POD 3103-Labour Relation Procticum Case study 1-Grievance Case After months of searching for a weekend job, Joseph, who is Black, finally got an interview with the owner of a buy Motel. The Motel was part of many other motels in GTA and unioniaed. The Mocel Manager seemed reluctant to hire him, but loseph mansegd to win him ovet. The owner give him the job, saying that he would be working on a weekend shift with seven other voung mes, all students from the iccal area. The shift manager would train him on the clothine washine equipment. On Joseph's fint day, the shith manager gave him only a few minutes of instruction on the equigment. loseph watched what the other men were doing, but when he asked questions, they were not very helpful. Over the next few weekends, loseph concentrated on his work but because of certain events, be increasingly began to stay by kimselt At this point loseph's probation ended ach he became veioniat. A few co-workers imvited him to join their limle croup for lunch or breaks, but others consintenty cncked ethnic and racial joikes, often within hearing of the shift manager. One day joseph overteard the manager say that Black people were responsible for increased volence in the communty. This satement encouraged some co-workers, who had peeviously eaten lunch with Joseph, to tell a couple of jekes: about black people. When ther glanced at him as ther told their jokes, he got up and waked awor. One buay Saturday afternoon; a whole section of the Wacher Machines broke dewn because someone had allowed the system to become overworked and too much load was put in it.joseph had worked on that section until his break when a co worker took over. The washer Machine system had boden down at some point after thut. The shith manager was furious and accused loseph of negligence. Joseph replied that he believed the Washer machine was fine when he left for his break. Although joseph imsisted that the equioment fallure was not his fault, the shilt manager have him a written warning and said this was the last warming and next time it would be suspension, Joseph became angry and believed he was discriminuted against because he is black, while his co-workers and managers are White. He filed a grievance with the union right away for discrimination. You are the general accountant for Priya Enterprises, a word procetsing service based in Los Angeles, Caldrnia. The company has docided to upgrade its equipinent, it currently has a widely used version of a word peocesting arogram. The company wishes to invest in more up-todale sottware and to improve its printing capsbilies. Two options have emerged. Opbon at is for the compony to keep its existing computer system, and upgrade its wood processing program The inemory of eoch individusl wock atation would be enhanced and a larget, more efficient primter would be used Better telecommunications equigrvent would alfow for the electronic transmission of some documents as well Option r2 would be for the compacy to invest in an entirely daterent cempuler system the softwate lor this system is extremely impressive, and it comed with individual laser printers. However, the company is not well known and the softwate does not connect well with wellinown sofiware. The iaformation for these cotions follows: If sold now the cuerent prinier would have a salvage value of $1,000. If operated for the remainder of its useful life, the current machine would have zero salvage value. new machine is expected to have zero salvoge value after five years. POD 3103-Labour Relation Procticum Case study 1-Grievance Case After months of searching for a weekend job, Joseph, who is Black, finally got an interview with the owner of a buy Motel. The Motel was part of many other motels in GTA and unioniaed. The Mocel Manager seemed reluctant to hire him, but loseph mansegd to win him ovet. The owner give him the job, saying that he would be working on a weekend shift with seven other voung mes, all students from the iccal area. The shift manager would train him on the clothine washine equipment. On Joseph's fint day, the shith manager gave him only a few minutes of instruction on the equigment. loseph watched what the other men were doing, but when he asked questions, they were not very helpful. Over the next few weekends, loseph concentrated on his work but because of certain events, be increasingly began to stay by kimselt At this point loseph's probation ended ach he became veioniat. A few co-workers imvited him to join their limle croup for lunch or breaks, but others consintenty cncked ethnic and racial joikes, often within hearing of the shift manager. One day joseph overteard the manager say that Black people were responsible for increased volence in the communty. This satement encouraged some co-workers, who had peeviously eaten lunch with Joseph, to tell a couple of jekes: about black people. When ther glanced at him as ther told their jokes, he got up and waked awor. One buay Saturday afternoon; a whole section of the Wacher Machines broke dewn because someone had allowed the system to become overworked and too much load was put in it.joseph had worked on that section until his break when a co worker took over. The washer Machine system had boden down at some point after thut. The shith manager was furious and accused loseph of negligence. Joseph replied that he believed the Washer machine was fine when he left for his break. Although joseph imsisted that the equioment fallure was not his fault, the shilt manager have him a written warning and said this was the last warming and next time it would be suspension, Joseph became angry and believed he was discriminuted against because he is black, while his co-workers and managers are White. He filed a grievance with the union right away for discrimination. You are the general accountant for Priya Enterprises, a word procetsing service based in Los Angeles, Caldrnia. The company has docided to upgrade its equipinent, it currently has a widely used version of a word peocesting arogram. The company wishes to invest in more up-todale sottware and to improve its printing capsbilies. Two options have emerged. Opbon at is for the compony to keep its existing computer system, and upgrade its wood processing program The inemory of eoch individusl wock atation would be enhanced and a larget, more efficient primter would be used Better telecommunications equigrvent would alfow for the electronic transmission of some documents as well Option r2 would be for the compacy to invest in an entirely daterent cempuler system the softwate lor this system is extremely impressive, and it comed with individual laser printers. However, the company is not well known and the softwate does not connect well with wellinown sofiware. The iaformation for these cotions follows: If sold now the cuerent prinier would have a salvage value of $1,000. If operated for the remainder of its useful life, the current machine would have zero salvage value. new machine is expected to have zero salvoge value after five years