PRINTER VERSION 4 BACK It was sold for $37,900. (If a transaction causes a decrease in Assets, Liabilities or Stockholders' Equity, place a negative sign (or parentheses) in front of the amount entered the particular Asset, Liability or Equity item that was reduced.) Assets Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity Retained Earnings Cash + Equipment Accum. Depr. - Equip. = + Common Stock + Revenue Expense Dividend Bal 37900 $ $ 49600 24600 $ LINK TO TEXT It was sold for $19,100. (If a transaction causes a decrease in Assets, Liabilities or Stockholders' Equity, place a negative sign for parentheses) in front of the amount entered for the particular Asset, Liability or Equity item that was reduced.) Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity Retained Earnings Cash Equipment - Accum. Depr. - Equip. + Common Stock + Revenue Expense Dividend Bal. $ $ $ $ + Click if you would like to Show Work for this question: Soon Show Work LINK TO TEXT CALCULATOR PRINTER VERSION 1 BACK NEX Carla Vista Co. has delivery equipment that cost $49,600 and has been depreciated $24,600 Prepare a tabular summary to record the disposal under the following assumptions, It was scrapped as having no value. (If a transaction causes a decrease in Assets, Liabilities or Stockholders' Equity, place a negative sign for parentheses) in front of the amount entered for the particular Asset, Llability or Equity item that was reduced.) Assets Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity Retained Earnings Cash + Equipment Accum. Depr.- Equip. + Common Stock + Revenue Expense Dividend Bal $ 49600 $ 24600 Loss on disposal LINK TO TEXT It was sold for $37,900. (If a transaction causes a decrease in Assets, Liabilities or Stockholders' Equity, place a negative sign for parentheses) in front of the amount entered for the particular Asset, Liability or Equity item that was reduced.) Assets Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity Retained Earnings Cash + Equipment Accum. Depr.- Equip. + Common Stock + Revenue Expense Dividend Bal 37900 49600 $ 24600 LINK TO TEXT