PLEASE SOLVE USING C++ Problem A: People and vehicles (20 points) For this part you will be keeping information on people and what cars they
Problem A: People and vehicles (20 points) For this part you will be keeping information on people and what cars they are driving. Your program should have the following options: p : create a new person in the database (you may assume this person's name is only one word) c : create a new car in the database (you may assume the car's name will be only one word) f : find and select a person in the database (if there is no such person, show no one) r : register the current person selected to a specified car (if there is no such car, they should be unregistered to any current cars) You may assume there will be no more than 100 cars in the database and no more than 100 people. If you try and find (and select) a person that doesn't exist, show no one for both the person and car. If a person is not registered to a car, show no one for the car. You may assume all people have different names and all cars have different names. However, a car and person might have the same name (see example 2). Each person can only be registered to a single car, but a car can have multiple people registered to it simultaneously (see example 3). Hint 1: use classes (and don't dump everything in a single function) Hint 2: use pointers (really!) or you might regret it when part B comes around
Example 1 (user input underlined): Currently looking at:
Person: No one
In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
What is this person's name?
Currently looking at: Person: No one
In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
What is this car's name?
Currently looking at:
Person: No one
In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at:
Person: qinshu
In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
Which car do you wish to register this person to?
Currently looking at:
Person: qinshu
In car: putput
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
Which car do you wish to register this person to?
Currently looking at:
Person: qinshu
In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at:
Person: No one In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
What is this person's name?
Currently looking at:
Person: No one
In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at:
Person: ahmed
In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
--------------------USE THE FOLLOWING CODE FROM PART A TO SOLVE PART B, PART A ALREADY SOLVED------------------------------------------------------------------
class PersonCar {
string Person[100];
string Car[100];
int RegisterCar[100]; public:
char Menu();
void CreatePerson();
void CreateCar();
void Register(int);
void CurrentStatus(int);
int Find(); };
void PersonCar::CreatePerson() { string name; int flag = 0;
cout<<" What is this Person's name? "<
for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
if(Person[x] != "") {
if(Person[x] == name) {
flag = 1;
break; } } }
if(flag == 0) {
for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
if(Person[x] == "") {
Person[x] = name; break; } } }
else cout<<" Person name already exist!"; } void PersonCar::CreateCar() { string name; int flag = 0;
cout<<" What is this Cars's name? "<
for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
if(Car[x] != "") {
if(Car[x] == name) {
flag = 1;
break; } } }
if(flag == 0) {
for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
if(Car[x] == "") {
Car[x] = name; break; } } }
else cout<<" Car name already exist!"; }
void PersonCar::Register(int na) { string car; int carInd = -1, x;
cout<<" Which car do you wish to register this person to? "<
for(x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
if(car == Car[x]) {
carInd = x;
break; } }
RegisterCar[na] = carInd; } int PersonCar::Find() { string name; int flag = 0, x;
cout<<" Which person do you want to find?"<
for(x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
if(Person[x] == name) {
flag = 1;
break; } }
if(flag == 1)
return x;
else return -1; }
void PersonCar::CurrentStatus(int x) {
if(x == -1) { cout<<" Person: No one"; cout<<" In car: No one"; }
else {
cout<<" Person: "< if(RegisterCar[x] != -1) cout<<" In car: "< else cout<<" In car: No one"; } } char PersonCar::Menu() { char choice; cout<<" Do you want to (P) Make a new Person, (C) Make a new Car, (F) Find a person, (R) Register a Person to a car, or (Q) quit"< PersonCar :: PersonCar() { for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { Person[x] = ""; Car[x] = ""; RegisterCar[x]= -1; } } int main() { PersonCar pc; int index = -1; pc.CurrentStatus(index); do { switch(pc.Menu()) { case 'P': case 'p': pc.CreatePerson(); pc.CurrentStatus(index); break; case 'C': case 'c': pc.CreateCar(); pc.CurrentStatus(index); break; case 'F': case 'f': index = pc.Find(); pc.CurrentStatus(index); break; case 'R': case 'r': pc.Register(index); pc.CurrentStatus(index); break; case 'Q': case 'q': exit(0); default: cout<<" Invalid choice"; } }while(1); } --------------------------------------------------_END OF CODE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem B: Renaming and linking (20 points) Add two more options to the code from part A: l - links two people together so they both use the same car. The first name entered is the follower and the second name is the leader. They both use the leader's car. e - rename a car. (This should apply to all people using this car.) As both link and register car should change the person's car, use the most recent command to determine which car they are in. Thus if a person chooses to link, they should then unregister the current car and only use the link. If a person chooses to register a car, they should remove any links currently active. If you enter either an invalid person name for the follower of link or an invalid car name for rename, tell them this thing doesn't exist and proceed to the next command. If you enter an invalid leader for the link command (second name), then unlink any current links. You may assume we will not try to link a person to themselves (i.e. command: l then daddy with daddy). Hint: hope you used pointers... if so this should not require minimal code addition. Example 1 (user input underlined): kiddo daddy helicopter kiddo bestToyEver bestToyEver daddy submarine kiddo bestToyEver daddy Example 2 (user input underlined): p1 p2 p1 electric electric p2Currently looking at: Person: No one In car: No one
Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit ... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another
p What is this person's name? daddy
Currently looking at: Person: No one In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another p What is this person's name?
Currently looking at: Person: No one In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another l Enter person who you want to tag along:
kiddo Who do you want this person to follow? daddy
Currently looking at: Person: No one In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: daddy In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a
person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit ... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another c What is this car's name? helicopter
Currently looking at: Person: daddy In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another r Which car do you wish to register this person to?
Currently looking at: Person: daddy In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another p What is this person's name?
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another
l Enter person who you want to tag along: bestToyEver Who do you want this person to follow? kiddo
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: bestToyEver In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: daddy In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another c What is this car's name?
Currently looking at: Person: daddy In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another r
Which car do you wish to register this person to? submarine
Currently looking at: Person: daddy In car: submarine Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: submarine Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another e What car do you wish to rename?
submarine Enter new name: sub
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: sub Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another e What car do you wish to rename?
submarine No such car...
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: sub Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another r
Which car do you wish to register this person to? helicopter
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: helicopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another e What car do you wish to rename?
helicopter Enter new name: floppycopter
Currently looking at: Person: kiddo In car: floppycopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: bestToyEver In car: floppycopter Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: daddy In car: sub Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another q
Currently looking at: Person: No one In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another p What is this person's name?
Currently looking at: Person: No one In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another p What is this person's name?
Currently looking at: Person: No one In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: p1 In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another c What is this car's name?
Currently looking at: Person: p1 In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another r Which car do you wish to register this person to?
Currently looking at: Person: p1 In car: electric Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another l Enter person who you want to tag along:
p2 Who do you want this person to follow? p1
Currently looking at: Person: p1 In car: electric Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another f Which person do you want to find?
Currently looking at: Person: p2 In car: electric Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another l Enter person who you want to tag along:
asldfjioh No such person exists...
Currently looking at: Person: p2 In car: electric Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another l Enter person who you want to tag along:
p2 Who do you want this person to follow? asldfoij
Currently looking at: Person: p2 In car: No one Do you want to: (p) make a new person, (c) make a new car, (f) find a person, (r) register a person to a car, or (q) quit
... You can also: (e) rename a car or (l) link one person's car to another q
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