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Prevosti Farms and Sugarhouse pays its employees according to their job classification. The following employees make up Sugarhouse's staff: Employee Number Name and Address Payroll

Prevosti Farms and Sugarhouse pays its employees according to their job classification. The following employees make up Sugarhouse's staff:

Employee Number Name and Address Payroll information
A-Mille Thomas Millen Hire Date: 2-1-2019
1022 Forest School Rd DOB: 12-16-1982
Woodstock, VT 05001 Position: Production Manager
802-478-5055 PT/FT: FT, exempt
SSN: 031-11-3456 No. of Exemptions: 4
401(k) deduction: 3% M/S: M
Pay Rate: $35,000/year
A-Towle Avery Towle Hire Date: 2-1-2019
4011 Route 100 DOB: 7-14-1991
Plymouth, VT 05102 Position: Production Worker
802-967-5873 PT/FT: FT, nonexempt
SSN: 089-74-0974 No. of Exemptions: 1
401(k) deduction: 5% M/S: S
Pay Rate: $12.00/hour
A-Long Charlie Long Hire Date: 2-1-2019
242 Benedict Road DOB: 3-16-1987
S. Woodstock, VT 05002 Position: Production Worker
802-429-3846 PT/FT: FT, nonexempt
SSN: 056-23-4593 No. of Exemptions: 2
401(k) deduction: 2% M/S: M
Pay Rate: $12.50/hour
B-Shang Mary Shangraw Hire Date: 2-1-2019
1901 Main Street #2 DOB: 8-20-1994
Bridgewater, VT 05520 Position: Administrative Assistant
802-575-5423 PT/FT: PT, nonexempt
SSN: 075-28-8945 No. of Exemptions: 1
401(k) deduction: 3% M/S: S
Pay Rate: $11.00/hour
B-Lewis Kristen Lewis Hire Date: 2-1-2019
840 Daily Hollow Road DOB: 4-6-1960
Bridgewater, VT 05523 Position: Office Manager
802-390-5572 PT/FT: FT, exempt
SSN: 076-39-5673 No. of Exemptions: 3
401(k) deduction: 4% M/S: M
Pay Rate: $32,000/year
B-Schwa Joel Schwartz Hire Date: 2-1-2019
55 Maple Farm Way DOB: 5-23-1985
Woodstock, VT 05534 Position: Sales
802-463-9985 PT/FT: FT, exempt
SSN: 021-34-9876 No. of Exemptions: 2
401(k) deduction: 5% M/S: M
Pay Rate: $24,000/year base plus 3% Commission on Sales
B-Prevo Toni Prevosti Hire Date: 2-1-2019
10520 Cox Hill Road DOB: 9-18-1967
Bridgewater, VT 05521 Position: Owner/President
802-673-2636 PT/FT: FT, exempt
SSN: 055-22-0443 No. of Exemptions: 5
401(k) deduction: 6% M/S: M
Pay Rate: $45,000/year
B-Student Student Success Hire Date: 2-1-2019
1644 Smitten Road DOB: 1-1-1991
Woodstock, VT 05001 Position: Accounting clerk
(555)-555-5555 PT/FT: FT, nonexempt
SSN: 555-55-5555 No. of Exemptions: 2
401(k) deduction: 2% M/S: S
Pay Rate: $18.68/hour

The departments are as follows:

Department A: Agricultural Workers

Department B: Office Workers

Initial pre-tax deductions for each employee are as follows:

Name Deduction
Thomas Millen Insurance: $155/paycheck
401(k): 3% of gross pay
Marital Status: Married
Avery Towle Insurance: $100/paycheck
401(k): 5% of gross pay
Marital Status: Single
Charlie Long Insurance: $155/paycheck
401(k): 2% of gross pay
Marital Status: Married
Mary Shangraw Insurance: $100/paycheck
401(k): 3% of gross pay
Marital Status: Single
Kristen Lewis Insurance: $155/paycheck
401(k): 4% of gross pay
Marital Status: Married
Joel Schwartz Insurance: $100/paycheck
401(k): 5% of gross pay
Marital Status: Married
Toni Prevosti Insurance: $155/paycheck
401(k): 6% of gross pay
Marital Status: Married
Student Success Insurance: $100/paycheck
401(k): 2% of gross pay
Marital Status: Single

The first day of work for Prevosti Farms and Sugarhouse for all employees is February 4, 2019. February 8 is the end of the first pay period for Prevosti Farms and Sugarhouse and includes work completed during the week of February 4-8. Using the payroll register, compute the employee gross pay and net pay using 35 hours as the standard workweek for all employees except Mary Shangraw, who works 20 hours per week and receives overtime for any time worked past that point. The other hourly employees receive overtime pay when they work more than 35 hours in one week. Joel Schwartz has made $5,000 in case sales at a 3 percent commission rate during this pay period. Remember that the employees are paid biweekly. Note that the first pay period comprises only one week of work, but the pay frequency for federal income tax purposes is biweekly. Federal withholding tax should be computed using the wage-bracket tables in Appendix C. State withholding tax for Vermont is computed at 3.35 percent of taxable wages (i.e., gross pay less pre-tax deductions).The same deductions are allowed for state as for federal.

February 22, 2019, is the end of the final pay period for the month. Schwartz has sold $7,500 of product during this pay period at a 3 percent commission. Pay will be disbursed on February 27, 2019, and check numbers will continue from prior payroll.

The hours for the nonexempt employees are as follows:

Name Hourly rate Hours worked 2/42/8
Towle $ 12.00000 35 hours
Long $ 12.50000 40 hours
Shangraw $ 11.00000 21 hours
Success (You) $ 18.68132 35 hours

Name Hourly rate

Hours worked 2/11-2/22

Towle $ 12.00000 80 hours
Long $ 12.50000 70 hours
Shangraw $ 11.00000 42 hours
Success (You) $ 18.68132 71 hours

Required: Complete the payroll register for this pay period and update the Employee Earnings Record form for each employee with the corresponding information. The amount per period should be included in the record. As an example, if an employee elected to contribute $1,300 to his or her FSA, the period payroll deduction would be $1,300/26, or $50. Ensure to input an hourly rate for each employee (including those that are salaried) that is rounded to 5 decimal places.

Benefit-related payroll deductions will take effect on the first pay period of March.

Employee Flex-Time Child Care Assistance (under $5,000 annually) FSA (annual) Educational Assistance ($4,000 annually) Life Insurance (at 1% of annual salary value) Long-Term Care Insurance ($15 per period) Gym Membership ($15 per month)
Millen Yes Yes $ 500.00 No Yes No Yes
Towle No No $ 1,200.00 Yes No No Yes
Long Yes Yes $ 700.00 Yes Yes No Yes
Shangraw Yes No $ 200.00 No Yes No No
Lewis No No $ 1,600.00 No Yes Yes No
Schwartz No No $ 450.00 Yes Yes No Yes
Prevosti Yes No $ 900.00 No Yes No Yes
Student No No $ 300.00 Yes No No Yes

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Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Kristen Register Mary Register Avery Towle Charlie Long Joel Student Toni Prevosti Millen a222:9 020819 Lewis Shangra Schwartz Success Complete the payroll register form for the pay period ending February 8th 2019 for each employee with the corresponding information. (Round your answers for "Hourly Rate' or 'Period Wage' to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computatio final answers to 2 decimal places.) Company Name: Prevosti Farms and Sugarhouse PIR End Date Check Date 218/2019 2/13/2019 Name MIS No. of Hourly Rate or Period WH Wax No. of Regular Hours No. of Overtime Certim I Hours No. of Holiday Commissions Hours Groes Earnings 401(K) Section 125 Taxable Wages for Farderal WIH Taxable Wages for FICA Thomas Millen Avery Tone Charlie Long Mary Shangran Kristen Lene Joel Schwartz Toni Prevoel Student Success Totals Name Gruss Earrings Taxable Wages for Federal WH Taxable Weges Federal WH Social Security Medicare WH State WH Tax for FICA Tax Tax Total Deduction Nel Pay Check No. TX Thomas Milton Avery Tone Charlie Long Mary Shangran Kristen Lens Joel Schwartz Toni Prevost Student Succes 6628 6620 6630 6631 6632 6633 6631 6635 Totale Payroll Register 020819 Payroll Register 022219 > Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Fayroll Thomas Register Avery Toale Cherie Lang Shangra Jael Mary Register Kristen Student Millen 0208:9 Toni Prevosti Schwartz Lewis 022219 Success Complete the payrall register form for the pay period ending February 22nd 2019 for each emplayer with the corresponding information. (Round your answers for "Hourly Rate" ar "Periad Wage" to decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) PIR End Date Check Date Company Name: Prevosti Farms and Sugarhouse 2/22/2019 2/27/2019 Naine MS Now Period waga of Hourly Hale or No of Regular Hours No. of Overims Hours No. of Holkay Hours Commissions Gros Carnings 401(k) Section 125 Tacable Wagas for Taxabla Wages to Federal WH FICA Thomas Miler Avery Toale Charlie Long Mary Shangrew Kristen Lenis Joal Schwartz Toni Prevoli Slucer Succes Totale Name Gmes Earnings Taxable Wages for Taxable Wes for Fadera Tax Funeral FICA Social Security Tax Medicara WH Tax State VWH Tax Total Deductions Net Pay Check No Thomas Milen Avery Towe Charte Long Mary Sangaw Kristian LCAS Joel Schwartz Tomi Preveli 6836 8837 6638 6839 6641 6842 Sturion Sunda Totals Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Mar Kristen Joel Register Register Student Tone Prevasti Millen Avery Towla Charlie Long Shangra Lewis Schwartz 020819 022219 Success Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Thomas Millen with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Thomas Millen Hire Date 2/1/2019 Address 1022 Forest School Rd 12/16/1982 City State Zip Woodstock/T/05001 Exempt Nonexempt Examot Telephone 802-478-5055 Married Single (Mor 8) M Social Security Number 031-11-3458 Number of excrrptions 4 Position Production Manager Pay Rale $35,000 year Date of Birth Flex-time Child Care FSA arount Lifelis. Educ. Assist No Long-tercate Gym No Yes Yes Yes S500.00 Yes Rey. Pay O.T Pay Holicisy Pay Comunissions Gran Pay 401) Sec 125 Taxable Pay Federal) Taxable Pay IFICA) Total Hours Period Ended Worked (Roy. + OT 219/2019 2/22/2019 Period Ended Taxable Pay | Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Social Security Teck Tax Medicare Federal) State Income Tek YTD Net Pay Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 218/2019 2122/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 1/18/2019 Peyroll Payroll Thomas Kristen Avery Towle Charlie Long Shangra Mary Joal Register Student Register Millen Lewis Schwartz Toni Prevosti 020819 Success 022219 Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Avery Towle with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Avery Towe Hire Date 2/1/2019 Address 4011 Route 100 Date of Birth 7/14/1001 City State Zip PlymouthT/05102 ExempoNonexempt Nonexempt Telephone 802.987-5673 Married Single (Mox S) S Social Security Number 099-74-1974 Number of exemptions 1 1 Position Production Worker Pay Rale $12.00 hour Flex-lime Child Care FSA amount Educ. Assist. Life Ins. Lang-term care Gym No No $1,200.00 Yes No No Yes Total Hours Penod Ended Worked (Reg. + Reg. Pay Tisable Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 4011) Sec 125 Taxable Puy OT) Federal) IFICA) 28/2019 2/22/2018 Period Ended Taxable Pay (Federal Taxable Pay Federal (FICA) Income Tax Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 2/8/2019 2/22/2010 3/8/2019 922/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Mary Kristen Avery Towle Charlie Lang Shangrex Joel Register Student Register Toni Prevosti Schwartz 020819 Millen 022219 Success Lewis Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Charlie Long with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) Nama Address Cily/Slate Zip Telephone Social Security Number Charlie Long 242 Benedict Rd S WocckT/05002 802-429-3846 056-23-4590 Production Worker EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Hire Date Date of Birth Exerrpil/Nonexempt Marled/Single (Mor) Number of exemptions Pay Rate Life Ins. Long-tem care Gym Yes NO Yes 2/1/2018 316/1997 Noneet IM 2 $12.50/hour Position Flex-time Child Care FSA amount Educ. Assist Yes Yes $700.00 Yes Period Ended Talal Hours Worked (Reg. + O.T.) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Grass Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2122/2019 Taxable Pay Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Social Securily Tax Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Register Thomas Kristen Register Mary Student Millan Avery Towle Charlie Long shoe sche Lewis Toni Prevosti Shangraw Schwartz Success 02009 022219 Update the employee Earnings Record form for Mary Shangraw with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate' to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Namn Address City SaloZip Telephone Social Security Number Position Flex-time Child Care Na Mary Shangra 1901 Main St 02 Briclyxwler/VT/05520 802-575-5423 075 28 8945 Administrative Assistant FSA amount S200.00 Hire Dale Date of Birth ExemplNanexempt Married Single (Mor) ) Number of examplions Pay Rate 2/1/2010 8/20/1994 Non sxemp S 1 $11.00 hour Life Ins Gym EduoAssist No: Long-tem care NI No Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Groes Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Total Hours Period Ended Warkad (Reg. + O.T.) 218/2019 2/22/2019 Table Pay (Federal Federal Income Taxable Pay (FICA Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Not Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 28/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 415/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Register Mary Avery Towie Charlie Long Shangra Kristen Joel Student Register Millen Lewis Success 020019 Schwartz Toni Prevosti 022219 Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Kristen Lewis with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) Name Address City State Zip Telephone Social Security Number Position Kristen Lewis 840 Daily Hollow Rd Bridgewater/VT/05623 802390-5672 078-39-5673 Chice Manager EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Hire Date Date of Birth Exempt Nonexempt Married Single (Mor S) Number of exorations Pay Rate 2/1/2019 4/6/1950 Exempt M 3 $32.000/year Child Care Life Ins Flex-time No FSA amount $1.600.00 Educ. Assist No Long-tem care Yes Gym No No Yes Period Ended Total Hours Worked (Reg. + .) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Table Pay (FICA) 218/2019 2/22/2019 Taxable Pay (Federal) Total Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Social Security Tax Medicare Tax State Income Tax Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 1/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Mary Kristen Joel Student Register Register Avery Towle Charlie Long Shangrams Toni Prevosti Lewis 020819 022219 Milen Schwartz Success Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Joel Schwartz with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Address City State Zip Telephone Social Security Number Position Joel Schwartz 55 Maple Farm Wy Woodstock/VT/05534 802-163-9985 021-34-9876 Sales Hire Date Date of Birth Exempl/Noncxempt Married/Single (Mors) Number of exemptions Pay Rate 2/1/2019 5/23/1985 Exempl IM M 2 2 $24,000/year + Commission Flex-time Child Care Educ. Assist Long-tem care Gym FSA amount S450.00 Life Ins. Yes No Na Yes Na Yes Period Endod Total Hours Worked (Reg. + O.T.) ) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 Period Ended Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Tax Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Kristen Lewis Toni Prevosti > Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Mwlen Success Payroll Payroll Register Register Thomas Kristan Mary Avery Towle Charlie Long Jool Student 020819 Toni Prevosti 022219 Shangraw Lewis Schwartz Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Toni Prevosti with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Address City/State/Zip Telephone Social Security Nurnber Position Toni Prevosti 10520 Cox Hill Rd Bridgewater/VT/05521 802-673-2636 055-22-0443 Owner President Hire Date Date of Birth Exempt/Nonexempt Married/Single (Mor S) Number of exemplions Pay Rate 2/1/2019 9/18/1967 Exempt M 5 $45,000/year Educ. Assist Gym Flex-time Yes Child Care No FSA amount $900.00 Life Ins Yes Long-tem care No No Yes Period Ended Total Hours Worked (Reg. + O.T.) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Tax Socia Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Kristen Joel Mary Register Student Avery Towle Charlie Long Shangraw Register Toni Prevosti Millen Lewis Schwartz Success 020819 022219 Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Student Success with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Address City State Zip Telephone Social Security Number Position Student Success 1844 Smitten Rd Woodstock/VT/05001 (555)555-5555 555-55-5555 Accounting clerk Hire Date Date of Birth Exempt/Nonoxempt Married/Single (Mor S) Number of exemptions Pay Rate 2/1/2019 1/1/1991 Nonexempt S 2 $18.68 hour Flex-time Child Care Educ. Assist Gym FSA amount $ $300.00 Life Ins No Long-tem care No No No Yos Yes Period Ended Total Hours Worked (Rog,+ O.T.) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 Period Ended Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Tax Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Fayroll Thomas Register Avery Toale Cherie Lang Shangra Jael Mary Register Kristen Student Millen 0208:9 Toni Prevosti Schwartz Lewis 022219 Success Complete the payrall register form for the pay period ending February 22nd 2019 for each emplayer with the corresponding information. (Round your answers for "Hourly Rate" ar "Periad Wage" to decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) PIR End Date Check Date Company Name: Prevosti Farms and Sugarhouse 2/22/2019 2/27/2019 Naine MS Now Period waga of Hourly Hale or No of Regular Hours No. of Overims Hours No. of Holkay Hours Commissions Gros Carnings 401(k) Section 125 Tacable Wagas for Taxabla Wages to Federal WH FICA Thomas Miler Avery Toale Charlie Long Mary Shangrew Kristen Lenis Joal Schwartz Toni Prevoli Slucer Succes Totale Name Gmes Earnings Taxable Wages for Taxable Wes for Fadera Tax Funeral FICA Social Security Tax Medicara WH Tax State VWH Tax Total Deductions Net Pay Check No Thomas Milen Avery Towe Charte Long Mary Sangaw Kristian LCAS Joel Schwartz Tomi Preveli 6836 8837 6638 6839 6641 6842 Sturion Sunda Totals Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Mar Kristen Joel Register Register Student Tone Prevasti Millen Avery Towla Charlie Long Shangra Lewis Schwartz 020819 022219 Success Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Thomas Millen with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Thomas Millen Hire Date 2/1/2019 Address 1022 Forest School Rd 12/16/1982 City State Zip Woodstock/T/05001 Exempt Nonexempt Examot Telephone 802-478-5055 Married Single (Mor 8) M Social Security Number 031-11-3458 Number of excrrptions 4 Position Production Manager Pay Rale $35,000 year Date of Birth Flex-time Child Care FSA arount Lifelis. Educ. Assist No Long-tercate Gym No Yes Yes Yes S500.00 Yes Rey. Pay O.T Pay Holicisy Pay Comunissions Gran Pay 401) Sec 125 Taxable Pay Federal) Taxable Pay IFICA) Total Hours Period Ended Worked (Roy. + OT 219/2019 2/22/2019 Period Ended Taxable Pay | Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Social Security Teck Tax Medicare Federal) State Income Tek YTD Net Pay Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 218/2019 2122/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 1/18/2019 Peyroll Payroll Thomas Kristen Avery Towle Charlie Long Shangra Mary Joal Register Student Register Millen Lewis Schwartz Toni Prevosti 020819 Success 022219 Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Avery Towle with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Avery Towe Hire Date 2/1/2019 Address 4011 Route 100 Date of Birth 7/14/1001 City State Zip PlymouthT/05102 ExempoNonexempt Nonexempt Telephone 802.987-5673 Married Single (Mox S) S Social Security Number 099-74-1974 Number of exemptions 1 1 Position Production Worker Pay Rale $12.00 hour Flex-lime Child Care FSA amount Educ. Assist. Life Ins. Lang-term care Gym No No $1,200.00 Yes No No Yes Total Hours Penod Ended Worked (Reg. + Reg. Pay Tisable Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 4011) Sec 125 Taxable Puy OT) Federal) IFICA) 28/2019 2/22/2018 Period Ended Taxable Pay (Federal Taxable Pay Federal (FICA) Income Tax Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 2/8/2019 2/22/2010 3/8/2019 922/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Mary Kristen Avery Towle Charlie Lang Shangrex Joel Register Student Register Toni Prevosti Schwartz 020819 Millen 022219 Success Lewis Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Charlie Long with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) Nama Address Cily/Slate Zip Telephone Social Security Number Charlie Long 242 Benedict Rd S WocckT/05002 802-429-3846 056-23-4590 Production Worker EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Hire Date Date of Birth Exerrpil/Nonexempt Marled/Single (Mor) Number of exemptions Pay Rate Life Ins. Long-tem care Gym Yes NO Yes 2/1/2018 316/1997 Noneet IM 2 $12.50/hour Position Flex-time Child Care FSA amount Educ. Assist Yes Yes $700.00 Yes Period Ended Talal Hours Worked (Reg. + O.T.) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Grass Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2122/2019 Taxable Pay Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Social Securily Tax Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Register Thomas Kristen Register Mary Student Millan Avery Towle Charlie Long shoe sche Lewis Toni Prevosti Shangraw Schwartz Success 02009 022219 Update the employee Earnings Record form for Mary Shangraw with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate' to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Namn Address City SaloZip Telephone Social Security Number Position Flex-time Child Care Na Mary Shangra 1901 Main St 02 Briclyxwler/VT/05520 802-575-5423 075 28 8945 Administrative Assistant FSA amount S200.00 Hire Dale Date of Birth ExemplNanexempt Married Single (Mor) ) Number of examplions Pay Rate 2/1/2010 8/20/1994 Non sxemp S 1 $11.00 hour Life Ins Gym EduoAssist No: Long-tem care NI No Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Groes Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Total Hours Period Ended Warkad (Reg. + O.T.) 218/2019 2/22/2019 Table Pay (Federal Federal Income Taxable Pay (FICA Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Not Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 28/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 415/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Register Mary Avery Towie Charlie Long Shangra Kristen Joel Student Register Millen Lewis Success 020019 Schwartz Toni Prevosti 022219 Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Kristen Lewis with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) Name Address City State Zip Telephone Social Security Number Position Kristen Lewis 840 Daily Hollow Rd Bridgewater/VT/05623 802390-5672 078-39-5673 Chice Manager EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Hire Date Date of Birth Exempt Nonexempt Married Single (Mor S) Number of exorations Pay Rate 2/1/2019 4/6/1950 Exempt M 3 $32.000/year Child Care Life Ins Flex-time No FSA amount $1.600.00 Educ. Assist No Long-tem care Yes Gym No No Yes Period Ended Total Hours Worked (Reg. + .) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Table Pay (FICA) 218/2019 2/22/2019 Taxable Pay (Federal) Total Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Social Security Tax Medicare Tax State Income Tax Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 1/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Mary Kristen Joel Student Register Register Avery Towle Charlie Long Shangrams Toni Prevosti Lewis 020819 022219 Milen Schwartz Success Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Joel Schwartz with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Address City State Zip Telephone Social Security Number Position Joel Schwartz 55 Maple Farm Wy Woodstock/VT/05534 802-163-9985 021-34-9876 Sales Hire Date Date of Birth Exempl/Noncxempt Married/Single (Mors) Number of exemptions Pay Rate 2/1/2019 5/23/1985 Exempl IM M 2 2 $24,000/year + Commission Flex-time Child Care Educ. Assist Long-tem care Gym FSA amount S450.00 Life Ins. Yes No Na Yes Na Yes Period Endod Total Hours Worked (Reg. + O.T.) ) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 Period Ended Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Tax Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Kristen Lewis Toni Prevosti > Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Mwlen Success Payroll Payroll Register Register Thomas Kristan Mary Avery Towle Charlie Long Jool Student 020819 Toni Prevosti 022219 Shangraw Lewis Schwartz Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Toni Prevosti with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Address City/State/Zip Telephone Social Security Nurnber Position Toni Prevosti 10520 Cox Hill Rd Bridgewater/VT/05521 802-673-2636 055-22-0443 Owner President Hire Date Date of Birth Exempt/Nonexempt Married/Single (Mor S) Number of exemplions Pay Rate 2/1/2019 9/18/1967 Exempt M 5 $45,000/year Educ. Assist Gym Flex-time Yes Child Care No FSA amount $900.00 Life Ins Yes Long-tem care No No Yes Period Ended Total Hours Worked (Reg. + O.T.) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Tax Socia Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election Period Ended 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019 Complete this question by entering your answers in the table below. Payroll Payroll Thomas Kristen Joel Mary Register Student Avery Towle Charlie Long Shangraw Register Toni Prevosti Millen Lewis Schwartz Success 020819 022219 Update the Employee Earnings Record form for Student Success with the corresponding information. (Round "Hourly Rate" to 5 decimal places. Round all other intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places.) EMPLOYEE EARNINGS RECORD Name Address City State Zip Telephone Social Security Number Position Student Success 1844 Smitten Rd Woodstock/VT/05001 (555)555-5555 555-55-5555 Accounting clerk Hire Date Date of Birth Exempt/Nonoxempt Married/Single (Mor S) Number of exemptions Pay Rate 2/1/2019 1/1/1991 Nonexempt S 2 $18.68 hour Flex-time Child Care Educ. Assist Gym FSA amount $ $300.00 Life Ins No Long-tem care No No No Yos Yes Period Ended Total Hours Worked (Rog,+ O.T.) Reg. Pay O.T. Pay Holiday Pay Commissions Gross Pay 401(k) Sec 125 Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 Period Ended Taxable Pay (Federal) Taxable Pay (FICA) Federal Income Tax Social Security Tax Medicare State Income Tax Total Deductions Net Pay YTD Net Pay YTD Gross Pay Benefits Election 2/8/2019 2/22/2019 3/8/2019 3/22/2019 4/5/2019 4/19/2019

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