS: Common Size: The common size column simply represents each item as a percentage of total assets for that year. Cash: Your endof year cash position. Accounts Receivable: Reflects the lag between delivery and payment of your products. Inventories: The current value of your inventory across all products. A zero indicates your company stocked out. Unmet demand would, of course, fall to your competitors. Plant & Equipment: The current value of your plant. Accum Deprec: The total accumulated depreciation from your plant. Accts Payable: What the company currently owes suppliers for materials and services. Current Debt: The debt the company is obligated to pay during the next year of operations. It includes emergency loans used to keep your company solvent should you run out of cash during the year. Long Term Debt: The company's long term debt is in the form of bonds, and this represents the total value of your bonds. Common Stock: The amount of capital invested by shareholders in the company. Retained Earnings: The profits that the company chose to keep instead of paying to shareholders as dividends. ASSETS Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory $31,800 $13,431 $25,972 $96,824 ($44,409) 2015 Common Size 25.7% 10.9% 21.0% 2014 $32,057 $13,451 $14,695 $71,203 57.6% 78.3% 35.9% $60,203 $93,304 ($37,954) Total Current Assets Plant & Equipment Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets $52,415 42.4% $55,350 Total Assets $123,617 100.0% $115,552 $9,516 $15,717 $27,209 7.7% 12.7% 22.0% $8,781 $5,725 $34,742 $12,080 $59,094 $52,442 42.4% 9.8% 47.8% $49,248 $12,443 $53,860 LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY Accounts Payable Current Debt Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Common Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity $71,174 57.6% $66,303 Total Liab. & O. Equity $123,617 100.0% $115,552 Cash Flow Statement The Cash Flow Statement examines what happened in the Cash Account during the year. Cash injections appear as positive numbers and cash withdrawals as negative numbers. The Cash Flow Statement is an excellent tool for diagnosing emergency loans. When negative cash flows exceed positives, you are forced to seek emergency funding. For example, if sales are bad and you find yourself carrying an abundance of excess inventory, the report would show the increase in inventory as a huge negative cash flow. Too much unexpected inventory could outstrip your inflows, exhaust your starting cash and force you to beg for money to keep your company afloat. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: 2015 2014 Net Income (Loss) $20,139 $21,811 Depreciation $6,455 $6,220 Extraordinary gains/losses/writeoffs $0 $0 Accounts Payable $735 $2,083 Inventory ($11,277) ($3,996) $20 ($2,896) Accounts Receivable Net cash from operations $16,072 $23,222 Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Plant Improvements ($3,520) ($1,820) Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Dividends Paid ($13,333) ($7,948) Sales of Common Stock $0 $0 Purchase of Common Stock ($1,935) ($541) Cash from long term debt $0 $0 Retirement of long term debt ($7,533) $0 $9,992 ($2,070) Change in current debt (net) Net cash from financing activities ($12,809) ($10,559) Net change in cash position ($257) $10,843 Closing cash position $31,800 $32,057 Annual Report Top|AnnReport# Page 1 14/25 2016/4/20 Annual Report COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Andrews Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 2015 Income Statement (Product Apple Ate Attic Alan Na Na Name:) Sales $32,424 $35,605 $58,525 $36,852 $0 $0 Variable Costs: Direct Labor $7,617 $10,815 $16,299 $9,428 $0 $0 Direct Material $12,559 $11,547 $21,888 $14,353 $0 $0 Inventory Carry $681 $1,488 $127 $821 $0 $0 Total Variable $20,857 $23,850 $38,313 $24,602 $0 $0 Contribution $11,567 $11,755 $20,212 $12,250 $0 $0 Margin Period Costs: Depreciation $1,047 $2,260 $2,080 $1,068 $0 $0 SG&A: R&D $881 $0 $0 $869 $0 $0 Promotions $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $0 Sales $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 Admin $255 $280 $460 $290 $0 $0 Total Period $4,383 $5,740 $4,740 $4,427 $0 $0 Net Margin $7,184 $6,015 $15,472 $7,824 $0 $0 Definitions: Sales: Unit sales times list price. Direct Labor: Labor costs incurred to produce the product that was sold. Inventory Carry Cost: the cost to carry unsold goods in inventory. Depreciation: Calculated on straightline 15year depreciation of plant value. R&D Costs: R&D department expenditures for each product. Admin: Administration overhead is estimated at 1.5% of sales. Promotions: The promotion budget for each product. Sales: The sales force budget for each product. Other: Charges not included in other categories such as Fees, Write Offs, and TQM. The fees include money paid to investment bankers and brokerage firms to issue new stocks or bonds plus consulting fees your instructor might assess. Writeoffs include the loss you might experience when you sell capacity or liquidate inventory as the result of eliminating a production line. If the amount appears as a negative amount, then you actually made money on the liquidation of capacity or inventory. EBIT: Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. Short Term Interest: Interest expense based on last year's current debt, including short term debt, long term notes that have become due, and emergency loans. Long Term Interest: Interest paid on outstanding bonds. Taxes: Income tax based upon a 35% tax rate. Profit Sharing: Profits shared with employees under the labor contract. Net Profit: EBIT minus interest, taxes, and profit sharing. 2015Common Total Size $163,406 100.0% Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,784 34.1% $6,455 $1,750 $4,800 $5,000 $1,284 $19,289 4.0% 1.1% 2.9% 3.1% 0.8% 11.8% $0 $0 Other EBIT Short Term Interest LongTerm Interest Taxes Profit Sharing Net Profit $36,495 22.3% $44,158 27.0% $60,347 36.9% $3,117 1.9% $107,622 65.9% $29 0.0% $36,466 22.3% $1,493 0.9% $3,357 2.1% $11,066 6.8% $411 0.3% $20,139 12.3% Annual Report|AnnReport# Page 215/25 2016/4/20 Annual Report COMP-XM INQUIRER PRINT Page 2 Annual Report Top|AnnReport# 16/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Annual Report Baldwin Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 Balance Sheet DEFINITIONS: Common Size: The common size column simply represents each item as a percentage of total assets for that year. Cash: Your endof year cash position. Accounts Receivable: Reflects the lag between delivery and payment of your products. Inventories: The current value of your inventory across all products. A zero indicates your company stocked out. Unmet demand would, of course, fall to your competitors. Plant & Equipment: The current value of your plant. Accum Deprec: The total accumulated depreciation from your plant. Accts Payable: What the company currently owes suppliers for materials and services. Current Debt: The debt the company is obligated to pay during the next year of operations. It includes emergency loans used to keep your company solvent should you run out of cash during the year. Long Term Debt: The company's long term debt is in the form of bonds, and this represents the total value of your bonds. Common Stock: The amount of capital invested by shareholders in the company. Retained Earnings: The profits that the company chose to keep instead of paying to shareholders as dividends. ASSETS Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory $32,141 $10,819 $10,445 $142,900 ($51,265) 2015 Common Size 22.2% 7.5% 7.2% 2014 $36,867 $9,781 $7,759 $53,405 36.8% 98.5% 35.3% $54,407 $127,100 ($41,738) Total Current Assets Plant & Equipment Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets $91,635 63.2% $85,362 Total Assets $145,040 100.0% $139,769 $7,283 $29,239 $53,839 5.0% 20.2% 37.1% $5,826 $22,170 $51,898 $24,684 $29,995 $90,361 62.3% 17.0% 20.7% $79,894 $24,684 $35,189 LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY Accounts Payable Current Debt Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Common Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity $54,679 37.7% $59,873 Total Liab. & O. Equity $145,040 100.0% $139,769 Cash Flow Statement The Cash Flow Statement examines what happened in the Cash Account during the year. Cash injections appear as positive numbers and cash withdrawals as negative numbers. The Cash Flow Statement is an excellent tool for diagnosing emergency loans. When negative cash flows exceed positives, you are forced to seek emergency funding. For example, if sales are bad and you find yourself carrying an abundance of excess inventory, the report would show the increase in inventory as a huge negative cash flow. Too much unexpected inventory could outstrip your inflows, exhaust your starting cash and force you to beg for money to keep your company afloat. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: 2015 2014 Net Income (Loss) $7,500 $10,451 Depreciation $9,527 $8,473 Extraordinary gains/losses/writeoffs $0 $0 Accounts Payable $1,457 ($794) Inventory ($2,686) $797 ($1,038) ($552) Accounts Receivable Net cash from operations $14,760 $18,375 Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Plant Improvements ($15,800) ($18,592) Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Dividends Paid ($12,694) ($8,901) Sales of Common Stock $0 $0 Purchase of Common Stock $0 $0 Cash from long term debt $9,474 $7,982 Retirement of long term debt ($7,533) $0 $7,069 ($5,277) Change in current debt (net) Net cash from financing activities ($3,685) ($6,196) Net change in cash position ($4,725) ($6,413) Closing cash position $32,141 $36,867 Annual Report Top|AnnReport# Page 1 17/25 2016/4/20 Annual Report COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Baldwin Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 2015 Income Statement (Product Beetle Bill Bold Best Na Na Name:) Sales $25,441 $31,773 $34,785 $39,628 $0 $0 Variable Costs: Direct Labor $5,414 $7,097 $9,496 $10,577 $0 $0 Direct Material $9,384 $12,519 $14,450 $16,989 $0 $0 Inventory Carry $316 $404 $335 $199 $0 $0 Total Variable $15,114 $20,020 $24,280 $27,765 $0 $0 Contribution $10,328 $11,753 $10,505 $11,863 $0 $0 Margin Period Costs: Depreciation $2,660 $3,167 $1,800 $1,900 $0 $0 SG&A: R&D $958 $979 $936 $896 $0 $0 Promotions $1,050 $1,050 $1,050 $1,050 $0 $0 Sales $1,000 $800 $600 $600 $0 $0 Admin $337 $421 $461 $525 $0 $0 Total Period $6,004 $6,416 $4,847 $4,971 $0 $0 Net Margin $4,323 $5,337 $5,658 $6,892 $0 $0 Definitions: Sales: Unit sales times list price. Direct Labor: Labor costs incurred to produce the product that was sold. Inventory Carry Cost: the cost to carry unsold goods in inventory. Depreciation: Calculated on straightline 15year depreciation of plant value. R&D Costs: R&D department expenditures for each product. Admin: Administration overhead is estimated at 1.5% of sales. Promotions: The promotion budget for each product. Sales: The sales force budget for each product. Other: Charges not included in other categories such as Fees, Write Offs, and TQM. The fees include money paid to investment bankers and brokerage firms to issue new stocks or bonds plus consulting fees your instructor might assess. Writeoffs include the loss you might experience when you sell capacity or liquidate inventory as the result of eliminating a production line. If the amount appears as a negative amount, then you actually made money on the liquidation of capacity or inventory. EBIT: Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. Short Term Interest: Interest expense based on last year's current debt, including short term debt, long term notes that have become due, and emergency loans. Long Term Interest: Interest paid on outstanding bonds. Taxes: Income tax based upon a 35% tax rate. Profit Sharing: Profits shared with employees under the labor contract. Net Profit: EBIT minus interest, taxes, and profit sharing. 2015Common Total Size $131,627 100.0% Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $44,449 $0 $0 Other EBIT Short Term Interest LongTerm Interest Taxes Profit Sharing Net Profit $22,211 $32,584 24.8% $53,341 40.5% $1,253 1.0% $87,179 66.2% 33.8% $9,527 7.2% $3,768 2.9% $4,200 3.2% $3,000 2.3% $1,743 1.3% $22,238 16.9% 16.9% $474 0.4% $21,737 16.5% $3,246 2.5% $6,718 5.1% $4,121 3.1% $153 0.1% $7,500 5.7% Annual Report|AnnReport# Page 218/25 2016/4/20 Annual Report COMP-XM INQUIRER PRINT Page 2 Annual Report Top|AnnReport# 19/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Annual Report Chester Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 Balance Sheet DEFINITIONS: Common Size: The common size column simply represents each item as a percentage of total assets for that year. Cash: Your endof year cash position. Accounts Receivable: Reflects the lag between delivery and payment of your products. Inventories: The current value of your inventory across all products. A zero indicates your company stocked out. Unmet demand would, of course, fall to your competitors. Plant & Equipment: The current value of your plant. Accum Deprec: The total accumulated depreciation from your plant. Accts Payable: What the company currently owes suppliers for materials and services. Current Debt: The debt the company is obligated to pay during the next year of operations. It includes emergency loans used to keep your company solvent should you run out of cash during the year. Long Term Debt: The company's long term debt is in the form of bonds, and this represents the total value of your bonds. Common Stock: The amount of capital invested by shareholders in the company. Retained Earnings: The profits that the company chose to keep instead of paying to shareholders as dividends. ASSETS Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory $32,523 $9,765 $6,447 $124,400 ($47,289) 2015 Common Size 25.8% 7.8% 5.1% 2014 $26,507 $8,811 $7,876 $48,735 38.7% 98.9% 37.6% $43,194 $97,758 ($38,996) Total Current Assets Plant & Equipment Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets $77,111 61.3% $58,762 Total Assets $125,847 100.0% $101,957 $5,796 $25,489 $41,369 4.6% 20.3% 32.9% $5,189 $15,864 $31,652 $14,389 $38,803 $72,654 57.7% 11.4% 30.8% $52,705 $14,389 $34,863 LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY Accounts Payable Current Debt Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Common Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity $53,192 42.3% $49,252 Total Liab. & O. Equity $125,847 100.0% $101,957 Cash Flow Statement The Cash Flow Statement examines what happened in the Cash Account during the year. Cash injections appear as positive numbers and cash withdrawals as negative numbers. The Cash Flow Statement is an excellent tool for diagnosing emergency loans. When negative cash flows exceed positives, you are forced to seek emergency funding. For example, if sales are bad and you find yourself carrying an abundance of excess inventory, the report would show the increase in inventory as a huge negative cash flow. Too much unexpected inventory could outstrip your inflows, exhaust your starting cash and force you to beg for money to keep your company afloat. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: 2015 2014 Net Income (Loss) $10,190 $10,606 Depreciation $8,293 $6,517 Extraordinary gains/losses/writeoffs $0 ($3) Accounts Payable $608 $782 Inventory $1,429 $1,737 ($954) ($1,876) Accounts Receivable Net cash from operations $19,565 $17,764 Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Plant Improvements ($26,642) ($2,800) Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Dividends Paid ($6,250) ($4,242) Sales of Common Stock $0 $0 Purchase of Common Stock $0 $0 Cash from long term debt $15,601 $0 Retirement of long term debt ($5,883) ($1,647) $9,625 ($5,991) Change in current debt (net) Net cash from financing activities $13,093 ($11,880) Net change in cash position $6,016 $3,084 Closing cash position $32,523 $26,507 Annual Report Top|AnnReport# Page 1 20/25 2016/4/20 Annual Report COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Chester Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 2015 Income Statement (Product Cent Clack Cone Creak Na Na Name:) Sales $34,563 $41,429 $21,671 $21,146 $0 $0 Variable Costs: Direct Labor $4,869 $10,597 $4,403 $4,322 $0 $0 Direct Material $12,089 $18,075 $9,169 $8,428 $0 $0 Inventory Carry $26 $26 $379 $343 $0 $0 Total Variable $16,985 $28,697 $13,951 $13,092 $0 $0 Contribution $17,578 $12,732 $7,719 $8,054 $0 $0 Margin Period Costs: Depreciation $2,800 $2,607 $1,500 $1,387 $0 $0 SG&A: R&D $1,000 $928 $988 $857 $0 $0 Promotions $950 $950 $950 $950 $0 $0 Sales $1,000 $1,000 $600 $1,300 $0 $0 Admin $522 $625 $327 $319 $0 $0 Total Period $6,272 $6,110 $4,365 $4,813 $0 $0 Net Margin $11,307 $6,622 $3,355 $3,241 $0 $0 Definitions: Sales: Unit sales times list price. Direct Labor: Labor costs incurred to produce the product that was sold. Inventory Carry Cost: the cost to carry unsold goods in inventory. Depreciation: Calculated on straightline 15year depreciation of plant value. R&D Costs: R&D department expenditures for each product. Admin: Administration overhead is estimated at 1.5% of sales. Promotions: The promotion budget for each product. Sales: The sales force budget for each product. Other: Charges not included in other categories such as Fees, Write Offs, and TQM. The fees include money paid to investment bankers and brokerage firms to issue new stocks or bonds plus consulting fees your instructor might assess. Writeoffs include the loss you might experience when you sell capacity or liquidate inventory as the result of eliminating a production line. If the amount appears as a negative amount, then you actually made money on the liquidation of capacity or inventory. EBIT: Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. Short Term Interest: Interest expense based on last year's current debt, including short term debt, long term notes that have become due, and emergency loans. Long Term Interest: Interest paid on outstanding bonds. Taxes: Income tax based upon a 35% tax rate. Profit Sharing: Profits shared with employees under the labor contract. Net Profit: EBIT minus interest, taxes, and profit sharing. 2015Common Total Size $118,809 100.0% Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $46,084 $0 $0 Other EBIT Short Term Interest LongTerm Interest Taxes Profit Sharing Net Profit $24,525 $24,191 20.4% $47,761 40.2% $774 0.7% $72,725 61.2% 38.8% $8,293 7.0% $3,772 3.2% $3,800 3.2% $3,900 3.3% $1,793 1.5% $21,559 18.1% 20.6% $780 0.7% $23,745 20.0% $2,676 2.3% $5,072 4.3% $5,599 4.7% $208 0.2% $10,190 8.6% Annual Report|AnnReport# Page 221/25 2016/4/20 Annual Report COMP-XM INQUIRER PRINT Page 2 Annual Report Top|AnnReport# 22/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Annual Report Digby Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 Balance Sheet DEFINITIONS: Common Size: The common size column simply represents each item as a percentage of total assets for that year. Cash: Your endof year cash position. Accounts Receivable: Reflects the lag between delivery and payment of your products. Inventories: The current value of your inventory across all products. A zero indicates your company stocked out. Unmet demand would, of course, fall to your competitors. Plant & Equipment: The current value of your plant. Accum Deprec: The total accumulated depreciation from your plant. Accts Payable: What the company currently owes suppliers for materials and services. Current Debt: The debt the company is obligated to pay during the next year of operations. It includes emergency loans used to keep your company solvent should you run out of cash during the year. Long Term Debt: The company's long term debt is in the form of bonds, and this represents the total value of your bonds. Common Stock: The amount of capital invested by shareholders in the company. Retained Earnings: The profits that the company chose to keep instead of paying to shareholders as dividends. ASSETS Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory $19,743 $9,829 $14,832 $84,380 ($35,023) 2015 Common Size 21.1% 10.5% 15.8% 2014 $9,022 $8,053 $15,150 $44,404 47.4% 90.0% 37.4% $32,225 $77,880 ($29,397) Total Current Assets Plant & Equipment Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets $49,357 52.6% $48,483 Total Assets $93,761 100.0% $80,707 $6,382 $18,432 $19,479 6.8% 19.7% 20.8% $5,385 $10,483 $20,135 $9,102 $40,367 $44,293 47.2% 9.7% 43.1% $36,003 $9,490 $35,216 LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY Accounts Payable Current Debt Long Term Debt Total Liabilities Common Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity $49,469 52.8% $44,706 Total Liab. & O. Equity $93,761 100.0% $80,707 Cash Flow Statement The Cash Flow Statement examines what happened in the Cash Account during the year. Cash injections appear as positive numbers and cash withdrawals as negative numbers. The Cash Flow Statement is an excellent tool for diagnosing emergency loans. When negative cash flows exceed positives, you are forced to seek emergency funding. For example, if sales are bad and you find yourself carrying an abundance of excess inventory, the report would show the increase in inventory as a huge negative cash flow. Too much unexpected inventory could outstrip your inflows, exhaust your starting cash and force you to beg for money to keep your company afloat. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Net Income (Loss) Depreciation Extraordinary gains/losses/writeoffs Accounts Payable Inventory Accounts Receivable Net cash from operations Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Plant Improvements Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Dividends Paid Sales of Common Stock Purchase of Common Stock Cash from long term debt Retirement of long term debt Change in current debt (net) Net cash from financing activities Net change in cash position Closing cash position 2015 2014 $11,057 $7,796 $5,625 $5,192 $0 $0 $997 ($500) $318 ($2,888) ($1,776) $469 $16,221 ($6,500) ($4,465) $0 ($1,829) $5,675 ($6,331) $7,949 $10,069 ($12,220) ($3,866) $0 ($1,172) $2,504 $0 $514 $1,000 ($2,020) $10,721 ($4,171) $19,743 $9,022 Annual Report Top|AnnReport# Page 1 23/25 2016/4/20 Annual Report COMP-XM INQUIRER Top Digby Round: 4 Dec. 31, 2015 C59559 2015 Income Statement (Product Deft Dim Don Drum Na Na Name:) Sales $33,821 $16,545 $35,506 $33,713 $0 $0 Variable Costs: Direct Labor $10,436 $3,363 $8,271 $7,002 $0 $0 Direct Material $14,559 $6,094 $14,554 $13,685 $0 $0 Inventory Carry $236 $384 $609 $551 $0 $0 Total Variable $25,231 $9,841 $23,435 $21,238 $0 $0 Contribution $8,590 $6,704 $12,072 $12,475 $0 $0 Margin Period Costs: Depreciation $1,292 $1,213 $1,473 $1,647 $0 $0 SG&A: R&D $876 $963 $988 $939 $0 $0 Promotions $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $0 $0 Sales $400 $400 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $0 Admin $265 $129 $278 $264 $0 $0 Total Period $3,933 $3,805 $5,039 $5,150 $0 $0 Net Margin $4,658 $2,899 $7,033 $7,325 $0 $0 Definitions: Sales: Unit sales times list price. Direct Labor: Labor costs incurred to produce the product that was sold. Inventory Carry Cost: the cost to carry unsold goods in inventory. Depreciation: Calculated on straightline 15year depreciation of plant value. R&D Costs: R&D department expenditures for each product. Admin: Administration overhead is estimated at 1.5% of sales. Promotions: The promotion budget for each product. Sales: The sales force budget for each product. Other: Charges not included in other categories such as Fees, Write Offs, and TQM. The fees include money paid to investment bankers and brokerage firms to issue new stocks or bonds plus consulting fees your instructor might assess. Writeoffs include the loss you might experience when you sell capacity or liquidate inventory as the result of eliminating a production line. If the amount appears as a negative amount, then you actually made money on the liquidation of capacity or inventory. EBIT: Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. Short Term Interest: Interest expense based on last year's current debt, including short term debt, long term notes that have become due, and emergency loans. Long Term Interest: Interest paid on outstanding bonds. Taxes: Income tax based upon a 35% tax rate. Profit Sharing: Profits shared with employees under the labor contract. Net Profit: EBIT minus interest, taxes, and profit sharing. 2015Common Total Size $119,585 100.0% Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Na $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,841 $0 $0 Other EBIT Short Term Interest LongTerm Interest Taxes Profit Sharing Net Profit $21,914 $29,072 24.3% $48,892 40.9% $1,780 1.5% $79,744 66.7% 33.3% $5,625 4.7% $3,765 3.1% $4,400 3.7% $3,200 2.7% $936 0.8% $17,926 15.0% 18.3% $311 0.3% $21,603 18.1% $1,806 1.5% $2,439 2.0% $6,075 5.1% $226 0.2% $11,057 9.2% Annual Report|AnnReport# Page 224/25 2016/4/20 COMP-XM INQUIRER Annual Report|AnnReport# Page 2 25/25