Pregunta 1 For each of the definitions, choose the letter of the appropriate term in the space provided. A pictorial representation of data that can be produced by the computer and depicted on the screen and printer. A. posting A tab used to enter and post general journal entries and to make corrections or delete existing journal entries. B. informe de presupuesto The process of updating the ledger account balances with all debits and credits from the journal entries. C. recibo directo de efectivo A display or print out that is useful in detecting errors and verifying the equality of debits and credits. D. statement of owner's equity The process of adding new accounts, changing titles of existing accounts, and deleting inactive accounts from the chart of accounts. E. graph A financial statement used to show the changes that have occured to the owner's equity during the fiscal period. F. recibo de efectivo A financial statement that provides information on the net income or net loss of a business over a period of time. G. general journal report A financial statement that provides information on the overall financial strength of a business H. accounting cycle A value that represents a percent of total operating revenue I. general journal J. pago de efectivo The process that involves all accounting activities, beginning with entering transactions and ending with closing K. panatafa de operaciones de recibo en efectivo A regular interval of time for which a business analyzes its financial information. L. recibo de pagare per services o bienes A record of debit and credit parts of each transaction recorded in date sequence. M. post-closing trail balance Changes entered into the computer to update general ledger accounts at the end of a fiscal period. N. income statement Journal entries automatically generated by the computer that close all temporary income statement accounts to the income summary account, close the income summary account to the capital account and close the drawing account to the capital account. O. bank reconciliation A report produced after the period-end closing procedure that is completed to verify that debits equal credits in the general ledger accounts P. component percentage A report that reconciles the bank statement balance with the Checkbook balance Q. candidad presupuestada La estimacion del balance de una cuenta en particular al final del periodo fiscal. R. presupuesto La pantalla de transaction utilizada para entrat en todos los desemboisos de efectivo y para hacer correcciones o supresiones a part de los desemboisos de efectivo existentes. S. maintaining accounts Cualquer tipo de transaccion que compiende un pago T. balance sheet Cualquer tipo de transaction que comptende recibo de efectivo U. closing journal entries La pantalla de transaction se utiliza para entrar en todo el efectivo recitedo y hacer correcciones o supresiones a partir de las transacciones de efectivo recibido V. adjusting entries una transaccion que no afecta cuentas por cobrar W. pago de efectivo a credito una transaccion que afecta cuentas por cobrar X. fiscal period una transaction que afecta cuentas per pagar Y. pantalla de operaciones de pago en efectivo un informe que compara los ingresos y gastos reafes can los ingreses y los gastos presupuestados. Z. journal plan financiero para el futuro Guardar y enviar Hoga clic on Guardar y enviar para guardar y enviar. Hoga clic en Guardar todas las respuestas para guardar todas los respuestas