Pressure cookers and vapor pressure
Prewsure tookers The vecer prossom of a lquid in the proskure fy fop Cincust Gaowpon eg ation. lnRRhH1(1111) Rart A wher if we R are the vipor preimens at the whatis opia ta a atas J/(wol i K) The Rear io t Pressure Cookers and Vapor Pressure The vapor pressare of a lqudi is the preseuce exarted by its vapor when the lovid and vapor staitas are in equibitim. The seiationship batween Part B vapor preesure P and tamperature T is expreased by tre Clausius ciegrepron equation Which of the fotowive factors affect the vapot pressure of a fcuie? Check all that spply. whare P and P are the vaper prestures at the ahsolute ienceraturee Ty and Ty. respectivel A Hwe is thin heat of vapiriation of the subelance in pases per mole, and is the inteal gas sonstant, Which is eqeal to 8.3145d/(molK). The heat of vekortation of water is 4.07106J/mol Vlew Ayaliabie Hines(e) lemperature addrion of sollate surface ares of the liquid amount of aquid type of liquad atrospheric pressure Pressure cookers The vapor pressure of a liquid is the prossure The boiling point of a Siquid increases as the pressure above the liquid increases. in contrast to boiling food in an open pot; exarted by its vapor when the liquid and vapor pressure cookers trap the steam, which raises the internal pressure, Which raises the boiling point of water, causing a highor stales are in equbrium, The relationship between cooking temperature. A higher cooking temperature means that the food will cock taster. vapor pressure P and temperature T is expressed by the Clausiue-Clapeyron equation lnP1P2=RHnap(T11T21) Part A where R and P2 are the vapor peessures at the abookite temporaturos T1 and T2, respectivoly. The inatruction booklet for your pressure cooker indicates that iss highest setting is 12.8 psi. You inow that atandard Hvap is the heat of vaporization of the substance atmospheric pretsure is 14.7 psi, so the booklot must mean 12.8 pai above atmospheric pressure. At what formperature in: in joules per molo, and R is the ideal gas constant, degrees Celsius will your tood cook in this pressure cooker set on "high"? which is equal to 6.91453/(molK). The heat of vaporuation of water in 4.07104J/mol Which of the following factors affect the vapor pressure of a liquid? Check all that apply. View Available Hint(s) temperature addition of solute surface area of the liquid amount of liquid type of liquid atmospheric pressure