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45. 47. Short Answer Questions and related True or False: . A past article In the Wall Street Journal described the situation surrounding the closure of a chicken processing plant by Pilgrim's Prlde, a chicken processor that was operating under bankmptcy protection at the time the article was written. There was a controversy over whether Pllgrlm's Pride was making a serious effort to nd a buyer for the plant In Georgia. The company claimed It was while local farmers and workers claim It was not. As evidence of the lack of good faith, locals cited Pilgrim's dismantling of chicken operations In the area, slaughtering hens and selling off eggs. Pilgrim claimed the steps were necessary because "you can't close a plant and have tens of thousands of live chickens there with no place to go." Townspeople viewed the actions as a sign Pilgrim's wasn't serious about selling the plant, as it can take up to two years to restart operations once chicken production ls Interrupted. In economic terms, for this plant two years is the \"long term". True or false and briefly explain your answer.] The processing plant was not operating at the time the article was written and the sheds where the chickens are raised were not in use. The article reads: \"A group of Douglas chicken farmers gathered outside an empty chicken house in Douglas, Ga. With no plantto process the birds they raise, local chicken farmers have no income to pay off debts. Months ago, the hundreds of cavernous, metal-and-wood chicken houses In the county were worth at least $200,000 each when filled with chickens, farmers say. Now, except for les and old feathers, the structures sit empty." It can be concluded from the quotes that the chicken facilities In the town have \"exited" the industry. True or false and briefly explain your answer. . An excerpt from the article reads: "In 2007, the chicken business was booming. But chicken prices fell about 35% by the end of 2008 from the highs of 2007; poultry producers faced rising prices for feed and slackening exports." The higher feed prices would have shifted the chicken producers' marginal cost curve up or to the IefL] True False [no explanation needed] From the excerpt quoted In question 46, it can be concluded that chlcken prices fell in 2003 due to the changing marginal cost curve. True False [no explanation needed] Taking Wing Cumulative change in chicken price and production 20% Pricet 10 0 -10 Production -20- TTT 2008 '09 "Weely data +boneless, skinless breasts Sources: USDA; Georgia Dept. of AgricultureHard Hit Unemployment rates during the current recession 12% .. Douglas, Ga. Georgia U.S. OT TTTTTT TT 2008 '09 Source: Labor Department