Prepare an appropriations ledger to record the transactions and events applicable to the appropriations for police--fringe benefits and police-supplies The ledger should have columns for appropriation (Cr), encumbrances (Dr. and Cr.), expenditures (Dr), and available appropriation (Cry similar to Table 3. 6 Transactions and events occurred in the village of Kowitt Gorge during the calendar year 2022: Adopted budget Estimated revenue Property taxes $2.220,000 All other revenues 360,000 Total revenues 52.580.000 Appropriation Al departments other than police $1,200,000 Police Salaries 220,000 Police-fringe benefits 540,000 Police-supplies 96,000 Total appropriations $2.556,000 2. The village received, in cash, property taxes of $2.208,000 and all other revenues of 5354,000 3. The village made cash payments, charging the following appropriations Accounts All departments other than police 31,200,000 Policelaries 5714,000 Police fringe benefits 5468,000 4. The administrator of fringe benefits received an invoice for police employee health insurance in the amount of $114,000, together with a letter from the insurance provider explaining that the targe increase was caused by a change in federal laws. The invoice could not be paid because the Police--fringe benefits appropriat had a balance of only 4. The administrator of fringe benefits received an invoice for police employee health insurance in the amount of $114,000, together with a letter from the Insurance provider explaining that the large increase was caused by a change in federal laws. The invoice could not be paid because the Police-fringe benefits appropriation had a balance of only $72,000 (appropriation of $540,000 minus expenditures in Item 3 of 5468,000. As a result, the village commissioners amended the budget as follows Adjustments Amounts Increase. Appropriation for police fringe benefits 542.000 Decrease Appropriation for police salaries 6,000 Decrease. Appropriation for police-supplies 20,000 Use of fund balance 6,000 5. The vitage paid the invoice of $114,000, referred to in item 4 above, charging the appropriation for police-fringe benefits 6. The police department placed PO 2022a for firearms in the amount (536,000 and PO 2022b for uniformis in the amount of $24,000, all charged to the appropriation for police-supplies 7. After receiving PO 2022, the supplier notified the police department that a change in the design of the weapons would increase the the cost to $38,400. The department sent the supplier an amended PO, increasing it by $2,400 8. The police department received the uniforms ordered in PO 2022, together with an inwolce for $24,000. The department approved the invoice for payment Note: Use negative signs with your answers when appropriate Appropriation Ledger Appropriation: Police - Fringe Benefits Available Appropriation Encumbrances Expenditures Appropriation Item Cr. Dr. CE Dr. Cr. 1 Budget 0 0 3 Payment O 0 0 0 0 Amend Budget 0 0 0 > Prepare an appropriationsleder to record the transactions and events applicable to the options for policies and The lediger should have columns for coronation to embraces and person Transactions and events and in the village of wit open the calendar 2022 1 Adapted Budget Property New 2000 00 10.000 Tour The village aperty and the recor4000 The village de contacter ACCOUNT crantherman 100 4 The administrator of fringe benefits received an ice for police employee the theme of 511400 other with term the insurance provider explaining that the large increase was caused by change in federal law. The could not be paid Police-friebenen op had a balance of only 572.000 appropriation of 50.000 mins penditures inco68.000 A the viagens de tota Adjustments Amount Infoportion for poltergebro Decor 6.000 0.000 und 5. The village and the voice of $11.400.ferred to in tem bong the prioritet The police department PO 2007 form in the amount 300 min appropriation for 7 Alter reception in the con The dentment the opera P12.00 The phe deprecived the units 20.2 Win The Hyment Note: Use negative with your answers when appropriate Appropriation de tales Fair frier tarafts Appropriate Bomances Express Appropriation CE Dr. GE el Prepare an appropriations ledger to record the transactions and events applicable to the appropriations for police--fringe benefits and police-supplies The ledger should have columns for appropriation (Cr), encumbrances (Dr. and Cr.), expenditures (Dr), and available appropriation (Cry similar to Table 3. 6 Transactions and events occurred in the village of Kowitt Gorge during the calendar year 2022: Adopted budget Estimated revenue Property taxes $2.220,000 All other revenues 360,000 Total revenues 52.580.000 Appropriation Al departments other than police $1,200,000 Police Salaries 220,000 Police-fringe benefits 540,000 Police-supplies 96,000 Total appropriations $2.556,000 2. The village received, in cash, property taxes of $2.208,000 and all other revenues of 5354,000 3. The village made cash payments, charging the following appropriations Accounts All departments other than police 31,200,000 Policelaries 5714,000 Police fringe benefits 5468,000 4. The administrator of fringe benefits received an invoice for police employee health insurance in the amount of $114,000, together with a letter from the insurance provider explaining that the targe increase was caused by a change in federal laws. The invoice could not be paid because the Police--fringe benefits appropriat had a balance of only 4. The administrator of fringe benefits received an invoice for police employee health insurance in the amount of $114,000, together with a letter from the Insurance provider explaining that the large increase was caused by a change in federal laws. The invoice could not be paid because the Police-fringe benefits appropriation had a balance of only $72,000 (appropriation of $540,000 minus expenditures in Item 3 of 5468,000. As a result, the village commissioners amended the budget as follows Adjustments Amounts Increase. Appropriation for police fringe benefits 542.000 Decrease Appropriation for police salaries 6,000 Decrease. Appropriation for police-supplies 20,000 Use of fund balance 6,000 5. The vitage paid the invoice of $114,000, referred to in item 4 above, charging the appropriation for police-fringe benefits 6. The police department placed PO 2022a for firearms in the amount (536,000 and PO 2022b for uniformis in the amount of $24,000, all charged to the appropriation for police-supplies 7. After receiving PO 2022, the supplier notified the police department that a change in the design of the weapons would increase the the cost to $38,400. The department sent the supplier an amended PO, increasing it by $2,400 8. The police department received the uniforms ordered in PO 2022, together with an inwolce for $24,000. The department approved the invoice for payment Note: Use negative signs with your answers when appropriate Appropriation Ledger Appropriation: Police - Fringe Benefits Available Appropriation Encumbrances Expenditures Appropriation Item Cr. Dr. CE Dr. Cr. 1 Budget 0 0 3 Payment O 0 0 0 0 Amend Budget 0 0 0 > Prepare an appropriationsleder to record the transactions and events applicable to the options for policies and The lediger should have columns for coronation to embraces and person Transactions and events and in the village of wit open the calendar 2022 1 Adapted Budget Property New 2000 00 10.000 Tour The village aperty and the recor4000 The village de contacter ACCOUNT crantherman 100 4 The administrator of fringe benefits received an ice for police employee the theme of 511400 other with term the insurance provider explaining that the large increase was caused by change in federal law. The could not be paid Police-friebenen op had a balance of only 572.000 appropriation of 50.000 mins penditures inco68.000 A the viagens de tota Adjustments Amount Infoportion for poltergebro Decor 6.000 0.000 und 5. The village and the voice of $11.400.ferred to in tem bong the prioritet The police department PO 2007 form in the amount 300 min appropriation for 7 Alter reception in the con The dentment the opera P12.00 The phe deprecived the units 20.2 Win The Hyment Note: Use negative with your answers when appropriate Appropriation de tales Fair frier tarafts Appropriate Bomances Express Appropriation CE Dr. GE el