Please solve it with Java
- Qurstion 1: You have 10 program an application that weirch fie a certain mamber in an artay wiff sire N and ir should fisplay a mesage if dhar mames is arailakle er net and peints its index if a's there. If not then diygiay a preper emesedes am the sereen telling the user that this clemenh is not there - Your task(s): i. Crene an array of a largs sias (earting with wo0.000 ehmomb) and sore random numbers into it the randven number nege stowld be frum I to N using the rast function. Aliernatively. you may use the inpat fles providad en MyGUST) ii. Using sequential search a. Ask the eser io seacch fice a certain number that exists in the anay and display the time that your cempeter lack as ficot dis ciement in the aeray. b. Ask the wer to search for under nuber that doent texist in the array ia negative value or a mamber thet in geter than N] atul display the time that your compener weik to finish the keardined proeks. e. Repcat the sance steps (stip a and b) wat a laryer valuc for N at least 8 times (start with toOK, s00K, 1600K. 3800K, t400K., 12860K, till 25000K ). iii. Repeat the same sseps bor axing the bisury seanch method 3 tint Rearnange the armay's elements as nceded to take abuantuge af the binary search). iv. Evaluate the implemeticed moprics by criatieg a time table that bows the difference betw ien the two alparidhrm and the difference if the element exis or aot in the arruy. alpoiflum fir a fractioe of a secend anirg TimeUnit MILLISECONJS slecpitis Atter or before the If mutement meinchier fice the elemens, tut imide she loop - What to submili: if the element exiats of aet in the attay (ten lene belows. 2) A well-oreanited leva progratt with groger evepet mevages and undervandable cormenen so the code 3) Sereenshots of the ant eases: Alerr yes derise maltiple input test eases bo verify your proeram is working, sulemit seremalke of the ouput icreen. - Templare