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Nike's choice to make Colin Kaepernick a face of its latest campaign is an acknowledgment of tbe directions in which sports culture bas travelled, Nike Tn July of 1988 , Nike released the first of its ads under the slogan "Just Do It." The spot featured Walt Stack, an eighty-year-old I man, ebulliently trotting across the Golden Gate Bridge as part of his daily seventeen-mile run. "People ask me how I keep my teeth from chattering in the wintertime," Stack says. "I leave them in my locker." The same year, Nike released the first of a series of ads that paired the director Spike Lee with Michael Jordan, who was with the Chicago Bulls at the time. The wildly popular Spike-and-Mike ads didn't fall under the rubric of "Just Do It," but they were important to the Air Jordan line, which had been launched three years earlier, and went on to become the best-selling athletic shoe of all time. This was in spite of the fact that, two years later, Jordan was widely criticized for declining to endorse Harvey Gantt, an African-American Democrat challenging Jesse Helms, the race-baiting Republican incumbent, in a race for a U.S. Senate seat representing North Carolina, Jordan's home state. That history stands as a curious preamble to Nike's decision to feature Colin Kaepernick, the erstwhile quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, who has not played professional football in nearly two years, as a face of the thirticth-anniversary "Just Do It" campaign. This is partly about the prerogatives of success: in 1988, Nike was trying to reverse declining sales and was still building its standing in sports beyond track and field. In 2018, though domestic sales in the sports-goods industry have lagged recently, Nike is a globally dominant brand and a supplier of apparel to the same N.F.L. that has rejected Kaepernick since he decided to kneel during the national anthem at the start of a game, to protest injustice and police brutality. (Kaepernick filed a collusion grievance against the N.F.L., and the league requested a summary judgment; following an arbitrator's ruling, last week, it will go to trial. On Tuesday, in response to the ad, the N.F.L. released a statement that read, in part, "The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action.") Nike's preminence likely played a part in the calculations that led the company to feature someone as controversial as Kaepernick in the campaign. (Kaepernick has had a contract with the company since 2011 , but it was on the verge of expiration when the company crafted an extension.) The ad, if if mocuns sactifiding cverything." Jaural repurtad that Nike stock fell neatly three per cent. On Twirter, irate crities ponted images of harning Niker shoe:cathartic move, perhape, but an economically qucitionable one, given that those shocs were pecumably puid for a botg fine agou. One neme features a photo of Pas Tillman, the formet afity for the Arrana Cancinalk, who quit foothall to join the Army after 9/11, and was kitled in a friendly-fire incident in Afghanistan. The picture B puired with the caption from the Kacpernick ad. that his memoty not be used in ways thut are divikve.) At the wame time, Nike' decision isnt so mach a defiust recognition of disent as an acknouledgment of the directions in which sports culture has already travelked. In 1988, Nike promoted the image of a silitary aenior ditisen nunning in a bnidge mat, perwamably, tecause it was looking to break, into the octogenarian market bue becace it wa boging to sell inapiration. Mhe company seems to have aligned iseli with Kacpenick for the kime teawe. While some people rase that yet agsin in Americu an Eghting a losely craiade againat forcer moee powerful than be is. The odds ase far from being in his favo, tut, no mater, he character whom Steinbeck maght have imagined, Goliakh has sixe and streagth, but David is the one with the coenpelliag abry. Improbubly, Colin Kacpernicks wocil stature has only growe tince his dequrture from the N.F.L. Lat year, he was namod GQ Citizen of the Ycar, and, in Aprit, be woe Amnevty lntenutionuls Ambuvadur of Cancience Awand. During a time in which he never se foot on the ficld, his No,7 jerscy eubold those of most ative plyers. Last week, Karpemick and Fric Reid, his former teammate, who participated in the initial protest with him, and who is also no longer in the loague, rectived an avation when they attended the US. Open. Serena Williams, who was plyying ber sider Venus at the time, sad at a peess cunference after the game. "I think every athlete, every human, and definitely coery African-Americas should be completcly grateful ind honced how Cotin and Eric are doing wo mach more for the greiter good. "WSllams, a wotrin who has had to face raciat and neoint attacka throughout her carec, is aloo featurd in the Nike campuign, as is LeBeon James, the bet bulkethal phyer in the watkl and a man whose intelligence the Prenident of the Unined Stutes las prublicly inushed. There was once a fircwall that, at lean in the eyes of the public, divided back athees from the cmocernt of being Hack in the Ueited Suaes. That reemed to be bow Michuel Jondan feht, and alw Charles Bakkhy, who, in 1993, during the aiege yean af orakc has clevated a man of quesionahle motives and sarpet pustintium. Bat their point is endermined by a differne ser of imuets and videot, drailing the final monserits of Walter Scote, Eric Garace, Tarnir Rice, and the namelew othen who have died in aimilur cincumtances. Nike gambled that a greater portion of the woeld undertands where Kagemidk in coening from. At bet, diants sienply line ap to copertations. Heroes need only live to trill the take, 9risecen Behind Naw B Decieon so sund by Coln Kavencic| The New roker the Panadox of Pregrens "He thacber in the journalism pregraw at Columbia Unitvrnity