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please send me the key of the following MCQS from 1 to 100 Sir please. 1. The information stored in a computer is known as

please send me the key of the following MCQS from 1 to 100 Sir please. 1. The information stored in a computer is known as 1) Facts 2) Files 3) Data 4) Directory or repository 2. Who among the following is popular as the father of computer? 1) Charles Babbage 2) Scott Aaronson 3) Charles Bachman 4) David A. Bader 3. Which among the following is/are required to make a computer usable for a common person? 1) A computer system with well-connected hardware 2) A computer system with required hardware and software 3) A computer system with scanner 4) A computer system with web cam 4. Gigabyte (Gb) = 1) 1024 Mb 2) 1000 Mb 3) 1200 Mb 4) 1275 Mb 5. A Microsoft Word is ... 1) a text processor 2) a graphic editor 3) a font editor 4) an electronic document editor 6. What is the file extension of MS Word document: 1)xlsx 2)doc, rtf, dot 3)txt 4)pdf 7. The archiving is 1) a file compression 2) any file save 3) a file hiding 4) all answers are correct 8. A database is 1) a data set collected on one disk 2) a data intendent for operating system 3) an organized mechanism for storing, managing and retrieving information that far more powerful than a spreadsheet 4) a data network communication 9. After starting Excel, an unfilled _______ appears in the document window 1) workbook 2) notebook 3) table 4) page 10. A workbook is: 1) a spreadsheet document 2) a file for data processing and storage 3) a page for drawing 4) amain window 11. Each book of Excel consists of: 1) several sheets 2) 256 columns 3) several rows (65536) 4) cells 12. The data contained in the cell can be edited 1) in the menu 2) in the formula bar 3) in the cell 4) in the special window 13. Charts can be placed: 1) in a separate sheet 2) in a current sheet 3) moved to MS Word 4) all answers are correct 14. What is formulas in MS Excel? 1) A formula is an expression which calculates the value of a cell 2) A formula is an expression in programming language 3) A formula is the value for creating charts 4) all answers are uncorrect 15. The expression 5(A2+C3):3(2B2-3D3) in spreadsheet has the form: 1) 5(A2+C3)/3(2B2-3D3) 2) 5*(A2+C3)/3*(2*B2-3*D3) 3) 5*(A2+C3)/(3*(2*B2-3*D3)); 4) 5(A2+C3)/(3(2B2-3D3)). 16. Choose the correct formula for spreadsheet: 1) C3+4*D4 2) C3=C1+2*C2 3) A5B5+23 4) =A2*A3-A4 17. What is the extension of MS Excel file? 1) txt 2) doc 3) ppt 4) xls 18. Microsoft PowerPoint is needed for: 1) Creation and editing of texts and pictures. 2) To create tables. 3) To create presentations and movies from slides. 4) All answers are correct 19. The integral part of the presentation, which contains all the main objects, is called: 1) Layer. 2) Picture. 3) Slide. 4) Text 20. Which extension will save your PowerPoint presentation in by default? 1) ppt 2) jpg 3) pps 4) pdf 21. When developing a data base, the program is used 1) Microsoft Power Point 2) Microsoft Word 3) Microsoft Excel 4) Microsoft Access 22. How to save a presentation in video format .wmv? 1) File=Save as=Windows Media video 2) File=Save =Video MPG - 4 3) File=Save as=Windows Media CVG 4) File=Save as=AVI 23. The main objects of the MS Access DBMS are: 1) Tables, forms, requests, reports. 2) Forms, tables, lines, reports. 3) Reports, tables, forms. 4) Forms, tables, queries, samples. 24. What type of data should be selected to enter the amount of 4784 rubles, 67 $? 1) Numerical. 2) Financial. 3) Currency 4) Text. 25. The column in the DBMS is called: 1) Recording. 2) Field. 3) Value. 4) Column. 26. What type of data should I select to enter phone numbers NNN-NN-NN? 1) Numerical. 2) Text. 3) Date Time. 4) MEMO. 27. What is the Data Scheme window for? 1) To view tables. 2) To edit records. 3) To create links between requests and forms. 4) To create links between tables. 28. Common functions that we us most often are 1) =sum 2) =average 3) =min 4) all of the above 29. What is correct cell address in excel? 1) 10000 2) 1 3) #A10 4) BZ_99 30. The main element of a relational database type 1) Table 2) Form 3) Field 4) Recording 31. Field properties of the created table can be set in ... 1) Table mode 2) Table design mode 3) Table wizard mode 4) Request 32. The field type (numeric, text, etc.) in the database is determined by ... 1) Field name 2) Field width 3) Number of lines 4) Data type 33. A computer keyboard has functions (F) keys. 1) 9 2) 12 3) 13 4) 17 34. What program can open a document with the xls. extension? 1) MS Power Point 2) MS Access 3) MS Excel 4) Ms Project 35. Ms Access is a Windows application for working with... 1) Spreadsheets; 2) Databases; 3) Text documents. 4) Pictures 36. The following database model is built on the term "relation" ... 1) Relational 2) Hierarchical 3) Network 4) Texting 37. With Ms EXCEL, you can... 1) Editing a video file 2) Graphical solution of the system of equations 3) Archiving of digital values; 4) all answers are correct. 38. What sign does a formula begin with in Excel? 1) From the sign = 2) From the $ sign 3) From the & sign 4) From the - sign 39. What types of charts allow you to build tabular processors Ms Excel? 1) Graph, dot, bar, bar graph, circular 2) Conical, flat, surface, truncated 3) Histogram, graph, local intersection, analytical 40. The "=" symbol in table processors means: 1) Fixing an absolute link 2) Start entering a formula 3) Fixing a relative link 4) calculate the formula 41. What is called integration: 1. operation of finding the integral; 2. transformation of an expression with integrals; 3. operation of finding the derivative; 4.limit of the function increment to the increment of its argument 42. What is the segment of integration? 1. circular area where the integral exists; 2. the interval at which it is necessary to integrate the function; 3. the roots of the existence of the integrand; 4.integral function 43. Before the application of the Newton - Leibniz formula, this method was used, at the moment it is not used, but it is the main one: 1. method of reduction to tabular integrals; 2.the method for determining the integral, i.e. transition to the limit of integral sums; 3. method of geometric transformations; 4. Dirichlet method. 44.With the help of which formula, in the main, the tasks of finding a definite integral are solved: 1. Riemann's formulas; 2. Cauchy formulas; 3.using the transformation formulas of the integral 4. Newton - Leibniz formulas. 45. What is the variable substitution method (substitution method) integral for? reduce the original integral to a simpler one by passing from the old variable of integration to the new variable; 2. you just need to perform some transformations; 3. to complicate the integrand; 4. so that later you could use the Riemann method. 46. What ways of setting probabilities do you know: 1. classic, dynamic, point, geometric; 2. statistical, geometric, binomial, classical; 3.geometric, classical, discrete, statistical; 4.classic, geometric, point, statistical; 47. To calculate the probability of a random event, the formula is used 1.




48. In Excel_____ contains one or more worksheets. 1. Template 2. Workbook 3. Active cell 4. Label 49.What is cell and cell address in Excel? 1) a cell address is a combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet 2) a cell is the fundamental building block of computer memory 3) a cell is a special kod word 4) a cell address is user-defined field 50. What is formulas in MS Excel? 1) A formula is an expression which calculates the value of a cell 2) A formula is an expression in programming language 3) A formula is the value for creating charts 4) all answers are uncorrect 51. What does a spreadsheet do? a) solve tasks for forecasting and modeling situations; b) present data in the form of diagrams, graphs; c) when changing data, automatically recalculate the result; d) carry out drawing work; 52. What is the name of the document in Excel? a) worksheet; b) book; c) page; d) sheet; 53. The smallest structural unit within the table is .. a) string; b) cell; c) column; d) range; 54. Please enter the correct cell address. a) F7; b) 6P; c) 7; d) there is no correct answer; 55.Test. Formula - starts with a sign ... a)" ; b) No. c) =; d) there is no correct answer; 56. The workbook of a spreadsheet processor consists of: 1. Tables 2. Rows and Columns 3. Sheets 4. Pages 57. What types of charts allow you to build tabular processors? 1. Graph, dot, bar, histogram, circular 2. Conical, flat, surface, truncated 3. Histogram, graph, local intersection, analytical 4. ll answers are correct 58. What is the structure of a spreadsheet worksheet? 1. Rows, Columns, Command Line, Feature Set 2.Cells, feature set, status bar 3.Rows and columns whose intersections form cells 4. Columns, Command Line, Feature Set, Cells 59. A fragment of a spreadsheet with numbers and formulas is given. What is the value in cell E3 copied after the calculations in cell E1?

1. 180 2.110 3.135 4. 170 60. The extension of files created in Microsoft Excel is: 1 .xls 2 .doc 3 .bmp 4 .accdb 61. The "=" symbol in table processors means: 1. Fixing an absolute link 2. Start entering a formula 3. Fixing a relative link 4. Continue a formula 62. Enter the correct formula entry: 1. B9C9 + 64 2. = D3 * D4-D5 3. - A1 = A3 + 2 * B1 4. + A1 = A3 + 2 * B1 63. A fragment of a spreadsheet is presented in display mode formulas. The formula of the MS Excel program is written in the cell with the address ...

1. 1 2. B1 3. C1 4. D1 64. A fragment of a spreadsheet is presented in display mode formulas. As a result of calculations, cell D1 will take the value ...

1. 31 2. 28 3. 24 4. 12 65. A fragment of a spreadsheet and a diagram are given. For building the chart used a range of cells ...

1. 2:2 2. 3:3 3. 1:3 4. A1:C1 66. A table with data is given:

This table corresponds to the diagram with number ...

1. 4 2. 2 3. 1 4. 3 67. The autocomplete marker (black cross) will appear when the cursor is placed: 1. to the upper left corner of the cell 2. to the lower right corner of the cell 3. on a gray rectangle at the intersection of the row and column headings 4. in the middle of the cell 68. To make chart, we need to select: 1) heading 2) border of spreadsheet 3) total line 4) numerical data 69. A spreadsheet consist of: 1) set of rows and columns, rows are labeled by Latin letters and columns are labeled by Arabic numbers 2) set of rows and columns, rows are labeled by Arabic numbers and columns are labeled by Latin letters 3) formulas, charts and functions 4) set of rows and columns, they are labeled by user 70. The definite integral is calculated by the formula ...

71. To confirm the entry of data or information and forcibly move the cursor to the beginning of the next line, use the key: 1. Enter 2. Tab 3. Esc 4. Caps Lock 72. Networks connecting computers within one room are called. 1. Local 2. Computer 3. Regional 4. Global 73. The relational database is defined by three tables. Relationships between tables can be established as follows: ... 1. Tables 1 and 2 are linked through the Distance Code fields, Tables 1 and 3 are linked through the Athlete Code fields 2. tables 1 and 2 are linked through the Time and Record fields, tables 1 and 3 are linked through the Athlete Code fields 3. Tables 1 and 2 are linked through the Distance Code fields, Tables 1 and 3 are linked through the Athlete Code and Last Name fields 4. Tables 1 and 2 are linked through the Distance Code fields, Tables 1 and 3 are linked through the Athlete Code fields, Tables 2 and 3 are linked through the Athlete Code and Distance Code fields 74. MS Excel charts are: 1. a tool designed to display table records on the screen, the values of which correspond to the conditions specified by the user 2. a tool designed to arrange the data of the source table in the most user-friendly form 3. a tool designed to graphically represent data from a source table 4. computation tool 75. The Excel spreadsheet is written for the environment: 1. Windows; 2. Dos; 3. Unix 4. Linux 76. One of the cells in the spreadsheet contains the arithmetic expression 50 + 25 / (4 * 10-2) * 8. What mathematical expression corresponds to it?

77. Given a fragment of a spreadsheet: You entered the formula = A1 * $ B $ 1 + C1 in cell D1. As a result, the value will appear in cell D2:

1. 6 2. 14 3. 26 4. 24 78. Choose the correct answers. Integration methods include: 1. substitution method 2. method of integration by parts 3. the method of mathematical induction 4. method of parallel lines 79. The file extension usually characterizes: 1. Memory size 2. Path to the folder where the data is stored 3. The type of data stored in the file 4. Memory size, path to the folder where the data is stored 80. A spreadsheet is: 1. graphic input device; 2. the computer equivalent of an ordinary table; 3. a numeric input device; 4. a device for processing numerical information. 81. What is PowerPoint Presentation? 1.demonstration set of slides prepared on a computer 2.application for processing spreadsheets device controlling the slideshow 4.text document, a set of drawings, photographs, diagrams 82. Power Point is launched using the commands ... 1. Start - Main Menu - Programs - Microsoft Power Point 2. Start - Main Menu - Find - Microsoft Power Point 3. Taskbars - Settings - Control Panel - Microsoft Power Point 4. Desktop - Start - Microsoft Power Point 83. The choice of the slide layout in the Power Point program is carried out using the commands ... 1. Format - Slide color scheme 2. Format - Slide layout 3. Insert - Duplicate slide 4. Edit - Paste Special 84. Which button on the Power Point Draw toolbar changes the color of the shape's interior? 1.line color 2.fill color 3.shadow style 4. font color 85. Commands for inserting a picture into a Power Point presentation ... 1. Insert - Object 2. Insert - Picture - Pictures 3. Format - Picture - Pictures 4. Format - Picture - From file 86. Applying a background to a specific slide in a Power Point presentation - 1. Format - Background - Apply 2. Format - Background - Apply to All 3. Insert - Background 4. View - Design - Background 87. Commands for inserting a picture into a Power Point presentation ... 1) Insert - Object 2) Format - Picture - From file 3) Format - Picture - Pictures 4) Insert - Picture - Pictures 88. The animation effects of individual objects of the Power Point presentation slide are set by the command ... 1. Slide Show - Animation Settings 2. Slide Show - Animation Effects 3. Slide Show - Action Setting 4. Slide Show - Presentation Setting 89. The Start Power Point Presentation Slide Show command is executed by the ... 1.F4 2. F3 3. F5 4. F7 90. Specify the extension of the file containing a regular Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. one. 1. gif 2.. ppt 3.. jpg 4.. pps 91. If you need to paste the contents of MS Word, which command will you give? 1) Ctrl + A 2) Ctrl + C 3) Ctrl + V 4) Ctrl + Z 92. Minimal personal computer hardware set 1) system unit, monitor, keyboard 2) proessor, mouse, monitor 3) keyboard, monitor, mouse 4) printer, system unit, keyboard 93. What command can be executed to save the file under a different name? 1) File - Save 2) File - Properties 3) File Save as 4) File Versions 94. When connecting a computer to the telephone network is used: 1) printer 2) fax 3) scanner 4) modem 95. Which program is archiving software? 1) DoctorWeb 2) WinRar 3) AntiVir 4) Paint 96. Which of the following programs is not included in MS Office? a) Adobe Photoshop b) MS Outlook c) MS Power Point d) MS Excel 97. What action cannot be performed on a folder: a) create; b) rename; c) issue; d) highlight. 98. The collection of information about a user required to identify him and work on the network is called: a) registration card; b) account; c) domain; d) subsystem. 99. The top line of the taskbar displays a floppy disk icon. What happens if you click on it? 1) the document is deleted; 2) the document will be saved; 3) the document will be written to a disk or USB flash drive inserted into the computer; 4) the document will move. 100. What is the indefinite integral of 1? 1. x + C; 2. 0; 3. 1 + C; 4. const C.

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